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11 Janelia Publications

Showing 11-11 of 11 results
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    11/01/19 | Dual-plane 3-photon microscopy with remote focusing.
    Takasaki KT, Tsyboulski D, Waters J
    Biomedical Optics Express. 2019 Nov 1;10(11):5585-5599. doi: 10.1364/BOE.10.005585

    3-photon excitation enables fluorescence microscopy deep in densely labeled and highly scattering samples. To date, 3-photon excitation has been restricted to scanning a single focus, limiting the speed of volume acquisition. Here, for the first time to our knowledge, we implemented and characterized dual-plane 3-photon microscopy with temporal multiplexing and remote focusing, and performed simultaneous calcium imaging of two planes beyond 600 µm deep in the cortex of a pan-excitatory GCaMP6s transgenic mouse with a per-plane framerate of 7 Hz and an effective 2 MHz laser repetition rate. This method is a straightforward and generalizable modification to single-focus 3PE systems, doubling the rate of volume (column) imaging with off-the-shelf components and minimal technical constraints.

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