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1 Janelia Publications

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    04/07/15 | Asymmetric formation of coated pits on dorsal and ventral surfaces at the leading edge of motile cells and on protrusions of immobile cells.
    Kural C, Akatay AA, Gaudin R, Chen B, Legant WR, Betzig E, Kirchhausen T
    Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2015 Apr 7;26(11):2044-53. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E15-01-0055

    Clathrin/AP2-coated vesicles are the principal endocytic carriers originating at the plasma membrane. In experiments reported here, we have used spinning disk confocal and lattice light sheet microscopy to study the assembly dynamics of coated pits on the dorsal and ventral membranes of migrating U373 glioblastoma cells stably expressing AP2-EGFP and on lateral protrusions from immobile SUM159 breast carcinoma cells, gene edited to express AP2-EGFP. On U373 cells, coated pits initiated on the dorsal membrane at the front of the lamellipodium, as well as at the approximate boundary between the lamellipodium and lamella, and continued to grow as they were swept back toward the cell body; coated pits were absent from the corresponding ventral membrane. We observed a similar dorsal/ventral asymmetry on membrane protrusions from SUM159 cells. Stationary-coated pits formed and budded on the remainder of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of both types of cells. These observations support a previously proposed model that invokes net membrane deposition at the leading edge due to an imbalance between the endocytic and exocytic membrane flow at the front of a migrating cell.

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