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Neural Circuits Controlling Sexual Behavior 2014

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Neural Circuits Controlling Sexual Behavior 2014

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November 9 - 12, 2014
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A follow-up to the first meeting in 2009, this conference will focus on recent advances in the identification and characterization of the neural circuitry controlling reproductive behaviors. Invited speakers bring expertise from a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate systems.  We look forward to vigorous discussions and fostering new collaborations among investigators studying sex-specific behaviors and those developing new tools and methods to dissect the underlying mechanisms.

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Registration for this conference is closed.


Bruce Baker, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Barry Dickson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Catherine Dulac, HHMI/Harvard University
Nirao Shah, University of California, San Francisco

Invited Participants

Richard Axel, HHMI/Columbia University
Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University
Geert de Vriews, Georgia State University
Scott Emmons, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Russell Fernald, Stanford University
Stephen Goodwin, University of Oxford
Matthew Grober, Georgia State University
Roger Hanlon, Marine Biological Laboratory
Melissa Hines, University of Cambridge
Oliver Hobert, HHMI/Columbia University
Kim Huhman, Georgia State University
Yuh-Nung Jan, HHMI/University of California, San Francisco
Darcy Kelley, Columbia University
Tali Kimchi, Weizmann Institute of Science
Mala Murthy, Princeton University
Lauren O'Connell, Harvard University
Doug Portman, University of Rochester
Dragana Rogulja, Harvard Medical School
Cheryl Sisk, Michigan State University
Lisa Stowers, Scripps Research Institute
Daisuke Yamamoto, Tohoku University
Scott Young, National Institutes of Health