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Optical Interest Group

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Optical Interest Group

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Janelia’s Optical Interest Group (OIG) connects scientists at Janelia with a common interest in optical imaging tools (microscope and labeling technology) and image analysis. 

Our Mission:

Our mission is to broaden Janelian's optics knowledge base and inform them about cutting-edge research in optical imaging and image analysis and available resources, both on and off campus. Furthermore, we want to promote discussion of new ideas and hopefully provide useful insights to Janelians that can address and or encourage new questions in molecular, cellular, and organism-level biology.

In addition, we aim to strengthen​ the exchange between biologists, chemists, microscopists, and image analysts. ​

Janelia & EMBL BioImaging Seminar Series

OIG is partnering with EMBL’s Microscopy Optics and Image Analysis Interest Group (MOIA) in a monthly seminar series. 

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