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2 Publications

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    01/24/23 | Hierarchical architecture of dopaminergic circuits enables second-order conditioning in Drosophila
    Daichi Yamada , Daniel Bushey , Li Feng , Karen Hibbard , Megan Sammons , Jan Funke , Ashok Litwin-Kumar , Toshihide Hige , Yoshinori Aso
    eLife. 2023 Jan 24:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.79042

    Dopaminergic neurons with distinct projection patterns and physiological properties compose memory subsystems in a brain. However, it is poorly understood whether or how they interact during complex learning. Here, we identify a feedforward circuit formed between dopamine subsystems and show that it is essential for second-order conditioning, an ethologically important form of higher-order associative learning. The Drosophila mushroom body comprises a series of dopaminergic compartments, each of which exhibits distinct memory dynamics. We find that a slow and stable memory compartment can serve as an effective “teacher” by instructing other faster and transient memory compartments via a single key interneuron, which we identify by connectome analysis and neurotransmitter prediction. This excitatory interneuron acquires enhanced response to reward-predicting odor after first-order conditioning and, upon activation, evokes dopamine release in the “student” compartments. These hierarchical connections between dopamine subsystems explain distinct properties of first- and second-order memory long known by behavioral psychologists.

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    10/26/23 | Neural-circuit basis of song preference learning in fruit flies
    Keisuke Imoto , Yuki Ishikawa , Yoshinori Aso , Jan Funke , Ryoya Tanaka , Azusa Kamikouchi
    bioRxiv. 2023 Oct 26:. doi: 10.1101/2023.10.24.563693

    As observed in human language learning and song learning in birds, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster changes its' auditory behaviors according to prior sound experiences. Female flies that have heard male courtship songs of the same species are less responsive to courtship songs of different species. This phenomenon, known as song preference learning in flies, requires GABAergic input to pC1 neurons in the central brain, with these neurons playing a key role in mating behavior by integrating multimodal sensory and internal information. The neural circuit basis of this GABAergic input, however, has not yet been identified. Here, we find that pCd-2 neurons, totaling four cells per hemibrain and expressing the sex-determination gene doublesex, provide the GABAergic input to pC1 neurons for song preference learning. First, RNAi-mediated knockdown of GABA production in pCd-2 neurons abolished song preference learning. Second, pCd-2 neurons directly, and in many cases mutually, connect with pC1 neurons, suggesting the existence of reciprocal circuits between pC1 and pCd-2 neurons. Finally, GABAergic and dopaminergic inputs to pCd-2 neurons are necessary for song preference learning. Together, this study suggests that reciprocal circuits between pC1 and pCd-2 neurons serve as a sensory and internal state-integrated hub, allowing flexible control over female copulation. Consequently, this provides a neural circuit model that underlies experience-dependent auditory plasticity.

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