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4 Publications

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    Zuker Lab
    03/09/01 | A chemosensory gene family encoding candidate gustatory and olfactory receptors in Drosophila.
    Scott K, Brady R, Cravchik A, Morozov P, Rzhetsky A, Zuker C, Axel R
    Cell. 2001 Mar 9;104(5):661-73

    A novel family of candidate gustatory receptors (GRs) was recently identified in searches of the Drosophila genome. We have performed in situ hybridization and transgene experiments that reveal expression of these genes in both gustatory and olfactory neurons in adult flies and larvae. This gene family is likely to encode both odorant and taste receptors. We have visualized the projections of chemosensory neurons in the larval brain and observe that neurons expressing different GRs project to discrete loci in the antennal lobe and subesophageal ganglion. These data provide insight into the diversity of chemosensory recognition and an initial view of the representation of gustatory information in the fly brain.

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    Riddiford Lab
    03/01/01 | Hormonal regulation and patterning of the broad-complex in the epidermis and wing discs of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta.
    Zhou B, Riddiford LM
    Developmental Biology. 2001 Mar 1;231(1):125-37. doi: 10.1006/dbio.2000.0143

    Expression of Manduca Broad-Complex (BR-C) mRNA in the larval epidermis is under the dual control of ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH). Immunocytochemistry with antibodies that recognize the core, Z2, and Z4 domains of Manduca BR-C proteins showed that BR-C appearance not only temporally correlates with pupal commitment of the epidermis on day 3 of the fifth (final) larval instar, but also occurs in a strict spatial pattern within the abdominal segment similar to that seen for the loss of sensitivity to JH. Levels of Z2 and Z4 BR-C proteins shift with Z2 predominating at pupal commitment and Z4 dominant during early pupal cuticle synthesis. Both induction of BR-C mRNA in the epidermis by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and its suppression by JH were shown to be independent of new protein synthesis. For suppression JH must be present during the initial exposure to 20E. When JH was given 6 h after 20E, suppression was only seen in those regions that had not yet expressed BR-C. In the wing discs BR-C was first detected earlier 1.5 days after ecdysis, coincident with the pupal commitment of the wing. Our findings suggest that BR-C expression is one of the first molecular events underlying pupal commitment of both epidermis and wing discs.

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    03/15/01 | Malaria enhances expression of CC chemokine receptor 5 on placental macrophages.
    Tkachuk AN, Moormann AM, Poore JA, Rochford RA, Chensue SW, Mwapasa V, Meshnick SR
    The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2001 Mar 15;183(6):967-72. doi: 10.1086/319248

    Malaria and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfections are common in pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. The current study shows that placentas of malaria-infected women contain 3 times as much CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) RNA as placentas of women without malaria. By immunohistochemistry, CCR5(+) maternal macrophages were seen in placentas from malaria-infected women but not in placentas from malaria-uninfected women. In addition, CCR5 also was found on fetal Hofbauer cells in placentas from both groups. Thus, malaria infections increase the potential reservoir for HIV in the placenta by increasing the number of HIV target cells.

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    03/01/01 | Neural network partitioning by NO and cGMP.
    Scholz NL, de Vente J, Truman JW, Graubard K
    The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2001 Mar 1;21(5):1610-8

    The stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of the crab Cancer productus contains approximately 30 neurons arrayed into two different networks (gastric mill and pyloric), each of which produces a distinct motor pattern in vitro. Here we show that the functional division of the STG into these two networks requires intact NO-cGMP signaling. Multiple nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-like proteins are expressed in the stomatogastric nervous system, and NO appears to be released as an orthograde transmitter from descending inputs to the STG. The receptor of NO, a soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), is expressed in a subset of neurons in both motor networks. When NO diffusion or sGC activation are blocked within the ganglion, the two networks combine into a single conjoint circuit. The gastric mill motor rhythm breaks down, and several gastric neurons pattern switch and begin firing in pyloric time. The functional reorganization of the STG is both rapid and reversible, and the gastric mill motor rhythm is restored when the ganglion is returned to normal saline. Finally, pharmacological manipulations of the NO-cGMP pathway are ineffective when descending modulatory inputs to the STG are blocked. This suggests that the NO-cGMP pathway may interact with other biochemical cascades to partition rhythmic motor output from the ganglion.

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