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67 Publications

Showing 51-60 of 67 results
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    10/15/05 | Replication of mitochondrial DNA occurs by strand displacement with alternative light-strand origins, not via a strand-coupled mechanism.
    Brown TA, Cecconi C, Tkachuk AN, Bustamante C, Clayton DA
    Genes & Development. 2005 Oct 15;19(20):2466-76. doi: 10.1101/gad.1352105

    The established strand-displacement model for mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication has recently been questioned in light of new data using two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis. It has been proposed that a synchronous, strand-coupled mode of replication occurs in tissues, thereby casting doubt on the general validity of the "orthodox," or strand-displacement model. We have examined mtDNA replicative intermediates from mouse liver using atomic force microscopy and 2D agarose gel electrophoresis in order to resolve this issue. The data provide evidence for only the orthodox, strand-displacement mode of replication and reveal the presence of additional, alternative origins of lagging light-strand mtDNA synthesis. The conditions used for 2D agarose gel analysis are favorable for branch migration of asymmetrically replicating nascent strands. These data reconcile the original displacement mode of replication with the data obtained from 2D gel analyses.

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    01/01/05 | Representing part-whole relationships in recurrent neural networks.
    Jain V, Zhigulin V, Seung HS
    Neural Information Processing Systems. 2005;18:563-70

    There is little consensus about the computational function of top-down synaptic connections in the visual system. Here we explore the hypothesis that top-down connections, like bottom-up connections, reflect partwhole relationships. We analyze a recurrent network with bidirectional synaptic interactions between a layer of neurons representing parts and a layer of neurons representing wholes. Within each layer, there is lateral inhibition. When the network detects a whole, it can rigorously enforce part-whole relationships by ignoring parts that do not belong. The network can complete the whole by filling in missing parts. The network can refuse to recognize a whole, if the activated parts do not conform to a stored part-whole relationship. Parameter regimes in which these behaviors happen are identified using the theory of permitted and forbidden sets [3, 4]. The network behaviors are illustrated by recreating Rumelhart and McClelland’s “interactive activation” model [7].

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    12/30/05 | Segregation of the brain into gray and white matter: a design minimizing conduction delays.
    Wen Q, Chklovskii DB
    PLoS Computational Biology. 2005 Dec;1(7):e78. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001066

    A ubiquitous feature of the vertebrate anatomy is the segregation of the brain into white and gray matter. Assuming that evolution maximized brain functionality, what is the reason for such segregation? To answer this question, we posit that brain functionality requires high interconnectivity and short conduction delays. Based on this assumption we searched for the optimal brain architecture by comparing different candidate designs. We found that the optimal design depends on the number of neurons, interneuronal connectivity, and axon diameter. In particular, the requirement to connect neurons with many fast axons drives the segregation of the brain into white and gray matter. These results provide a possible explanation for the structure of various regions of the vertebrate brain, such as the mammalian neocortex and neostriatum, the avian telencephalon, and the spinal cord.

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    06/20/05 | Sparse and composite coherent lattices. (With commentary)
    Betzig E
    Physical Review A. 2005 Jun 20;71:063406

    A method is described that yields a series of (D+1)-element wave-vector sets giving rise to (D=2 or 3)-dimensional coherent sparse lattices of any desired Bravais symmetry and primitive cell shape, but of increasing period relative to the excitation wavelength. By applying lattice symmetry operations to any of these sets, composite lattices of N>D+1 waves are constructed, having increased spatial frequency content but unchanged crystal group symmetry and periodicity. Optical lattices of widely spaced excitation maxima of diffraction-limited confinement and controllable polarization can thereby be created, possibly useful for quan- tum optics, lithography, or multifocal microscopy.

    Commentary: Develops a formalism to find a set of wavevectors that create a periodic optical lattice of any desired Bravais symmetry by the mutual interference of the corresponding plane waves. Discovers two new classes of optical lattices, sparse and composite, that together permit the creation of widely spaced, tightly confined excitation maxima in 3D potentially suitable for high speed volumetric live cell imaging. The implementation of this idea was derailed by our exclusive focus on PALM at the time, and many of its goals have since been reached with our Bessel beam plane illumination microscope. Nevertheless, sparse and composite optical lattices may prove useful in atomic physics or for the fabrication of 3D nanostructures.

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    11/21/05 | Spore number control and breeding in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a key role for a self-organizing system.
    Taxis C, Keller P, Kavagiou Z, Jensen LJ, Colombelli J, Bork P, Stelzer EH, Knop M
    The Journal of Cell Biology. 2005 Nov 21;171(4):627-40. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200507168

    Spindle pole bodies (SPBs) provide a structural basis for genome inheritance and spore formation during meiosis in yeast. Upon carbon source limitation during sporulation, the number of haploid spores formed per cell is reduced. We show that precise spore number control (SNC) fulfills two functions. SNC maximizes the production of spores (1-4) that are formed by a single cell. This is regulated by the concentration of three structural meiotic SPB components, which is dependent on available amounts of carbon source. Using experiments and computer simulation, we show that the molecular mechanism relies on a self-organizing system, which is able to generate particular patterns (different numbers of spores) in dependency on one single stimulus (gradually increasing amounts of SPB constituents). We also show that SNC enhances intratetrad mating, whereby maximal amounts of germinated spores are able to return to a diploid lifestyle without intermediary mitotic division. This is beneficial for the immediate fitness of the population of postmeiotic cells.

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    Tjian Lab
    02/01/05 | Structural studies of the human PBAF chromatin-remodeling complex.
    Leschziner AE, Lemon B, Tjian R, Nogales E
    Structure. 2005 Feb;13(2):267-75. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

    ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling is one of the central processes responsible for imparting fluidity to chromatin and thus regulating DNA transactions. Although knowledge on this process is accumulating rapidly, the basic mechanism (or mechanisms) by which the remodeling complexes alter the structure of a nucleosome is not yet understood. Structural information on these macromolecular machines should aid in interpreting the biochemical and genetic data; to this end, we have determined the structure of the human PBAF ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex preserved in negative stain by electron microscopy and have mapped the nucleosome binding site using two-dimensional (2D) image analysis. PBAF has an overall C-shaped architecture–with a larger density to which two smaller knobs are attached–surrounding a central cavity; one of these knobs appears to be flexible and occupies different positions in each of the structures determined. The 2D analysis of PBAF:nucleosome complexes indicates that the nucleosome binds in the central cavity.

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    04/15/05 | Template-dependent morphogenesis of oriented calcite crystals in the presence of magnesium ions.
    Han Y, Wysocki LM, Thanawala MS, Siegrist T, Aizenberg J
    Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 2005 Apr 15;44(16):2386-90. doi: 10.1002/anie.200462296
    Pastalkova Lab
    03/02/05 | Tetrodotoxin infusions into the dorsal hippocampus block non-locomotor place recognition.
    Klement D, Pastalkova E, Fenton AA
    Hippocampus. 2005 Mar 2;15(4):460-71. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20072

    The hippocampus is critical for navigation in an open field. One component of this navigation requires the subject to recognize the target place using distal cues. The experiments presented in this report tested whether blocking hippocampal function would impair open field place recognition. Hungry rats were trained to press a lever on a feeder for food. In Experiment 1, they were passively transported with the feeder along a circular trajectory. Lever pressing was reinforced only if the feeder was passing through a 60 degrees -wide sector. Thus, rats preferentially lever pressed in the vicinity of the reward sector indicating that they recognized its location. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) infusions aimed at the dorsal hippocampi caused rats to substantially increase lever pressing with no preference for any region. The aim of Experiment 2 was to determine whether the TTX injections caused a loss of place recognition or a general increase of lever pressing. A separate group of rats was conditioned in a stationary apparatus to press the lever in response to a light. The TTX injections did not abolish preferential lever pressing in response to light. Lever pressing increased less than half as much as the TTX-induced increase in Experiment 1. When these animals with functional hippocampi could not determine the rewarded period because the light was always off, lever pressing increased much more and was similar to the TTX-induced increase in Experiment 1. We conclude that the TTX inactivation of the hippocampi impaired the ability to recognize the reward place.

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    Cardona Lab
    03/01/05 | The embryonic development of the triclad Schmidtea polychroa.
    Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Romero R
    Development Genes & Evolution. 2005 Mar;215(3):109-31. doi: 10.1007/s00427-004-0455-8

    Triclad flatworms are well studied for their regenerative properties, yet little is known about their embryonic development. We here describe the embryonic development of the triclaty 120d Schmidtea polychroa, using histological and immunocytochemical analysis of whole-mount preparations and sections. During early cleavage (stage 1), yolk cells fuse and enclose the zygote into a syncytium. The zygote divides into blastomeres that dissociate and migrate into the syncytium. During stage 2, a subset of blastomeres differentiate into a transient embryonic epidermis that surrounds the yolk syncytium, and an embryonic pharynx. Other blastomeres divide as a scattered population of cells in the syncytium. During stage 3, the embryonic pharynx imbibes external yolk cells and a gastric cavity is formed in the center of the syncytium. The syncytial yolk and the blastomeres contained within it are compressed into a thin peripheral rind. From a location close to the embryonic pharynx, which defines the posterior pole, bilaterally symmetric ventral nerve cord pioneers extend forward. Stage 4 is characterized by massive proliferation of embryonic cells. Large yolk-filled cells lining the syncytium form the gastrodermis. During stage 5 the external syncytial yolk mantle is resorbed and the embryonic cells contained within differentiate into an irregular scaffold of muscle and nerve cells. Epidermal cells differentiate and replace the transient embryonic epidermis. Through stages 6-8, the embryo adopts its worm-like shape, and loosely scattered populations of differentiating cells consolidate into structurally defined organs. Our analysis reveals a picture of S. polychroa embryogenesis that resembles the morphogenetic events underlying regeneration.

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    08/11/05 | The hangover gene defines a stress pathway required for ethanol tolerance development.
    Scholz H, Franz M, Heberlein U
    Nature. 2005 Aug 11;436(7052):845-7. doi: 10.1038/nature03864

    Repeated alcohol consumption leads to the development of tolerance, simply defined as an acquired resistance to the physiological and behavioural effects of the drug. This tolerance allows increased alcohol consumption, which over time leads to physical dependence and possibly addiction. Previous studies have shown that Drosophila develop ethanol tolerance, with kinetics of acquisition and dissipation that mimic those seen in mammals. This tolerance requires the catecholamine octopamine, the functional analogue of mammalian noradrenaline. Here we describe a new gene, hangover, which is required for normal development of ethanol tolerance. hangover flies are also defective in responses to environmental stressors, such as heat and the free-radical-generating agent paraquat. Using genetic epistasis tests, we show that ethanol tolerance in Drosophila relies on two distinct molecular pathways: a cellular stress pathway defined by hangover, and a parallel pathway requiring octopamine. hangover encodes a large nuclear zinc-finger protein, suggesting a role in nucleic acid binding. There is growing recognition that stress, at both the cellular and systemic levels, contributes to drug- and addiction-related behaviours in mammals. Our studies suggest that this role may be conserved across evolution.

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