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14 Publications

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    04/07/16 | A Small RNA-Catalytic Argonaute Pathway Tunes Germline Transcript Levels to Ensure Embryonic Divisions
    Adina Gerson-Gurwitz , Shaohe Wang , Shashank Sathe , Rebecca Green , Gene W. Yeo , Karen Oegema , Arshad Desai
    Cell. 04/2016;165:396-409. doi:

    Summary Multiple division cycles without growth are a characteristic feature of early embryogenesis. The female germline loads proteins and RNAs into oocytes to support these divisions, which lack many quality control mechanisms operating in somatic cells undergoing growth. Here, we describe a small RNA-Argonaute pathway that ensures early embryonic divisions in C. elegans by employing catalytic slicing activity to broadly tune, instead of silence, germline gene expression. Misregulation of one target, a kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerase, underlies a major phenotype associated with pathway loss. Tuning of target transcript levels is guided by the density of homologous small RNAs, whose generation must ultimately be related to target sequence. Thus, the tuning action of a small RNA-catalytic Argonaute pathway generates oocytes capable of supporting embryogenesis. We speculate that the specialized nature of germline chromatin led to the emergence of small RNA-catalytic Argonaute pathways in the female germline as a post-transcriptional control layer to optimize oocyte composition.

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    Fetter LabCardona Lab
    04/12/16 | Astrocytic glutamate transport regulates a Drosophila CNS synapse that lacks astrocyte ensheathment.
    MacNamee SE, Liu KE, Gerhard S, Tran CT, Fetter RD, Cardona A, Tolbert LP, Oland LA
    The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016 Apr 12;524(10):1979-98. doi: 10.1002/cne.24016

    Anatomical, molecular, and physiological interactions between astrocytes and neuronal synapses regulate information processing in the brain. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has become a valuable experimental system for genetic manipulation of the nervous system and has enormous potential for elucidating mechanisms that mediate neuron-glia interactions. Here, we show the first electrophysiological recordings from Drosophila astrocytes and characterize their spatial and physiological relationship with particular synapses. Astrocyte intrinsic properties were found to be strongly analogous to those of vertebrate astrocytes, including a passive current-voltage relationship, low membrane resistance, high capacitance, and dye-coupling to local astrocytes. Responses to optogenetic stimulation of glutamatergic pre-motor neurons were correlated directly with anatomy using serial electron microscopy reconstructions of homologous identified neurons and surrounding astrocytic processes. Robust bidirectional communication was present: neuronal activation triggered astrocytic glutamate transport via Eaat1, and blocking Eaat1 extended glutamatergic interneuron-evoked inhibitory post-synaptic currents in motor neurons. The neuronal synapses were always located within a micron of an astrocytic process, but none were ensheathed by those processes. Thus, fly astrocytes can modulate fast synaptic transmission via neurotransmitter transport within these anatomical parameters. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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    04/18/16 | Computational Analysis of Behavior.
    Egnor SE, Branson K
    Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2016 Apr 18;39:217-36. doi: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-070815-013845

    In this review, we discuss the emerging field of computational behavioral analysis-the use of modern methods from computer science and engineering to quantitatively measure animal behavior. We discuss aspects of experiment design important to both obtaining biologically relevant behavioral data and enabling the use of machine vision and learning techniques for automation. These two goals are often in conflict. Restraining or restricting the environment of the animal can simplify automatic behavior quantification, but it can also degrade the quality or alter important aspects of behavior. To enable biologists to design experiments to obtain better behavioral measurements, and computer scientists to pinpoint fruitful directions for algorithm improvement, we review known effects of artificial manipulation of the animal on behavior. We also review machine vision and learning techniques for tracking, feature extraction, automated behavior classification, and automated behavior discovery, the assumptions they make, and the types of data they work best with. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience Volume 39 is July 08, 2016. Please see for revised estimates.

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    04/15/16 | Direct neural pathways convey distinct visual information to Drosophila mushroom bodies.
    Vogt K, Aso Y, Hige T, Knapek S, Ichinose T, Friedrich AB, Turner GC, Rubin GM, Tanimoto H
    eLife. 2016 Apr 15;5:e14009. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14009

    Previously, we identified that visual and olfactory associative memories of Drosophila share the mushroom body (MB) circuits (Vogt et al. 2014). Despite well-characterized odor representations in the Drosophila MB, the MB circuit for visual information is totally unknown. Here we show that a small subset of MB Kenyon cells (KCs) selectively responds to visual but not olfactory stimulation. The dendrites of these atypical KCs form a ventral accessory calyx (vAC), distinct from the main calyx that receives olfactory input. We identified two types of visual projection neurons (VPNs) directly connecting the optic lobes and the vAC. Strikingly, these VPNs are differentially required for visual memories of color and brightness. The segregation of visual and olfactory domains in the MB allows independent processing of distinct sensory memories and may be a conserved form of sensory representations among insects.

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    04/14/16 | Flagellar membrane fusion and protein exchange in trypanosomes; a new form of cell-cell communication?
    Imhof S, Fragoso C, Hemphill A, von Schubert C, Li D, Legant W, Betzig E
    F1000 Research. 2016 Apr 14;5:682. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8249.1

    Diverse structures facilitate direct exchange of proteins between cells, including plasmadesmata in plants and tunnelling nanotubes in bacteria and higher eukaryotes.  Here we describe a new mechanism of protein transfer, flagellar membrane fusion, in the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei. When fluorescently tagged trypanosomes were co-cultured, a small proportion of double-positive cells were observed. The formation of double-positive cells was dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium and was enhanced by placing cells in medium supplemented with fresh bovine serum. Time-lapse microscopy revealed that double-positive cells arose by bidirectional protein exchange in the absence of nuclear transfer.  Furthermore, super-resolution microscopy showed that this process occurred in ≤1 minute, the limit of temporal resolution in these experiments. Both cytoplasmic and membrane proteins could be transferred provided they gained access to the flagellum. Intriguingly, a component of the RNAi machinery (Argonaute) was able to move between cells, raising the possibility that small interfering RNAs are transported as cargo. Transmission electron microscopy showed that shared flagella contained two axonemes and two paraflagellar rods bounded by a single membrane. In some cases flagellar fusion was partial and interactions between cells were transient. In other cases fusion occurred along the entire length of the flagellum, was stable for several hours and might be irreversible. Fusion did not appear to be deleterious for cell function: paired cells were motile and could give rise to progeny while fused. The motile flagella of unicellular organisms are related to the sensory cilia of higher eukaryotes, raising the possibility that protein transfer between cells via cilia or flagella occurs more widely in nature.

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    04/26/16 | Hipposeq: a comprehensive RNA-seq database of gene expression in hippocampal principal neurons.
    Cembrowski MS, Wang L, Sugino K, Shields BC, Spruston N
    eLife. 2016;5:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.14997

    Clarifying gene expression in narrowly defined neuronal populations can provide insight into cellular identity, computation, and functionality. Here, we used next-generation RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to produce a quantitative, whole genome characterization of gene expression for the major excitatory neuronal classes of the hippocampus; namely, granule cells and mossy cells of the dentate gyrus, and pyramidal cells of areas CA3, CA2, and CA1. Moreover, for the canonical cell classes of the trisynaptic loop, we profiled transcriptomes at both dorsal and ventral poles, producing a cell-class- and region-specific transcriptional description for these populations. This dataset clarifies the transcriptional properties and identities of lesser-known cell classes, and moreover reveals unexpected variation in the trisynaptic loop across the dorsal-ventral axis. We have created a public resource, Hipposeq (, which provides analysis and visualization of these data and will act as a roadmap relating molecules to cells, circuits, and computation in the hippocampus.

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    04/01/16 | Large-scale electron microscopy image segmentation in spark.
    Plaza SM, Berg SE
    arXiv. 1 April 2016:arXiv:1604.00385

    The emerging field of connectomics aims to unlock the mysteries of the brain by understanding the connectivity between neurons. To map this connectivity, we acquire thousands of electron microscopy (EM) images with nanometer-scale resolution. After aligning these images, the resulting dataset has the potential to reveal the shapes of neurons and the synaptic connections between them. However, imaging the brain of even a tiny organism like the fruit fly yields terabytes of data. It can take years of manual effort to examine such image volumes and trace their neuronal connections. One solution is to apply image segmentation algorithms to help automate the tracing tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to apply such segmentation on very large datasets that exceed the capacity of a single machine. Our solution is robust to potential segmentation errors which could otherwise severely compromise the quality of the overall segmentation, for example those due to poor classifier generalizability or anomalies in the image dataset. We implement our algorithms in a Spark application which minimizes disk I/O, and apply them to a few large EM datasets, revealing both their effectiveness and scalability. We hope this work will encourage external contributions to EM segmentation by providing 1) a flexible plugin architecture that deploys easily on different cluster environments and 2) an in-memory representation of segmentation that could be conducive to new advances.

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    Freeman Lab
    04/01/16 | MLlib: Machine learning in Apache Spark.
    Meng X, Bradley J, Yavus B, Sparks E, Venkataraman S, Liu D, Freeman J, Tsai DB, Amde M, Owen S, Xin D, Franklin MJ, Zadeh R, Zaharia M, Talwalkar A
    Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2016 Apr 01;17:1-7

    Apache Spark is a popular open-source platform for large-scale data processing that is well-suited for iterative machine learning tasks. In this paper we present MLlib, Spark’s open-source distributed machine learning library. MLlib provides efficient functionality for a wide range of learning settings and includes several underlying statistical, optimization, and linear algebra primitives. Shipped with Spark, MLlib supports several languages and provides a high-level API that leverages Spark’s rich ecosystem to simplify the development of end-to-end machine learning pipelines. MLlib has experienced a rapid growth due to its vibrant open-source community of over 140 contributors, and includes extensive documentation to support further growth and to let users quickly get up to speed. 

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    04/18/16 | Repulsive cues combined with physical barriers and cell–cell adhesion determine progenitor cell positioning during organogenesis
    Paksa A, Bandemer J, Höckendorf B, Razin N, Tarbashevich K, Minina S, Meyen D, Gov NS, Keller PJ, Raz E
    Nature Communications. 2016 Apr 18;7:11288. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11288

    The precise positioning of organ progenitor cells constitutes an essential, yet poorly understood step during organogenesis. Using primordial germ cells that participate in gonad formation, we present the developmental mechanisms maintaining a motile progenitor cell population at the site where the organ develops. Employing high-resolution live-cell microscopy, we find that repulsive cues coupled with physical barriers confine the cells to the correct bilateral positions. This analysis revealed that cell polarity changes on interaction with the physical barrier and that the establishment of compact clusters involves increased cell-cell interaction time. Using particle-based simulations, we demonstrate the role of reflecting barriers, from which cells turn away on contact, and the importance of proper cell-cell adhesion level for maintaining the tight cell clusters and their correct positioning at the target region. The combination of these developmental and cellular mechanisms prevents organ fusion, controls organ positioning and is thus critical for its proper function.

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    Svoboda LabDruckmann Lab
    04/13/16 | Robust neuronal dynamics in premotor cortex during motor planning.
    Li N, Daie K, Svoboda K, Druckmann S
    Nature. 2016 Apr 13:. doi: 10.1038/nature17643

    Neural activity maintains representations that bridge past and future events, often over many seconds. Network models can produce persistent and ramping activity, but the positive feedback that is critical for these slow dynamics can cause sensitivity to perturbations. Here we use electrophysiology and optogenetic perturbations in the mouse premotor cortex to probe the robustness of persistent neural representations during motor planning. We show that preparatory activity is remarkably robust to large-scale unilateral silencing: detailed neural dynamics that drive specific future movements were quickly and selectively restored by the network. Selectivity did not recover after bilateral silencing of the premotor cortex. Perturbations to one hemisphere are thus corrected by information from the other hemisphere. Corpus callosum bisections demonstrated that premotor cortex hemispheres can maintain preparatory activity independently. Redundancy across selectively coupled modules, as we observed in the premotor cortex, is a hallmark of robust control systems. Network models incorporating these principles show robustness that is consistent with data.

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