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160 Publications

Showing 31-40 of 160 results
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    11/01/11 | Cellular mechanism of bile acid-accelerated hepatocyte polarity.
    Fu D, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Arias IM
    Small GTPases. 2011 Nov 1;2(6):314-317. doi: 10.4161/sgtp.18087

    We recently discovered that the major mammalian bile acid, taurocholate, accelerated polarity in primary rat hepatocytes. Taurocholate increased cellular cAMP and signals through an Epac-Rap1-MEK-LKB1-AMPK pathway for its polarity effect. This review discusses possible mechanisms for how taurocholate affects different cell polarity factors, particularly AMPK, and thereby regulates events that generate polarity. These include tight junction formation, apical trafficking, recycling endosome dynamics, and cytoskeleton rearrangement. We also discuss whether the effects of taurocholate are mediated by other LKB1 downstream kinases, such as Par1 and NUAK1.

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    05/16/12 | Computational model of cytokinetic abscission driven by ESCRT-III polymerization and remodeling.
    Elia N, Fabrikant G, Kozlov MM, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Biophysical journal. 2012 May 16;102(10):2309-20. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.04.007

    The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III complex, capable of polymerization and remodeling, participates in abscission of the intercellular membrane bridge connecting two daughter cells at the end of cytokinesis. Here, we integrate quantitative imaging of ESCRT-III during cytokinetic abscission with biophysical properties of ESCRT-III complexes to formulate and test a computational model for ESCRT-mediated cytokinetic abscission. We propose that cytokinetic abscission is driven by an ESCRT-III fission complex, which arises from ESCRT-III polymerization at the edge of the cytokinetic midbody structure, located at the center of the intercellular bridge. Formation of the fission complex is completed by remodeling and breakage of the ESCRT-III polymer assisted by VPS4. Subsequent spontaneous constriction of the fission complex generates bending deformation of the intercellular bridge membrane. The related membrane elastic force propels the fission complex along the intercellular bridge away from the midbody until it reaches an equilibrium position, determining the scission site. Membrane attachment to the dome-like end-cap of the fission complex drives membrane fission, completing the abscission process. We substantiate the model by theoretical analysis of the membrane elastic energy and by experimental verification of the major model assumptions.

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    04/30/13 | Coordinated elevation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and autophagy help drive hepatocyte polarization.
    Fu D, Mitra K, Sengupta P, Jarnik M, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Arias IM
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013 Apr 30;110(18):7288-93. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1304285110

    Cell polarization requires increased cellular energy and metabolic output, but how these energetic demands are met by polarizing cells is unclear. To address these issues, we investigated the roles of mitochondrial bioenergetics and autophagy during cell polarization of hepatocytes cultured in a collagen sandwich system. We found that as the hepatocytes begin to polarize, they use oxidative phosphorylation to raise their ATP levels, and this energy production is required for polarization. After the cells are polarized, the hepatocytes shift to become more dependent on glycolysis to produce ATP. Along with this central reliance on oxidative phosphorylation as the main source of ATP production in polarizing cultures, several other metabolic processes are reprogrammed during the time course of polarization. As the cells polarize, mitochondria elongate and mitochondrial membrane potential increases. In addition, lipid droplet abundance decreases over time. These findings suggest that polarizing cells are reliant on fatty acid oxidation, which is supported by pharmacologic inhibition of β-oxidation by etomoxir. Finally, autophagy is up-regulated during cell polarization, with inhibition of autophagy retarding cell polarization. Taken together, our results describe a metabolic shift involving a number of coordinated metabolic pathways that ultimately serve to increase energy production during cell polarization.

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    04/06/24 | COPII with ALG2 and ESCRTs control lysosome-dependent microautophagy of ER exit sites.
    Liao Y, Pang S, Li W, Shtengel G, Choi H, Schaefer K, Xu CS, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Dev Cell. 2024 Apr 06:. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.03.027

    Endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERESs) are tubular outgrowths of endoplasmic reticulum that serve as the earliest station for protein sorting and export into the secretory pathway. How these structures respond to different cellular conditions remains unclear. Here, we report that ERESs undergo lysosome-dependent microautophagy when Ca is released by lysosomes in response to nutrient stressors such as mTOR inhibition or amino acid starvation in mammalian cells. Targeting and uptake of ERESs into lysosomes were observed by super-resolution live-cell imaging and focus ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). The mechanism was ESCRT dependent and required ubiquitinated SEC31, ALG2, and ALIX, with a knockout of ALG2 or function-blocking mutations of ALIX preventing engulfment of ERESs by lysosomes. In vitro, reconstitution of the pathway was possible using lysosomal lipid-mimicking giant unilamellar vesicles and purified recombinant components. Together, these findings demonstrate a pathway of lysosome-dependent ERES microautophagy mediated by COPII, ALG2, and ESCRTS induced by nutrient stress.

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    01/17/20 | Correlative three-dimensional super-resolution and block-face electron microscopy of whole vitreously frozen cells.
    Hoffman DP, Shtengel G, Xu CS, Campbell KR, Freeman M, Wang L, Milkie DE, Pasolli HA, Iyer N, Bogovic JA, Stabley DR, Shirinifard A, Pang S, Peale D, Schaefer K, Pomp W, Chang C, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Kirchhausen T, Solecki DJ, Betzig E, Hess HF
    Science. 2020 Jan 17;367(6475):. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz5357

    Within cells, the spatial compartmentalization of thousands of distinct proteins serves a multitude of diverse biochemical needs. Correlative super-resolution (SR) fluorescence and electron microscopy (EM) can elucidate protein spatial relationships to global ultrastructure, but has suffered from tradeoffs of structure preservation, fluorescence retention, resolution, and field of view. We developed a platform for three-dimensional cryogenic SR and focused ion beam-milled block-face EM across entire vitreously frozen cells. The approach preserves ultrastructure while enabling independent SR and EM workflow optimization. We discovered unexpected protein-ultrastructure relationships in mammalian cells including intranuclear vesicles containing endoplasmic reticulum-associated proteins, web-like adhesions between cultured neurons, and chromatin domains subclassified on the basis of transcriptional activity. Our findings illustrate the value of a comprehensive multimodal view of ultrastructural variability across whole cells.

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    08/08/17 | Cortical actin recovery at the immunological synapse leads to termination of lytic granule secretion in cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
    Ritter AT, Kapnick SM, Murugesan S, Schwartzberg PL, Griffiths GM, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Aug 08;114(32):E6585-94. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1710751114

    CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) eliminate virally infected cells through directed secretion of specialized lytic granules. Because a single CTL can kill multiple targets, degranulation must be tightly regulated. However, how CTLs regulate the termination of granule secretion remains unclear. Previous work demonstrated that centralized actin reduction at the immune synapse precedes degranulation. Using a combination of live confocal, total internal reflection fluorescence, and superresolution microscopy, we now show that, after granule fusion, actin recovers at the synapse and no further secretion is observed. Depolymerization of actin led to resumed granule secretion, suggesting that recovered actin acts as a barrier preventing sustained degranulation. Furthermore, RAB27a-deficient CTLs, which do not secrete cytotoxic granules, failed to recover actin at the synapse, suggesting that RAB27a-mediated granule secretion is required for actin recovery. Finally, we show that both actin clearance and recovery correlated with synaptic phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and that alterations in PIP2 at the immunological synapse regulate cortical actin in CTLs, providing a potential mechanism through which CTLs control cortical actin density. Our work provides insight into actin-related mechanisms regulating CTL secretion that may facilitate serial killing during immune responses.

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    01/18/19 | Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution.
    Gao R, Asano SM, Upadhyayula S, Pisarev I, Milkie DE, Liu T, Singh V, Graves AR, Huynh GH, Zhao Y, Bogovic JA, Colonell J, Ott CM, Zugates CT, Tappan S, Rodriguez A, Mosaliganti KR, Sheu S, Pasolli HA, et al
    Science (New York, N.Y.). 2019 Jan 18;363(6424):eaau8302. doi: 10.1126/science.aau8302

    Optical and electron microscopy have made tremendous inroads toward understanding the complexity of the brain. However, optical microscopy offers insufficient resolution to reveal subcellular details, and electron microscopy lacks the throughput and molecular contrast to visualize specific molecular constituents over millimeter-scale or larger dimensions. We combined expansion microscopy and lattice light-sheet microscopy to image the nanoscale spatial relationships between proteins across the thickness of the mouse cortex or the entire Drosophila brain. These included synaptic proteins at dendritic spines, myelination along axons, and presynaptic densities at dopaminergic neurons in every fly brain region. The technology should enable statistically rich, large-scale studies of neural development, sexual dimorphism, degree of stereotypy, and structural correlations to behavior or neural activity, all with molecular contrast.

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    03/15/23 | Cristae formation is a mechanical buckling event controlled by the inner membrane lipidome
    Kailash Venkatraman , Christopher T Lee , Guadalupe C. Garcia , Arijit Mahapatra , Guy Perkins , Keun-Young Kim , Hilda Amalia Pasolli , Sebastien Phan , Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz , Mark Ellisman , Padmini Rangamani , Itay Budin
    bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 15:. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.13.532310

    The inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) is the site of bulk ATP generation in cells and has a broadly conserved lipid composition enriched in unsaturated phospholipids and cardiolipin (CL). While proteins that shape the IMM and its characteristic cristae membranes (CM) have been defined, specific mechanisms by which mitochondrial lipids dictate its structure and function have yet to be elucidated. Here we combine experimental lipidome dissection with multi-scale modeling to investigate how lipid interactions shape CM morphology and ATP generation. When modulating fatty acid unsaturation in engineered yeast strains, we observed that loss of di-unsaturated phospholipids (PLs) led to a breakpoint in IMM topology and respiratory capacity. We found that PL unsaturation modulates the organization of ATP synthases that shape cristae ridges. Based on molecular modeling of mitochondrial-specific membrane adaptations, we hypothesized that conical lipids like CL buffer against the effects of saturation on the IMM. In cells, we discovered that loss of CL collapses the IMM at intermediate levels of PL saturation, an effect that is independent of ATP synthase oligomerization. To explain this interaction, we employed a continuum modeling approach, finding that lipid and protein-mediated curvatures are predicted to act in concert to form curved membranes in the IMM. The model highlighted a snapthrough instability in cristae tubule formation, which could drive IMM collapse upon small changes in composition. The interaction between CL and di-unsaturated PLs suggests that growth conditions that alter the fatty acid pool, such as oxygen availability, could define CL function. While loss of CL only has a minimal phenotype under standard laboratory conditions, we show that its synthesis is essential under microaerobic conditions that better mimic natural yeast fermentation. Lipid and protein-mediated mechanisms of curvature generation can thus act together to support mitochondrial architecture under changing environments.

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    02/22/24 | CSPP1 stabilizes microtubules by capping both plus and minus ends.
    Wang Z, Wang W, Liu S, Yang F, Liu X, Hua S, Zhu L, Xu A, Hill DL, Wang D, Jiang K, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Liu X, Yao X
    Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2024 Feb 22:. doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjae007

    Although the dynamic instability of microtubules (MTs) is fundamental to many cellular functions, quiescent MTs with unattached free distal ends are commonly present and play important roles in various events to power cellular dynamics. However, how these free MT tips are stabilized remains poorly understood. Here, we report that centrosome and spindle pole protein 1 (CSPP1) caps and stabilizes both plus and minus ends of static MTs. Real-time imaging of laser-ablated MTs in live cells showed deposition of CSPP1 at the newly generated MT ends, whose dynamic instability was concomitantly suppressed. Consistently, MT ends in CSPP1-overexpressing cells were hyper-stabilized, while those in CSPP1-depleted cells were much more dynamic. This CSPP1-elicited stabilization of MTs was demonstrated to be achieved by suppressing intrinsic MT catastrophe and restricting the polymerization. Importantly, CSPP1-bound MTs were resistant to MCAK-mediated depolymerization. These findings delineate a previously uncharacterized CSPP1 activity that integrates MT end capping to orchestrate quiescent MTs.

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    05/17/19 | De novo design of tunable, pH-driven conformational changes.
    Boyken SE, Benhaim MA, Busch F, Jia M, Back MJ, Choi H, Klima JC, Chen Z, Walkey C, Mileant A, Sahasrabuddhe A, Wei KY, Hodge EA, Byron S, Quijano-Rubio A, Sankaran B, King NP, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Wysocki VH, et al
    Science. 2019 May 17;364(6441):658-64. doi: 10.1126/science.aav7897

    The ability of naturally occurring proteins to change conformation in response to environmental changes is critical to biological function. Although there have been advances in the de novo design of stable proteins with a single, deep free-energy minimum, the design of conformational switches remains challenging. We present a general strategy to design pH-responsive protein conformational changes by precisely preorganizing histidine residues in buried hydrogen-bond networks. We design homotrimers and heterodimers that are stable above pH 6.5 but undergo cooperative, large-scale conformational changes when the pH is lowered and electrostatic and steric repulsion builds up as the network histidine residues become protonated. The transition pH and cooperativity can be controlled through the number of histidine-containing networks and the strength of the surrounding hydrophobic interactions. Upon disassembly, the designed proteins disrupt lipid membranes both in vitro and after being endocytosed in mammalian cells. Our results demonstrate that environmentally triggered conformational changes can now be programmed by de novo protein design.

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