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Koyama Lab / Publications
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12 Publications

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    09/26/23 | Reward expectations direct learning and drive operant matching in Drosophila
    Adithya E. Rajagopalan , Ran Darshan , Karen L. Hibbard , James E. Fitzgerald , Glenn C. Turner
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A.. 2023 Sep 26;120(39):e2221415120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2221415120

    Foraging animals must use decision-making strategies that dynamically adapt to the changing availability of rewards in the environment. A wide diversity of animals do this by distributing their choices in proportion to the rewards received from each option, Herrnstein’s operant matching law. Theoretical work suggests an elegant mechanistic explanation for this ubiquitous behavior, as operant matching follows automatically from simple synaptic plasticity rules acting within behaviorally relevant neural circuits. However, no past work has mapped operant matching onto plasticity mechanisms in the brain, leaving the biological relevance of the theory unclear. Here we discovered operant matching in Drosophila and showed that it requires synaptic plasticity that acts in the mushroom body and incorporates the expectation of reward. We began by developing a novel behavioral paradigm to measure choices from individual flies as they learn to associate odor cues with probabilistic rewards. We then built a model of the fly mushroom body to explain each fly’s sequential choice behavior using a family of biologically-realistic synaptic plasticity rules. As predicted by past theoretical work, we found that synaptic plasticity rules could explain fly matching behavior by incorporating stimulus expectations, reward expectations, or both. However, by optogenetically bypassing the representation of reward expectation, we abolished matching behavior and showed that the plasticity rule must specifically incorporate reward expectations. Altogether, these results reveal the first synaptic level mechanisms of operant matching and provide compelling evidence for the role of reward expectation signals in the fly brain.

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    Darshan Lab
    09/17/18 | Strength of correlations in strongly recurrent neuronal networks.
    Darshan R, van Vreeswijk C, Hansel D
    Physical Review X. 2018 Sep 17:031072. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevX.8.031072

    Spatiotemporal correlations in brain activity are functionally important and have been implicated in perception, learning and plasticity, exploratory behavior, and various aspects of cognition. Neurons in the cerebral cortex are strongly interacting. Their activity is temporally irregular and can exhibit substantial correlations. However, how the collective dynamics of highly recurrent and strongly interacting neurons can evolve into a state in which the activity of individual cells is highly irregular yet macroscopically correlated is an open question. Here, we develop a general theory that relates the strength of pairwise correlations to the anatomical features of networks of strongly coupled neurons. To this end, we investigate networks of binary units. When interactions are strong, the activity is irregular in a large region of parameter space. We find that despite the strong interactions, the correlations are generally very weak. Nevertheless, we identify architectural features, which if present, give rise to strong correlations without destroying the irregularity of the activity. For networks with such features, we determine how correlations scale with the network size and the number of connections. Our work shows the mechanism by which strong correlations can be consistent with highly irregular activity, two hallmarks of neuronal dynamics in the central nervous system.

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