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92 Publications

Showing 91-92 of 92 results
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    03/21/06 | Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function.
    Chen BL, Hall DH, Chklovskii DB
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006 Mar 21;103(12):4723-8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001066

    We pursue the hypothesis that neuronal placement in animals minimizes wiring costs for given functional constraints, as specified by synaptic connectivity. Using a newly compiled version of the Caenorhabditis elegans wiring diagram, we solve for the optimal layout of 279 nonpharyngeal neurons. In the optimal layout, most neurons are located close to their actual positions, suggesting that wiring minimization is an important factor. Yet some neurons exhibit strong deviations from "optimal" position. We propose that biological factors relating to axonal guidance and command neuron functions contribute to these deviations. We capture these factors by proposing a modified wiring cost function.

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    06/15/06 | Wlds protection distinguishes axon degeneration following injury from naturally occurring developmental pruning.
    Hoopfer ED, McLaughlin T, Watts RJ, Schuldiner O, O’Leary DD, Luo L
    Neuron. 2006 Jun 15;50(6):883-95. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2006.05.013

    Axon pruning by degeneration remodels exuberant axonal connections and is widely required for the development of proper circuitry in the nervous system from insects to mammals. Developmental axon degeneration morphologically resembles injury-induced Wallerian degeneration, suggesting similar underlying mechanisms. As previously reported for mice, we show that Wlds protein substantially delays Wallerian degeneration in flies. Surprisingly, Wlds has no effect on naturally occurring developmental axon degeneration in flies or mice, although it protects against injury-induced degeneration of the same axons at the same developmental age. By contrast, the ubiquitin-proteasome system is intrinsically required for both developmental and injury-induced axon degeneration. We also show that the glial cell surface receptor Draper is required for efficient clearance of axon fragments during developmental axon degeneration, similar to its function in injury-induced degeneration. Thus, mechanistically, naturally occurring developmental axon pruning by degeneration and injury-induced axon degeneration differ significantly in early steps, but may converge onto a common execution pathway.

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