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19 Publications

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    01/10/24 | Believing is seeing - the deceptive influence of bias in quantitative microscopy.
    Lee RM, Eisenman LR, Khuon S, Aaron JS, Chew T
    Journal of Cell Science. 2024 Jan 10;137(1):. doi: 10.1242/jcs.261567

    The visual allure of microscopy makes it an intuitively powerful research tool. Intuition, however, can easily obscure or distort the reality of the information contained in an image. Common cognitive biases, combined with institutional pressures that reward positive research results, can quickly skew a microscopy project towards upholding, rather than rigorously challenging, a hypothesis. The impact of these biases on a variety of research topics is well known. What might be less appreciated are the many forms in which bias can permeate a microscopy experiment. Even well-intentioned researchers are susceptible to bias, which must therefore be actively recognized to be mitigated. Importantly, although image quantification has increasingly become an expectation, ostensibly to confront subtle biases, it is not a guarantee against bias and cannot alone shield an experiment from cognitive distortions. Here, we provide illustrative examples of the insidiously pervasive nature of bias in microscopy experiments - from initial experimental design to image acquisition, analysis and data interpretation. We then provide suggestions that can serve as guard rails against bias.

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    01/11/24 | Bridging gaps in traditional research training with iBiology Courses.
    Schnoes AM, Green NH, Nguyen TA, Vale RD, Goodwin SS, Behrman SL
    PLoS Biology. 2024 Jan 11;22(1):e3002458. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002458

    iBiology Courses provide trainees with just-in-time learning resources to become effective researchers. These courses can help scientists build core research skills, plan their research projects and careers, and learn from scientists with diverse backgrounds.

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    01/02/24 | Cutting through stress.
    Jasper LA, Wang MC
    Nature Metabolism. 2024 Jan 02:. doi: 10.1038/s42255-023-00946-0
    01/09/24 | Direct measurement of dynamic attractant gradients reveals breakdown of the Patlak-Keller-Segel chemotaxis model
    Trung V. Phan , Henry H. Mattingly , Lam Vo , Jonathan S. Marvin , Loren L. Looger , Thierry Emonet
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 Jan 09:. doi: 10.1073/pnas.230925112

    Chemotactic bacteria not only navigate chemical gradients, but also shape their environments by consuming and secreting attractants. Investigating how these processes influence the dynamics of bacterial populations has been challenging because of a lack of experimental methods for measuring spatial profiles of chemoattractants in real time. Here, we use a fluorescent sensor for aspartate to directly measure bacterially generated chemoattractant gradients during collective migration. Our measurements show that the standard Patlak-Keller-Segel model for collective chemotactic bacterial migration breaks down at high cell densities. To address this, we propose modifications to the model that consider the impact of cell density on bacterial chemotaxis and attractant consumption. With these changes, the model explains our experimental data across all cell densities, offering new insight into chemotactic dynamics. Our findings highlight the significance of considering cell density effects on bacterial behavior, and the potential for fluorescent metabolite sensors to shed light on the complex emergent dynamics of bacterial communities.

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    01/30/24 | Distributed fMRI dynamics predict distinct EEG rhythms across sleep and wakefulness.
    Leandro P. L. Jacob , Sydney M. Bailes , Stephanie D. Williams , Carsen Stringer , Laura D. Lewis
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 30:. doi: 10.1101/2024.01.29.577429

    The brain exhibits rich oscillatory dynamics that vary across tasks and states, such as the EEG oscillations that define sleep. These oscillations play critical roles in cognition and arousal, but the brainwide mechanisms underlying them are not yet described. Using simultaneous EEG and fast fMRI in subjects drifting between sleep and wakefulness, we developed a machine learning approach to investigate which brainwide fMRI dynamics predict alpha (8-12 Hz) and delta (1-4 Hz) rhythms. We predicted moment-by-moment EEG power from fMRI activity in held-out subjects, and found that information about alpha power was represented by a remarkably small set of regions, segregated in two distinct networks linked to arousal and visual systems. Conversely, delta rhythms were diffusely represented on a large spatial scale across the cortex. These results identify distributed networks that predict delta and alpha rhythms, and establish a computational framework for investigating fMRI brainwide dynamics underlying EEG oscillations.

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    01/11/24 | Epigenetic priming of embryonic lineages in the mammalian epiblast
    Miquel Sendra , Katie McDole , Daniel Jimenez-Carretero , Juan de Dios Hourcade , Susana Temiño , Léo Guignard , Philipp J Keller , Fátima Sánchez-Cabo , Jorge N. Domínguez , Miguel Torres
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 11:. doi: 10.1101/2024.01.11.575188

    Understanding the diversification of mammalian cell lineages is an essential to embryonic development, organ regeneration and tissue engineering. Shortly after implantation in the uterus, the pluripotent cells of the mammalian epiblast generate the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm1. Although clonal analyses suggest early specification of epiblast cells towards particular cell lineages24, single-cell transcriptomes do not identify lineage-specific markers in the epiblast511 and thus, the molecular regulation of such specification remains unknow. Here, we studied the epigenetic landscape of single epiblast cells, which revealed lineage priming towards endoderm, ectoderm or mesoderm. Unexpectedly, epiblast cells with mesodermal priming show a strong signature for the endothelial/endocardial fate, suggesting early specification of this lineage aside from other mesoderm. Through clonal analysis and live imaging, we show that endothelial precursors show early lineage divergence from the rest of mesodermal derivatives. In particular, cardiomyocytes and endocardial cells show limited lineage relationship, despite being temporally and spatially co-recruited during gastrulation. Furthermore, analysing the live tracks of single cells through unsupervised classification of cell migratory activity, we found early behavioral divergence of endothelial precursors shortly after the onset of mesoderm migration towards the cardiogenic area. These results provide a new model for the phenotypically silent specification of mammalian cell lineages in pluripotent cells of the epiblast and modify current knowledge on the sequence and timing of cardiovascular lineages diversification.

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    01/18/24 | Failure to mate enhances investment in behaviors that may promote mating reward and impairs the ability to cope with stressors via a subpopulation of Neuropeptide F receptor neurons.
    Ryvkin J, Omesi L, Kim Y, Levi M, Pozeilov H, Barak-Buchris L, Agranovich B, Abramovich I, Gottlieb E, Jacob A, Nässel DR, Heberlein U, Shohat-Ophir G
    PLoS Genetics. 2024 Jan 18;20(1):e1011054. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011054

    Living in dynamic environments such as the social domain, where interaction with others determines the reproductive success of individuals, requires the ability to recognize opportunities to obtain natural rewards and cope with challenges that are associated with achieving them. As such, actions that promote survival and reproduction are reinforced by the brain reward system, whereas coping with the challenges associated with obtaining these rewards is mediated by stress-response pathways, the activation of which can impair health and shorten lifespan. While much research has been devoted to understanding mechanisms underlying the way by which natural rewards are processed by the reward system, less attention has been given to the consequences of failure to obtain a desirable reward. As a model system to study the impact of failure to obtain a natural reward, we used the well-established courtship suppression paradigm in Drosophila melanogaster as means to induce repeated failures to obtain sexual reward in male flies. We discovered that beyond the known reduction in courtship actions caused by interaction with non-receptive females, repeated failures to mate induce a stress response characterized by persistent motivation to obtain the sexual reward, reduced male-male social interaction, and enhanced aggression. This frustrative-like state caused by the conflict between high motivation to obtain sexual reward and the inability to fulfill their mating drive impairs the capacity of rejected males to tolerate stressors such as starvation and oxidative stress. We further show that sensitivity to starvation and enhanced social arousal is mediated by the disinhibition of a small population of neurons that express receptors for the fly homologue of neuropeptide Y. Our findings demonstrate for the first time the existence of social stress in flies and offers a framework to study mechanisms underlying the crosstalk between reward, stress, and reproduction in a simple nervous system that is highly amenable to genetic manipulation.

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    01/05/24 | Homeodomain proteins hierarchically specify neuronal diversity and synaptic connectivity
    Chundi Xu , Tyler B. Ramos , Ed M. Rogers , Michael B. Reiser , Chris Q. Doe
    eLife. 2024 Jan 05:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.90133

    The brain generates diverse neuron types which express unique homeodomain transcription factors (TFs) and assemble into precise neural circuits. Yet a mechanistic framework is lacking for how homeodomain TFs specify both neuronal fate and synaptic connectivity. We use Drosophila lamina neurons (L1-L5) to show the homeodomain TF Brain-specific homeobox (Bsh) is initiated in lamina precursor cells (LPCs) where it specifies L4/L5 fate and suppresses homeodomain TF Zfh1 to prevent L1/L3 fate. Subsequently, Bsh activates the homeodomain TF Apterous (Ap) in L4 in a feedforward loop to express the synapse recognition molecule DIP-β, in part by Bsh direct binding a DIP-β intron. Thus, homeodomain TFs function hierarchically: primary homeodomain TF (Bsh) first specifies neuronal fate, and subsequently acts with secondary homeodomain TF (Ap) to activate DIP-β, thereby generating precise synaptic connectivity. We speculate that hierarchical homeodomain TF function may represent a general principle for coordinating neuronal fate specification and circuit assembly.

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    01/01/24 | Image processing tools for petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data.
    Xiongtao Ruan , Matthew Mueller , Gaoxiang Liu , Frederik Görlitz , Tian-Ming Fu , Daniel E. Milkie , Joshua Lillvis , Alison Killilea , Eric Betzig , Srigokul Upadhyayula
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 01:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.31.573734

    Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique for visualizing dynamic biological processes in 3D. Studying large specimens or recording time series with high spatial and temporal resolution generates large datasets, often exceeding terabytes and potentially reaching petabytes in size. Handling these massive datasets is challenging for conventional data processing tools with their memory and performance limitations. To overcome these issues, we developed LLSM5DTools, a software solution specifically designed for the efficient management of petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data. This toolkit, optimized for memory and per-formance, features fast image readers and writers, efficient geometric transformations, high-performance Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, and scalable Zarr-based stitching. These advancements enable LLSM5DTools to perform over ten times faster than current state-of-the-art methods, facilitating real-time processing of large datasets and opening new avenues for biological discoveries in large-scale imaging experiments.

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    01/22/24 | KMT2 family of H3K4 methyltransferases: enzymatic activity-dependent and -independent functions.
    Van HT, Xie G, Dong P, Liu Z, Ge K
    Journal of Molecular Biology. 2024 Jan 22:168453. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168453

    Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2 (KMT2) methyltransferases play critical roles in gene regulation, cell differentiation, animal development, and human diseases. KMT2 biological roles are often attributed to their methyltransferase activities on lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4). However, recent data indicate that KMT2 proteins also possess non-enzymatic functions. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of KMT2 family, with a focus on their enzymatic activity-dependent and -independent functions. Six mammalian KMT2 proteins of three subgroups, KMT2A/B (MLL1/2), KMT2C/D (MLL3/4), and KMT2F/G (SETD1A/B or SET1A/B), have shared and distinct protein domains, catalytic substrates, genomic localizations, and associated complex subunits. Recent studies have revealed the central role of KMT2C/D in enhancer regulation, differentiation, and development and have highlighted KMT2C/D enzymatic activity-dependent and independent roles in mouse embryonic development and cell differentiation. Catalytic dependent and independent roles for KMT2A/B and KMT2F/G in gene regulation, differentiation, and development are less understood. Finally, we provide our perspectives and lay out future research directions that may help advance the investigation on enzymatic activity-dependent and -independent biological roles and working mechanisms of KMT2 methyltransferases.

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