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    01/01/24 | Image processing tools for petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data.
    Xiongtao Ruan , Matthew Mueller , Gaoxiang Liu , Frederik Görlitz , Tian-Ming Fu , Daniel E. Milkie , Joshua Lillvis , Alison Killilea , Eric Betzig , Srigokul Upadhyayula
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 01:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.31.573734

    Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique for visualizing dynamic biological processes in 3D. Studying large specimens or recording time series with high spatial and temporal resolution generates large datasets, often exceeding terabytes and potentially reaching petabytes in size. Handling these massive datasets is challenging for conventional data processing tools with their memory and performance limitations. To overcome these issues, we developed LLSM5DTools, a software solution specifically designed for the efficient management of petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data. This toolkit, optimized for memory and per-formance, features fast image readers and writers, efficient geometric transformations, high-performance Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, and scalable Zarr-based stitching. These advancements enable LLSM5DTools to perform over ten times faster than current state-of-the-art methods, facilitating real-time processing of large datasets and opening new avenues for biological discoveries in large-scale imaging experiments.

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