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3 Publications

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    04/11/24 | A blue-shifted genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator with enhanced two-photon absorption
    Abhi Aggarwal , Smrithi Sunil , Imane Bendifallah , Michael Moon , Mikhail Drobizhev , Landon Zarowny , Jihong Zheng , Sheng-Yi Wu , Alexander W. Lohman , Alison G. Tebo , Valentina Emiliani , Kaspar Podgorski , Yi Shen , Robert E. Campbell
    bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 11:. doi:

    Significance: Genetically encoded calcium ion (Ca2+) indicators (GECIs) are powerful tools for monitoring intracellular Ca2+ concentration changes in living cells and model organisms. In particular, GECIs have found particular utility for monitoring the transient increase of Ca2+concentration that is associated with the neuronal action potential. However, the palette of highly optimized GECIs for imaging of neuronal activity remains relatively limited. Expanding the selection of available GECIs to include new colors and distinct photophysical properties could create new opportunities for in vitro and in vivo fluorescence imaging of neuronal activity. In particular, blue-shifted variants of GECIs are expected to have enhanced two-photon brightness, which would facilitate multiphoton microscopy.

    Aim: We describe the development and applications of T-GECO1-a high-performance blue-shifted GECI based on the Clavularia sp.-derived mTFP1.

    Approach: We use protein engineering and extensive directed evolution to develop T-GECO1. We characterize the purified protein and assess its performance in vitro using one-photon excitation in cultured rat hippocampal neurons, in vivo using one-photon excitation fiber photometry in mice, and ex vivo using two-photon Ca2+ imaging in hippocampal slices.

    Results: The Ca2+-bound state of T-GECO1 has an excitation peak maximum of 468 nm, an emission peak maximum of 500 nm, an extinction coefficient of 49,300M−1cm−1, a quantum yield of 0.83, and two-photon brightness approximately double that of EGFP. The Ca2+-dependent fluorescence increase is 15-fold, and the apparent Kd for Ca2+ is 82 nM. With two-photon excitation conditions at 850 nm, T-GECO1 consistently enabled the detection of action potentials with higher signal-to-noise (SNR) than a late generation GCaMP variant.

    Conclusions: T-GECO1 is a high-performance blue-shifted GECI that, under two-photon excitation conditions, provides advantages relative to late generation GCaMP variants.

    Keywords: blue-shifted fluorescence; genetically encoded calcium ion indicator; neuronal activity imaging; protein engineering; two-photon excitation.

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    04/06/24 | A tunable and versatile chemogenetic near infrared fluorescent reporter
    Lina El Hajji , Benjamin Bunel , Octave Joliot , Chenge Li , Alison G. Tebo , Christine Rampon , Michel Volovitch , Evelyne Fischer , Nicolas Pietrancosta , Franck Perez , Xavier Morin , Sophie Vriz , Arnaud Gautier
    bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 6:. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.05.588310

    Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent reporters provide additional colors for highly multiplexed imaging of cells and organisms, and enable imaging with less toxic light and higher contrast and depth. Here, we present the engineering of nirFAST, a small tunable chemogenetic NIR fluorescent reporter that is brighter than top-performing NIR fluorescent proteins in cultured mammalian cells. nirFAST is a small genetically encoded protein of 14 kDa that binds and stabilizes the fluorescent state of synthetic, highly cell-permeant, fluorogenic chromophores (so-called fluorogens) that are otherwise dark when free. Engineered to emit NIR light, nirFAST can also emit far-red or red lights through change of chromophore. nirFAST allows the imaging of proteins in live cultured mammalian cells, chicken embryo tissues and zebrafish larvae. Its near infrared fluorescence provides an additional color for high spectral multiplexing. We showed that nirFAST is well-suited for stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy, allowing the efficient imaging of proteins with subdiffraction resolution in live cells. nirFAST enabled the design of a chemogenetic green-NIR fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) for the monitoring of the different phases of the cell cycle. Finally, bisection of nirFAST allowed the design of a fluorogenic chemically induced dimerization technology with NIR fluorescence readout, enabling the control and visualization of protein proximity.

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    01/01/24 | Transforming chemigenetic bimolecular fluorescence complementation systems into chemical dimerizers using chemistry.
    Pratik Kumar , Alina Gutu , Amelia Waring , Timothy A. Brown , Luke D. Lavis , Alison G. Tebo
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 01:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.30.573644

    Chemigenetic tags are versatile labels for fluorescence microscopy that combine some of the advantages of genetically encoded tags with small molecule fluorophores. The Fluorescence Activating and absorbance Shifting Tags (FASTs) bind a series of highly fluorogenic and cell-permeable chromophores. Furthermore, FASTs can be used in complementation-based systems for detecting or inducing protein-protein interactions, depending on the exact FAST protein variant chosen. In this study, we systematically explore substitution patterns on FAST fluorogens and generate a series of fluorogens that bind to FAST variants, thereby activating their fluorescence. This effort led to the discovery of a novel fluorogen with superior properties, as well as a fluorogen that transforms splitFAST systems into a fluorogenic dimerizer, eliminating the need for additional protein engineering.

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