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196 Publications

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    04/04/20 | Size-dependent secretory protein reflux into the cytosol in association with acute endoplasmic reticulum stress.
    Lajoie P, Snapp EL
    Traffic. 2020 Apr 04:. doi: 10.1111/tra.12729

    Once secretory proteins have been targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen, the proteins typically remain partitioned from the cytosol. If the secretory proteins misfold, they can be unfolded and retrotranslocated into the cytosol for destruction by the proteasome by ER-associated protein Degradation (ERAD). Here, we report that correctly folded and targeted luminal ER fluorescent protein reporters accumulate in the cytosol during acute misfolded secretory protein stress in yeast. Photoactivation fluorescence microscopy experiments reveal that luminal reporters already localized to the ER relocalize to the cytosol, even in the absence of essential ERAD machinery. We named this process "ER reflux." Reflux appears to be regulated in a size-dependent manner for reporters. Interestingly, prior heat shock stress also prevents ER stress-induced reflux. Together, our findings establish a new ER stress-regulated pathway for relocalization of small luminal secretory proteins into the cytosol, distinct from the ERAD and pre-emptive quality control pathways. Importantly, our results highlight the value of fully characterizing the cell biology of reporters and describe a simple modification to maintain luminal ER reporters in the ER during acute ER stress. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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    04/01/20 | 3D ATAC-PALM: super-resolution imaging of the accessible genome.
    Xie L, Dong P, Chen X, Hsieh TS, Banala S, De Marzio M, English BP, Qi Y, Jung SK, Kieffer-Kwon K, Legant WR, Hansen AS, Schulmann A, Casellas R, Zhang B, Betzig E, Lavis LD, Chang HY, Tjian R, Liu Z
    Nature Methods. 2020 Apr 01;17(4):430-6. doi: 10.1038/s41592-020-0775-2

    To image the accessible genome at nanometer scale in situ, we developed three-dimensional assay for transposase-accessible chromatin-photoactivated localization microscopy (3D ATAC-PALM) that integrates an assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with visualization, PALM super-resolution imaging and lattice light-sheet microscopy. Multiplexed with oligopaint DNA–fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), RNA–FISH and protein fluorescence, 3D ATAC-PALM connected microscopy and genomic data, revealing spatially segregated accessible chromatin domains (ACDs) that enclose active chromatin and transcribed genes. Using these methods to analyze genetically perturbed cells, we demonstrated that genome architectural protein CTCF prevents excessive clustering of accessible chromatin and decompacts ACDs. These results highlight 3D ATAC-PALM as a useful tool to probe the structure and organizing mechanism of the genome.

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    04/01/20 | Core Competencies for Undergraduates in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering: Findings, Consequences, and Recommendations.
    White JA, Gaver DP, Butera RJ, Choi B, Dunlop MJ, Grande-Allen KJ, Grosberg A, Hitchcock RW, Huang-Saad AY, Kotche M, Kyle AM, Lerner AL, Linehan JH, Linsenmeier RA, Miller MI, Papin JA, Setton L, Sgro A, Smith ML, Zaman M, Lee AP
    Ann Biomed Eng. 04/2020;48(3):905-912. doi: 10.1007/s10439-020-02468-2

    This paper provides a synopsis of discussions related to biomedical engineering core curricula that occurred at the Fourth BME Education Summit held at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in May 2019. This summit was organized by the Council of Chairs of Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, and participants included over 300 faculty members from 100+ accredited undergraduate programs. This discussion focused on six key questions: QI: Is there a core curriculum, and if so, what are its components? QII: How does our purported core curriculum prepare students for careers, particularly in industry? QIII: How does design distinguish BME/BIOE graduates from other engineers? QIV: What is the state of engineering analysis and systems-level modeling in BME/BIOE curricula? QV: What is the role of data science in BME/BIOE undergraduate education? QVI: What core experimental skills are required for BME/BIOE undergrads? s. Indeed, BME/BIOI core curricula exists and has matured to emphasize interdisciplinary topics such as physiology, instrumentation, mechanics, computer programming, and mathematical modeling. Departments demonstrate their own identities by highlighting discipline-specific sub-specialties. In addition to technical competence, Industry partners most highly value our students' capacity for problem solving and communication. As such, BME/BIOE curricula includes open-ended projects that address unmet patient and clinician needs as primary methods to prepare graduates for careers in industry. Culminating senior design experiences distinguish BME/BIOE graduates through their development of client-centered engineering solutions to healthcare problems. Finally, the overall BME/BIOE curriculum is not stagnant-it is clear that data science will become an ever-important element of our students' training and that new methods to enhance student engagement will be of pedagogical importance as we embark on the next decade.

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    03/31/20 | ER membranes exhibit phase behavior at sites of organelle contact.
    King C, Sengupta P, Seo AY, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 March 31;117(13):7225-7235. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1910854117

    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site of synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins and contacts every organelle of the cell, exchanging lipids and metabolites in a highly regulated manner. How the ER spatially segregates its numerous and diverse functions, including positioning nanoscopic contact sites with other organelles, is unclear. We demonstrate that hypotonic swelling of cells converts the ER and other membrane-bound organelles into micrometer-scale large intracellular vesicles (LICVs) that retain luminal protein content and maintain contact sites with each other through localized organelle tethers. Upon cooling, ER-derived LICVs phase-partition into microscopic domains having different lipid-ordering characteristics, which is reversible upon warming. Ordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with ER and mitochondria, lipid droplets, endosomes, or plasma membrane, whereas disordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with lysosomes or peroxisomes. Tethering proteins concentrate at ER–organelle contact sites, allowing time-dependent behavior of lipids and proteins to be studied at these sites. These findings demonstrate that LICVs provide a useful model system for studying the phase behavior and interactive properties of organelles in intact cells.

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    Card LabTruman Lab
    03/27/20 | Unc-4 acts to promote neuronal identity and development of the take-off circuit in the Drosophila CNS.
    Lacin H, Williamson WR, Card GM, Skeath JB, Truman JW
    eLife. 2020 Mar 27;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.55007
    Fitzgerald Lab
    03/24/20 | Correcting for physical distortions in visual stimuli improves reproducibility in zebrafish neuroscience.
    Dunn TW, Fitzgerald JE
    eLife. 2020 Mar 24;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.53684

    Breakthrough technologies for monitoring and manipulating single-neuron activity provide unprecedented opportunities for whole-brain neuroscience in larval zebrafish1–9. Understanding the neural mechanisms of visually guided behavior also requires precise stimulus control, but little prior research has accounted for physical distortions that result from refraction and reflection at an air-water interface that usually separates the projected stimulus from the fish10–12. Here we provide a computational tool that transforms between projected and received stimuli in order to detect and control these distortions. The tool considers the most commonly encountered interface geometry, and we show that this and other common configurations produce stereotyped distortions. By correcting these distortions, we reduced discrepancies in the literature concerning stimuli that evoke escape behavior13,14, and we expect this tool will help reconcile other confusing aspects of the literature. This tool also aids experimental design, and we illustrate the dangers that uncorrected stimuli pose to receptive field mapping experiments.

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    03/23/20 | Recurrent architecture for adaptive regulation of learning in the insect brain.
    Eschbach C, Fushiki A, Winding M, Schneider-Mizell CM, Shao M, Arruda R, Eichler K, Valdes-Aleman J, Ohyama T, Thum AS, Gerber B, Fetter RD, Truman JW, Litwin-Kumar A, Cardona A, Zlatic M, Cardona A, Zlatic M
    Nature Neuroscience. 2020 Mar 23;23(4):544-55. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0607-9

    Dopaminergic neurons (DANs) drive learning across the animal kingdom, but the upstream circuits that regulate their activity and thereby learning remain poorly understood. We provide a synaptic-resolution connectome of the circuitry upstream of all DANs in a learning center, the mushroom body of Drosophila larva. We discover afferent sensory pathways and a large population of neurons that provide feedback from mushroom body output neurons and link distinct memory systems (aversive and appetitive). We combine this with functional studies of DANs and their presynaptic partners and with comprehensive circuit modeling. We find that DANs compare convergent feedback from aversive and appetitive systems, which enables the computation of integrated predictions that may improve future learning. Computational modeling reveals that the discovered feedback motifs increase model flexibility and performance on learning tasks. Our study provides the most detailed view to date of biological circuit motifs that support associative learning.

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    03/19/20 | Eco-evolutionary significance of "loners".
    Rossine FW, Martinez-Garcia R, Sgro AE, Gregor T, Tarnita CE
    PLoS Biol. 03/2020;18(3):e3000642. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000642

    Loners-individuals out of sync with a coordinated majority-occur frequently in nature. Are loners incidental byproducts of large-scale coordination attempts, or are they part of a mosaic of life-history strategies? Here, we provide empirical evidence of naturally occurring heritable variation in loner behavior in the model social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We propose that Dictyostelium loners-cells that do not join the multicellular life stage-arise from a dynamic population-partitioning process, the result of each cell making a stochastic, signal-based decision. We find evidence that this imperfectly synchronized multicellular development is affected by both abiotic (environmental porosity) and biotic (signaling) factors. Finally, we predict theoretically that when a pair of strains differing in their partitioning behavior coaggregate, cross-signaling impacts slime-mold diversity across spatiotemporal scales. Our findings suggest that loners could be critical to understanding collective and social behaviors, multicellular development, and ecological dynamics in D. discoideum. More broadly, across taxa, imperfect coordination of collective behaviors might be adaptive by enabling diversification of life-history strategies.

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    03/18/20 | CAMIO: a transgenic CRISPR pipeline to create diverse targeted genome deletions in Drosophila.
    Chen H, Marques JG, Sugino K, Wei D, Miyares RL, Lee T
    Nucleic Acids Research. 2020 Mar 18:. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa177

    The genome is the blueprint for an organism. Interrogating the genome, especially locating critical cis-regulatory elements, requires deletion analysis. This is conventionally performed using synthetic constructs, making it cumbersome and non-physiological. Thus, we created Cas9-mediated Arrayed Mutagenesis of Individual Offspring (CAMIO) to achieve comprehensive analysis of a targeted region of native DNA. CAMIO utilizes CRISPR that is spatially restricted to generate independent deletions in the intact Drosophila genome. Controlled by recombination, a single guide RNA is stochastically chosen from a set targeting a specific DNA region. Combining two sets increases variability, leading to either indels at 1-2 target sites or inter-target deletions. Cas9 restriction to male germ cells elicits autonomous double-strand-break repair, consequently creating offspring with diverse mutations. Thus, from a single population cross, we can obtain a deletion matrix covering a large expanse of DNA at both coarse and fine resolution. We demonstrate the ease and power of CAMIO by mapping 5'UTR sequences crucial for chinmo's post-transcriptional regulation.

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    03/10/20 | Layer 6b Is driven by intracortical long-range projection neurons.
    Zolnik TA, Ledderose J, Toumazou M, Trimbuch T, Oram T, Rosenmund C, Eickholt BJ, Sachdev RN, Larkum ME
    Cell Reports. 2020 Mar 10;30(10):3492 - 3505.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.044

    Layer 6b (L6b), the deepest neocortical layer, projects to cortical targets and higher-order thalamus and is the only layer responsive to the wake-promoting neuropeptide orexin/hypocretin. These characteristics suggest that L6b can strongly modulate brain state, but projections to L6b and their influence remain unknown. Here, we examine the inputs to L6b ex vivo in the mouse primary somatosensory cortex with rabies-based retrograde tracing and channelrhodopsin-assisted circuit mapping in brain slices. We find that L6b receives its strongest excitatory input from intracortical long-range projection neurons, including those in the contralateral hemisphere. In contrast, local intracortical input and thalamocortical input were significantly weaker. Moreover, our data suggest that L6b receives far less thalamocortical input than other cortical layers. L6b was most strongly inhibited by PV and SST interneurons. This study shows that L6b integrates long-range intracortical information and is not part of the traditional thalamocortical loop.

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