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1416 Publications

Showing 1411-1416 of 1416 results
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    06/01/79 | Transposition of elements of the 412, copia and 297 dispersed repeated gene families in Drosophila.
    Potter SS, Brorein WJ, Dunsmuir P, Rubin GM
    Cell. 1979 Jun;17:415-27. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

    The stability of elements of three different dispersed repeated gene families in the genome of Drosophila tissue culture cells has been examined. Different amounts of sequences homologous to elements of 412, copia and 297 dispersed repeated gene families are found in the genomes of D. melanogaster embryonic and tissue culture cells. In general the amount of these sequences is increased in the cell lines. The additional sequences homologous to 412, copia and 297 occur as intact elements and are dispersed to new sites in the cell culture genome. It appears that these elements can insert at many alternative sites. We also describe a DNA sequence arrangement found in the D. melanogaster embryo genome which appears to result from a transposition of an element of the copia dispersed repeated gene family into a new chromosomal site. The mechanism of insertion of this copia element is precise to within 90 bp and may involve a region of weak sequence homology between the site of insertion and the direct terminal repeats of the copia element.

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    04/30/76 | Dendritic reorganization of an identified motoneuron during metamorphosis of the tobacco hornworm moth.
    Truman JW, Reiss SE
    Science. 1976 Apr 30;192(4238):477-9

    In the tobacco hornworm, many larval motoneurons become respecified and supply new muscles in the adult. Changes in the morphology of one such neuron were examined through metamorphosis. The dendritic pattern of the adult comes about both by outgrowth from the primary and secondary branches of the larval neuron and by the development of new branches that are unique to the adult.

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    Riddiford Lab
    01/15/76 | Hormonal control of insect epidermal cell commitment in vitro.
    Riddiford LM
    Nature. 1976 Jan 15;259(5539):115-7
    06/10/73 | The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5.8 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid.
    Rubin GM
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1973 Jun 10;248:3860-75. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145
    Truman LabRiddiford Lab
    03/20/70 | Neuroendocrine control of ecdysis in silkmoths.
    Truman JW, Riddiford LM
    Science. 1970 Mar 20;167(3925):1624-6. doi: 10.1126/science.167.3925.1624

    An adult moth sheds its pupal skin only during a specific period of the day. The brain is necessary for the synchronization of this behavior with the environmental photoperiod. This function is fully preserved when all the brain’s nervous connections are severed or when a "loose" brain is transplanted into the tip of the abdomen. By appropriate experiments it was possible to show that the entire mechanism is brain-centered. The components include a photoreceptor mechanism, a clock, and a neuroendocrine output. The clock-controlled release of the hormone acts on the central nervous system to trigger a species-specific behavior pattern which culminates in ecdysis.

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    11/18/67 | Circular dimer and catenate forms of mitochondrial DNA in human leukaemic leucocytes.
    Clayton DA, Vinograd J
    Nature. 1967 Nov 18;216(5116):652-7. doi: 10.1101/gad.1352105