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2 Publications

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    04/01/21 | The art of lineage tracing: From worm to human.
    Garcia-Marques J, Isabel Espinosa Medina , Lee T
    Progress in Neurobiology. 2021 Apr;199:101966. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2020.101966

    Reconstructing the genealogy of every cell that makes up an organism remains a long-standing challenge in developmental biology. Besides its relevance for understanding the mechanisms underlying normal and pathological development, resolving the lineage origin of cell types will be crucial to create these types on-demand. Multiple strategies have been deployed towards the problem of lineage tracing, ranging from direct observation to sophisticated genetic approaches. Here we discuss the achievements and limitations of past and current technology. Finally, we speculate about the future of lineage tracing and how to reach the next milestones in the field.

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    07/23/21 | YAP1 nuclear efflux and transcriptional reprograming follow membrane diminution upon VSV-G-induced cell fusion.
    Feliciano D, Ott CM, Isabel Espinosa Medina , Weigel AV, Benedetti L, Milano KM, Tang Z, Lee T, Kliman HJ, Guller SM, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Nature Communications. 2021 Jul 23;12(1):4502. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24708-2

    Cells in many tissues, such as bone, muscle, and placenta, fuse into syncytia to acquire new functions and transcriptional programs. While it is known that fused cells are specialized, it is unclear whether cell-fusion itself contributes to programmatic-changes that generate the new cellular state. Here, we address this by employing a fusogen-mediated, cell-fusion system to create syncytia from undifferentiated cells. RNA-Seq analysis reveals VSV-G-induced cell fusion precedes transcriptional changes. To gain mechanistic insights, we measure the plasma membrane surface area after cell-fusion and observe it diminishes through increases in endocytosis. Consequently, glucose transporters internalize, and cytoplasmic glucose and ATP transiently decrease. This reduced energetic state activates AMPK, which inhibits YAP1, causing transcriptional-reprogramming and cell-cycle arrest. Impairing either endocytosis or AMPK activity prevents YAP1 inhibition and cell-cycle arrest after fusion. Together, these data demonstrate plasma membrane diminishment upon cell-fusion causes transient nutrient stress that may promote transcriptional-reprogramming independent from extrinsic cues.

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