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4 Publications

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    07/18/14 | Precise spatial coding is preserved along the longitudinal hippocampal axis.
    Keinath AT, Wang ME, Wann EG, Yuan RK, Dudman JT, Muzzio IA
    Hippocampus. 2014 Jul 18;24(12):1-16. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22333

    Compared to the dorsal hippocampus, relatively few studies have characterized neuronal responses in the ventral hippocampus. In particular, it is unclear whether and how cells in the ventral region represent space and/or respond to contextual changes. We recorded from dorsal and ventral CA1 neurons in freely moving mice exposed to manipulations of visuospatial and olfactory contexts. We found that ventral cells respond to alterations of the visuospatial environment such as exposure to novel local cues, cue rotations, and contextual expansion in similar ways to dorsal cells, with the exception of cue rotations. Furthermore, we found that ventral cells responded to odors much more strongly than dorsal cells, particularly to odors of high valence. Similar to earlier studies recording from the ventral hippocampus in CA3, we also found increased scaling of place cell field size along the longitudinal hippocampal axis. Although the increase in place field size observed toward the ventral pole has previously been taken to suggest a decrease in spatial information coded by ventral place cells, we hypothesized that a change in spatial scaling could instead signal a shift in representational coding that preserves the resolution of spatial information. To explore this possibility, we examined population activity using principal component analysis (PCA) and neural location reconstruction techniques. Our results suggest that ventral populations encode a distributed representation of space, and that the resolution of spatial information at the population level is comparable to that of dorsal populations of similar size. Finally, through the use of neural network modeling, we suggest that the redundancy in spatial representation along the longitudinal hippocampal axis may allow the hippocampus to overcome the conflict between memory interference and generalization inherent in neural network memory. Our results suggest that ventral population activity is well suited for generalization across locations and contexts. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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    02/14/14 | RIVETS: A mechanical system for in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology and imaging.
    Osborne JE, Dudman JT
    PLoS One. 2014 Feb 14;9(2):e89007. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089007

    A number of recent studies have provided compelling demonstrations that both mice and rats can be trained to perform a variety of behavioral tasks while restrained by mechanical elements mounted to the skull. The independent development of this technique by a number of laboratories has led to diverse solutions. We found that these solutions often used expensive materials and impeded future development and modification in the absence of engineering support. In order to address these issues, here we report on the development of a flexible single hardware design for electrophysiology and imaging both in brain tissue in vitro. Our hardware facilitates the rapid conversion of a single preparation between physiology and imaging system and the conversion of a given system between preparations. In addition, our use of rapid prototyping machines ("3D printers") allows for the deployment of new designs within a day. Here, we present specifications for design and manufacturing as well as some data from our lab demonstrating the suitability of the design for physiology in behaving animals and imaging in vitro and in vivo.

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    09/03/14 | The basal ganglia
    Dudman JT, Cerfan CR
    The Rat Nervous System:391-440. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374245-2.00017-6

    The basal ganglia plays a significant role in transforming activity in the cerebral cortex into directed behavior, involving motor learning, habit formation and the selection of actions based on desirable outcomes, and the organization of the basal ganglia is intimately linked to that of the cerebral cortex. In this chapter, we focus primarily on the neocortical part of the basal ganglia. A general canonical organizational plan of the neocortical-related basal ganglia is described. An understanding of the canonical organization of the neostriatal part of the basal ganglia, provides a framework for determining the general organizational principles of the parts of the basal ganglia connected with allocortical areas and the amygdala, and this is discussed. While it has been proposed that the basal ganglia provide interactions between disparate functional circuits, another approach might be that there are parallel functional circuits, in which distinct functions are for the most part maintained, or segregated, one from the other. This chapter, however, is biased toward the view that there is maintenance of functional parallel circuits in the organization of the basal ganglia, but that the circuit contains neuroanatomical features that provide for considerable interaction between adjacent circuits.

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    05/21/14 | The inhibitory microcircuit of the substantia nigra provides feedback gain control of the basal ganglia output.
    Brown J, Pan W, Dudman JT
    eLife. 2014 May 21;3:e02397. doi: 10.7554/eLife.02397

    Dysfunction of the basal ganglia produces severe deficits in the timing, initiation, and vigor of movement. These diverse impairments suggest a control system gone awry. In engineered systems, feedback is critical for control. By contrast, models of the basal ganglia highlight feedforward circuitry and ignore intrinsic feedback circuits. In this study, we show that feedback via axon collaterals of substantia nigra projection neurons control the gain of the basal ganglia output. Through a combination of physiology, optogenetics, anatomy, and circuit mapping, we elaborate a general circuit mechanism for gain control in a microcircuit lacking interneurons. Our data suggest that diverse tonic firing rates, weak unitary connections and a spatially diffuse collateral circuit with distinct topography and kinetics from feedforward input is sufficient to implement divisive feedback inhibition. The importance of feedback for engineered systems implies that the intranigral microcircuit, despite its absence from canonical models, could be essential to basal ganglia function. DOI:

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