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13 Publications
Showing 11-13 of 13 resultsSmall central pattern generating circuits found in invertebrates have significant advantages for the study of the circuit mechanisms that generate brain rhythms. Experimental and computational studies of small oscillatory circuits reveal that similar rhythms can arise from disparate mechanisms. Animal-to-animal variation in the properties of single neurons and synapses may underly robust circuit performance, and can be revealed by perturbations. Neuromodulation can produce altered circuit performance but also ensure reliable circuit function.
The crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG) receives descending neuromodulatory inputs from three anterior ganglia: the paired commissural ganglia (CoGs), and the single esophageal ganglion (OG). In this paper, we provide the first detailed and quantitative analyses of the short- and long-term effects of removal of these descending inputs (decentralization) on the pyloric rhythm of the STG. Thirty minutes after decentralization, the mean frequency of the pyloric rhythm dropped from 1.20 Hz in control to 0.52 Hz. Whereas the relative phase of pyloric neuron activity was approximately constant across frequency in the controls, after decentralization this changed markedly. Nine control preparations kept for 5–6 d in vitro maintained pyloric rhythm frequencies close to their initial values. Nineteen decentralized preparations kept for 5–6 d dropped slightly in frequency from those seen at 30 min following decentralization, but then displayed stable activity over 6 d. Bouts of higher frequency activity were intermittently seen in both control and decentralized preparations, but the bouts began earlier and were more frequent in the decentralized preparations. Although the bouts may indicate that the removal of the modulatory inputs triggered changes in neuronal excitability, these changes did not produce obvious long-lasting changes in the frequency of the decentralized preparations.
This study provides a new perspective on the long-standing problem of the nature of the decapod crustacean blood-brain interface. Previous studies of crustacean blood-brain interface permeability have relied on invasive histological, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological techniques, indicating a leaky non-selective blood-brain barrier. The present investigation involves the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a method for non-invasive longitudinal tracking of tracers in real-time. Differential uptake rates of two molecularly distinct MRI contrast agents, namely manganese (Mn(II)) and Magnevist® (Gd-DTPA), were observed and quantified in the crayfish, Cherax destructor. Contrast agents were injected into the pericardium and uptake was observed with longitudinal MRI for approximately 14.5 h. Mn(II) was taken up quickly into neural tissue (within 6.5 min), whereas Gd-DTPA was not taken up into neural tissue and was instead restricted to the intracerebral vasculature or excreted into nearby sinuses. Our results provide evidence for a charge-selective intracerebral blood-brain interface in the crustacean nervous system, a structural characteristic once considered too complex for a lower-order arthropod.