Visualizing and understanding complex biological processes demands the integrated efforts of biologists and physicists. The mission of the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) is to make cutting-edge imaging technologies developed at Janelia widely accessible, and at no cost, to scientists before the instruments are commercially available.
Operating strategically at the interface of engineering and biological applications, the AIC is positioned to drastically reduce the time between instrument development and widespread use in the increasingly technology-intensive field of biology. Sponsored by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the AIC will expand the number and diversity of biologists who have access to the unique, state-of-the-art optical imaging microscopes developed at Janelia years before they become commercially available.
Proposals to use the AIC are evaluated through a two-tier peer review process. A Call-for-Proposals will be announced several times a year. Use this form to sign up for email notifications when calls for proposals are announced.
The Janelia Visitor Program will cover the cost of lodging for the visiting scientist, experiments, technical support from our applications scientists, and scope time for researchers whose proposals are accepted.
For more information, visit the AIC webpage.