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Postdoc life at Janelia

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Postdoc life at Janelia
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Postdoc life at Janelia
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Janelia postdoctoral associates are part of a welcoming and collaborative scientific community, and have access to leading edge research facilities, support teams, mentoring opportunities, and career resources. Postdocs also enjoy access to numerous campus amenities, including on-campus housing, social events, and on-site daycare.

Scientific community

Janelia’s postdoctoral associates work with and learn from top experts across a variety of scientific fields in a collaborative, supportive environment.

Research and support

Janelia’s state-of-the-art scientific and technical facilities and shared support teams enable postdoctoral researchers to pursue ambitious, high-impact research projects.

Career resources

Janelia’s culture and environment create formal and informal opportunities for career development, learning, and mentoring, preparing postdocs for a variety of successful careers.

Work/life balance

Janelia postdoctoral associates have access to a wide-range of campus amenities that foster a healthy work-life balance.