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Lattice Light Deconvolution Software - cudaDeconv

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Lattice Light Deconvolution Software - cudaDeconv

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Software Description

This open-source executable code is for post-acquisition deconvolution of data produced by the lattice light-sheet microscope developed by Eric Betzig's group at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus.  It can also deskew data acquired in the sample scan mode.  Sample data and usage examples are provided.  The software incorporates unmodified libraries from a variety of sources, packaged together for easy implementation. 


The software repo at Github is available for free at the link to the right. The software uses various co-packaged open-source and proprietary libraries subject to the terms of the license also found on the right and in the license.txt file on Github.

For inquiries, please reference:

Janelia 2017-033

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Michael Perham
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