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Manipulator system for multiple Neuropixels probe recordings

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Laboratory Tools
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Manipulator system for multiple Neuropixels probe recordings

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Flexible and ergonomic movement control for multiple Neuropixels probes

Extracellular recordings require accurate and ergonomic manipulation of the recording electrodes. The Svoboda Lab and Janelia Experimental Technology group have developed a flexible manipulator system specifically for recordings with multiple Neuropixels probes.

We provide designs and documentation to recreate a manipulation rig for non-profit and academic researchers. Following the link below, researchers can access the designs for replication by agreeing to an open-source non-commercial designs license. The researchers can have the rig constructed by their shops or consultants as needed.


Designs free at Flintbox for non-profit research through the link to the right.

Commercial licenses are also available by contacting

Please reference Tech ID 2020-004 or "Neuropixels Manipulation System"



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Manipulator Rig
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Michael Perham
Director, Innovations and External Relations
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