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Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain.

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Nature neuroscience. 2015 Dec;18(12):1832-44. doi: 10.1038/nn.4171
Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain. Menon Lab
Hawrylycz M, Miller JA, Menon V, Feng D, Dolbeare T, Guillozet-Bongaarts AL, Jegga AG, Aronow BJ, Lee C, Bernard A, Glasser MF, Dierker DL, Menche J, Szafer A, Collman F, Grange P, Berman KA, Mihalas S, Yao Z, Stewart L, Barabási A, Schulkin J, Phillips J, Ng L, Dang C, Haynor DR, Jones A, Van Essen DC, Koch C, Lein E
Note: Research in this publication was not performed at Janelia.