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Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx

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Cell. Jan-06-2019;177(7):1757 - 1770.e21. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.04.017
Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx Pedram Lab
Shurer CR, Kuo JC, Roberts LM, Gandhi JG, Colville MJ, Enoki TA, Pan H, Su J, Noble JM, Hollander MJ, O’Donnell JP, Yin R, Pedram K, Möckl L, Kourkoutis LF, Moerner W, Bertozzi CR, Feigenson GW, Reesink HL, Paszek MJ
Note: Research in this publication was not performed at Janelia.