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12 Janelia Publications

Showing 11-12 of 12 results
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    06/21/19 | Spastin tethers lipid droplets to peroxisomes and directs fatty acid trafficking through ESCRT-III.
    Chang C, Weigel AV, Ioannou MS, Pasolli HA, Xu CS, Peale DR, Shtengel G, Freeman M, Hess HF, Blackstone C, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Journal of Cell Biology. 2019 Jun 21;218(8):2583-99. doi: 10.1101/544023

    Lipid droplets (LDs) are neutral lipid storage organelles that transfer lipids to various organelles including peroxisomes. Here, we show that the hereditary spastic paraplegia protein M1 Spastin, a membrane-bound AAA ATPase found on LDs, coordinates fatty acid (FA) trafficking from LDs to peroxisomes through two inter-related mechanisms. First, M1 Spastin forms a tethering complex with peroxisomal ABCD1 to promote LD-peroxisome contact formation. Second, M1 Spastin recruits the membrane-shaping ESCRT-III proteins IST1 and CHMP1B to LDs via its MIT domain to facilitate LD-to-peroxisome FA trafficking, possibly through IST1 and CHMP1B modifying LD membrane morphology. Furthermore, M1 Spastin, IST1 and CHMP1B are all required to relieve LDs of lipid peroxidation. The roles of M1 Spastin in tethering LDs to peroxisomes and in recruiting ESCRT-III components to LD-peroxisome contact sites for FA trafficking may help explain the pathogenesis of diseases associated with defective FA metabolism in LDs and peroxisomes.

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    05/07/24 | YAP condensates are highly organized hubs
    Siyuan Hao , Ye Jin Lee , Nadav Benhamou Goldfajn , Eduardo Flores , Jindayi Liang , Hannah Fuehrer , Justin Demmerle , Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz , Zhe Liu , Shahar Sukenik , Danfeng Cai
    iScience. 2024 May 07:109927. doi:

    YAP/TEAD signaling is essential for organismal development, cell proliferation, and cancer progression. As a transcriptional coactivator, how YAP activates its downstream target genes is incompletely understood. YAP forms biomolecular condensates in response to hyperosmotic stress, concentrating transcription-related factors to activate downstream target genes. However, whether YAP forms condensates under other signals, how YAP condensates organize and function, and how YAP condensates activate transcription in general are unknown. Here, we report that endogenous YAP forms sub-micron scale condensates in response to Hippo pathway regulation and actin cytoskeletal tension. YAP condensates are stabilized by the transcription factor TEAD1, and recruit BRD4, a coactivator that is enriched at active enhancers. Using single-particle tracking, we found that YAP condensates slowed YAP diffusion within condensate boundaries, a possible mechanism for promoting YAP target search. These results reveal that YAP condensate formation is a highly regulated process that is critical for YAP/TEAD target gene expression.

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