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166 Janelia Publications

Showing 21-30 of 166 results
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    11/15/22 | Channel-independent function of UNC-9/Innexin in spatial arrangement of GABAergic synapses in .
    Hendi A, Niu L, Snow AW, Ikegami R, Wang Z, Mizumoto K
    eLife. 2022 Nov 15;11:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.80555

    Precise synaptic connection of neurons with their targets is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A plethora of signaling pathways act in concert to mediate the precise spatial arrangement of synaptic connections. Here we show a novel role for a gap junction protein in controlling tiled synaptic arrangement in the GABAergic motor neurons in , in which their axons and synapses overlap minimally with their neighboring neurons within the same class. We found that while EGL-20/Wnt controls axonal tiling, their presynaptic tiling is mediated by a gap junction protein UNC-9/Innexin, that is localized at the presynaptic tiling border between neighboring dorsal D-type GABAergic motor neurons. Strikingly, the gap junction channel activity of UNC-9 is dispensable for its function in controlling tiled presynaptic patterning. While gap junctions are crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system as channels, our finding uncovered the novel channel-independent role of UNC-9 in synapse patterning.

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    11/13/22 | Brain-wide measurement of protein turnover with high spatial and temporal resolution
    Boaz Mohar , Jonathan B. Grimm , Ronak Patel , Timothy A. Brown , Paul Tillberg , Luke D. Lavis , Nelson Spruston , Karel Svoboda
    bioRxiv. 2022 Nov 13:. doi: 10.1101/2022.11.12.516226

    Cells regulate function by synthesizing and degrading proteins. This turnover ranges from minutes to weeks, as it varies across proteins, cellular compartments, cell types, and tissues. Current methods for tracking protein turnover lack the spatial and temporal resolution needed to investigate these processes, especially in the intact brain, which presents unique challenges. We describe a pulse-chase method (DELTA) for measuring protein turnover with high spatial and temporal resolution throughout the body, including the brain. DELTA relies on rapid covalent capture by HaloTag of fluorophores that were optimized for bioavailability in vivo. The nuclear protein MeCP2 showed brain region- and cell type-specific turnover. The synaptic protein PSD95 was destabilized in specific brain regions by behavioral enrichment. A novel variant of expansion microscopy further facilitated turnover measurements at individual synapses. DELTA enables studies of adaptive and maladaptive plasticity in brain-wide neural circuits.

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    11/10/22 | Robotic Multi-Probe-Single-Actuator Inchworm Neural Microdrive
    Smith R, Kolb I, Tanaka S, Lee A, Harris T, Barbic M
    eLife. 2022 Nov 10:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.71876

    Electrophysiology is one of the major experimental techniques used in neuroscience. The favorable spatial and temporal resolution as well as the increasingly larger site counts of brain recording electrodes contribute to the popularity and importance of electrophysiology in neuroscience. Such electrodes are typically mechanically placed in the brain to perform acute or chronic freely moving animal measurements. The micro positioners currently used for such tasks employ a single translator per independent probe being placed into the targeted brain region, leading to significant size and weight restrictions. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a miniature robotic multi-probe neural microdrive that utilizes novel phase-change-material-filled resistive heater micro-grippers. The microscopic dimensions, gentle gripping action, independent electronic actuation control, and high packing density of the grippers allow for micrometer-precision independent positioning of multiple arbitrarily shaped parallel neural electrodes with only a single piezo actuator in an inchworm motor configuration. This multi-probe-single-actuator design allows for significant size and weight reduction, as well as remote control and potential automation of the microdrive. We demonstrate accurate placement of multiple independent recording electrodes into the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus in vivo in acute and chronic settings. Thus, our robotic neural microdrive technology is applicable towards basic neuroscience and clinical studies, as well as other multi-probe or multi-sensor micro-positioning applications.

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    11/09/23 | De novo protein identification in mammalian sperm using high-resolution in situ cryo-electron tomography
    Zhen Chen , Momoko Shiozaki , Kelsey M. Haas , Shumei Zhao , Caiying Guo , Benjamin J. Polacco , Zhiheng Yu , Nevan J. Krogan , Robyn M. Kaake , Ronald D. Vale , David A. Agard
    Cell. 2023 Nov 09;186(23):5041-5053.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.09.017

    Understanding molecular mechanisms of cellular pathways requires knowledge of the identities of participating proteins, their cellular localization and their 3D structures. Contemporary workflows typically require multiple techniques to identify target proteins, track their localization using fluorescence microscopy, followed by in vitro structure determination. To identify mammal-specific sperm proteins and understand their functions, we developed a visual proteomics workflow to directly address these challenges. Our in situ cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging provided 6.0 Å resolution reconstructions of axonemal microtubules and their associated proteins. The well-resolved secondary and tertiary structures allowed us to computationally match, in an unbiased manner, novel densities in our 3D reconstruction maps with 21,615 AlphaFold2-predicted protein models of the mouse proteome. We identified Tektin 5, CCDC105 and SPACA9 as novel microtubule inner proteins that form an extensive network crosslinking the lumen of microtubule and existing proteins. Additional biochemical and mass spectrometry analyses helped validate potential candidates. The novel axonemal sperm structures identified by this approach form an extensive interaction network within the lumen of microtubules, suggesting they have a role in the mechanical and elastic properties of the microtubule filaments required for the vigorous beating motions of flagella.

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    11/08/22 | Robust cell identity specifications through transitions in the collective state of growing developmental systems
    Stanoev A, Koseska A
    Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 2022 Nov 08;31:100437. doi: 10.1016/j.coisb.2022.100437

    Mammalian development is characterized with transitions from homogeneous populations of precursor to heterogeneous population of specified cells. We review here the main dynamical mechanisms through which such transitions are conceptualized, and discuss that the differentiation timing, robust cell-type proportions and recovery upon perturbation are emergent property of proliferating and communicating cell populations. We argue that studying developmental systems using transitions in collective system states is necessary to describe observed experimental features, and propose additionally the basis of a novel analytical method to deduce the relationship between single-cell dynamics and the collective, symmetry-broken states in cellular populations.

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    11/07/22 | Cellpose 2.0: how to train your own model.
    Pachitariu M, Stringer C
    Nature Methods. 2022 Nov 07;19(12):1634-41. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01663-4

    Pretrained neural network models for biological segmentation can provide good out-of-the-box results for many image types. However, such models do not allow users to adapt the segmentation style to their specific needs and can perform suboptimally for test images that are very different from the training images. Here we introduce Cellpose 2.0, a new package that includes an ensemble of diverse pretrained models as well as a human-in-the-loop pipeline for rapid prototyping of new custom models. We show that models pretrained on the Cellpose dataset can be fine-tuned with only 500-1,000 user-annotated regions of interest (ROI) to perform nearly as well as models trained on entire datasets with up to 200,000 ROI. A human-in-the-loop approach further reduced the required user annotation to 100-200 ROI, while maintaining high-quality segmentations. We provide software tools such as an annotation graphical user interface, a model zoo and a human-in-the-loop pipeline to facilitate the adoption of Cellpose 2.0.

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    Looger Lab
    11/07/22 | Chemically stable fluorescent proteins for advanced microscopy.
    Campbell BC, Paez-Segala MG, Looger LL, Petsko GA, Liu CF
    Nature Methods. 2022 Nov 07;19(12):1612-21. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01660-7

    We report the rational engineering of a remarkably stable yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), 'hyperfolder YFP' (hfYFP), that withstands chaotropic conditions that denature most biological structures within seconds, including superfolder green fluorescent protein (GFP). hfYFP contains no cysteines, is chloride insensitive and tolerates aldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixation better than common fluorescent proteins, enabling its use in expansion and electron microscopies. We solved crystal structures of hfYFP (to 1.7-Å resolution), a monomeric variant, monomeric hyperfolder YFP (1.6 Å) and an mGreenLantern mutant (1.2 Å), and then rationally engineered highly stable 405-nm-excitable GFPs, large Stokes shift (LSS) monomeric GFP (LSSmGFP) and LSSA12 from these structures. Lastly, we directly exploited the chemical stability of hfYFP and LSSmGFP by devising a fluorescence-assisted protein purification strategy enabling all steps of denaturing affinity chromatography to be visualized using ultraviolet or blue light. hfYFP and LSSmGFP represent a new generation of robustly stable fluorescent proteins developed for advanced biotechnological applications.

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    11/02/22 | Cap-dependent translation initiation monitored in living cells.
    Gandin V, English BP, Freeman M, Leroux L, Preibisch S, Walpita D, Jaramillo M, Singer RH
    Nature Communications. 2022 Nov 02;13(1):6558. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34052-8

    mRNA translation is tightly regulated to preserve cellular homeostasis. Despite extensive biochemical, genetic, and structural studies, a detailed understanding of mRNA translation regulation is lacking. Imaging methodologies able to resolve the binding dynamics of translation factors at single-cell and single-mRNA resolution were necessary to fully elucidate regulation of this paramount process. Here live-cell spectroscopy and single-particle tracking were combined to interrogate the binding dynamics of endogenous initiation factors to the 5'cap. The diffusion of initiation factors (IFs) changed markedly upon their association with mRNA. Quantifying their diffusion characteristics revealed the sequence of IFs assembly and disassembly in cell lines and the clustering of translation in neurons. This approach revealed translation regulation at high spatial and temporal resolution that can be applied to the formation of any endogenous complex that results in a measurable shift in diffusion.

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    Sternson Lab
    11/02/22 | Characterization of Ultrapotent Chemogenetic Ligands for Research Applications in Nonhuman Primates.
    Raper J, Eldridge MA, Sternson SM, Shim JY, Fomani GP, Richmond BJ, Wichmann T, Galvan A
    ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2022 Nov 02;13(21):3118-3125. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00525

    Chemogenetics is a technique for obtaining selective pharmacological control over a cell population by expressing an engineered receptor that is selectively activated by an exogenously administered ligand. A promising approach for neuronal modulation involves the use of "Pharmacologically Selective Actuator Modules" (PSAMs); these chemogenetic receptors are selectively activated by ultrapotent "Pharmacologically Selective Effector Molecules" (uPSEMs). To extend the use of PSAM/PSEMs to studies in nonhuman primates, it is necessary to thoroughly characterize the efficacy and safety of these tools. We describe the time course and brain penetrance in rhesus monkeys of two compounds with promising binding specificity and efficacy profiles in studies, uPSEM792 and uPSEM817, after systemic administration. Rhesus monkeys received subcutaneous (s.c.) or intravenous (i.v.) administration of uPSEM817 (0.064 mg/kg) or uPSEM792 (0.87 mg/kg), and plasma and cerebrospinal fluid samples were collected over 48 h. Both compounds exhibited good brain penetrance, relatively slow washout, and negligible conversion to potential metabolites─varenicline or hydroxyvarenicline. In addition, we found that neither of these uPSEMs significantly altered the heart rate or sleep. Our results indicate that both compounds are suitable candidates for neuroscience studies using PSAMs in nonhuman primates.

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    10/31/22 | FourierNets enable the design of highly non-local optical encoders for computational imaging
    Diptodip Deb , Zhenfei Jiao , Ruth R Sims , Alex Bo-Yuan Chen , Michael Broxton , Misha Ahrens , Kaspar Podgorski , Srinivas C Turaga , Alice H. Oh , Alekh Agarwal , Danielle Belgrave , Kyunghyun Cho
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 10/2022:. doi:

    Differentiable simulations of optical systems can be combined with deep learning-based reconstruction networks to enable high performance computational imaging via end-to-end (E2E) optimization of both the optical encoder and the deep decoder. This has enabled imaging applications such as 3D localization microscopy, depth estimation, and lensless photography via the optimization of local optical encoders. More challenging computational imaging applications, such as 3D snapshot microscopy which compresses 3D volumes into single 2D images, require a highly non-local optical encoder. We show that existing deep network decoders have a locality bias which prevents the optimization of such highly non-local optical encoders. We address this with a decoder based on a shallow neural network architecture using global kernel Fourier convolutional neural networks (FourierNets). We show that FourierNets surpass existing deep network based decoders at reconstructing photographs captured by the highly non-local DiffuserCam optical encoder. Further, we show that FourierNets enable E2E optimization of highly non-local optical encoders for 3D snapshot microscopy. By combining FourierNets with a large-scale multi-GPU differentiable optical simulation, we are able to optimize non-local optical encoders 170× to 7372× larger than prior state of the art, and demonstrate the potential for ROI-type specific optical encoding with a programmable microscope.

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