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3 Janelia Publications

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    08/27/24 | Expansion of in vitro Toxoplasma gondii cysts using enzymatically enhanced ultrastructure expansion microscopy
    Bondarenko K, Limoge F, Pedram K, Gissot M, Young JC
    mSphere. 2024 Aug 27;e0032224:. doi: 10.1128/msphere.00322-24

    Expansion microscopy (ExM) is an innovative approach to achieve super-resolution images without using super-resolution microscopes, based on the physical expansion of the sample. The advent of ExM has unlocked the detail of super-resolution images for a broader scientific circle, lowering the cost and entry skill requirements for the field. One of its branches, ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM), has become popular among research groups studying apicomplexan parasites, including the acute stage of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Here, we show that the chronic cyst-forming stage of Toxoplasma, however, resists U-ExM expansion, impeding precise protein localization. We then solve the in vitro cyst's resistance to denaturation required for successful U-ExM. As the cyst's main structural protein CST1 contains a mucin domain, we added an enzymatic digestion step using the pan-mucinase StcE prior to the expansion protocol. This allowed full expansion of the cysts in fibroblasts and primary neuronal cell culture without disrupting immunofluorescence analysis of parasite proteins. Using StcE-enhanced U-ExM, we clarified the localization of the GRA2 protein, which is important for establishing a normal cyst, observing GRA2 granules spanning across the CST1 cyst wall. The StcE-U-ExM protocol allows accurate pinpointing of proteins in the bradyzoite cyst, which will greatly facilitate investigation of the underlying biology of cyst formation and its vulnerabilities.

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    05/10/24 | Imaging the extracellular matrix in live tissues and organisms with a glycan-binding fluorophore
    Fiore A, Yu G, Northey JJ, Patel R, Ravenscroft TA, Ikegami R, Kolkman W, Kumar P, Grimm JB, Dilan TL, Ruetten VM, Ahrens MB, Shroff H, Lavis LD, Wang S, Weaver VM, Pedram K
    bioRxiv. 2024 May 10:. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.09.593460

    All multicellular systems produce and dynamically regulate extracellular matrices (ECM) that play important roles in both biochemical and mechanical signaling. Though the spatial arrangement of these extracellular assemblies is critical to their biological functions, visualization of ECM structure is challenging, in part because the biomolecules that compose the ECM are difficult to fluorescently label individually and collectively. Here, we present a cell-impermeable small molecule fluorophore, termed Rhobo6, that turns on and red shifts upon reversible binding to glycans. Given that most ECM components are densely glycosylated, the dye enables wash-free visualization of ECM, in systems ranging from in vitro substrates to in vivo mouse mammary tumors. Relative to existing techniques, Rhobo6 provides a broad substrate profile, superior tissue penetration, nonperturbative labeling, and negligible photobleaching. This work establishes a straightforward method for imaging the distribution of ECM in live tissues and organisms, lowering barriers for investigation of extracellular biology.

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    03/16/22 | Small molecule inhibitors of mammalian glycosylation.
    Almahayni K, Spiekermann M, Fiore A, Yu G, Pedram K, Möckl L
    Matrix Biology Plus. 2022 Mar 16;16:100108. doi: 10.1016/j.mbplus.2022.100108

    Glycans are one of the fundamental biopolymers encountered in living systems. Compared to polynucleotide and polypeptide biosynthesis, polysaccharide biosynthesis is a uniquely combinatorial process to which interdependent enzymes with seemingly broad specificities contribute. The resulting intracellular cell surface, and secreted glycans play key roles in health and disease, from embryogenesis to cancer progression. The study and modulation of glycans in cell and organismal biology is aided by small molecule inhibitors of the enzymes involved in glycan biosynthesis. In this review, we survey the arsenal of currently available inhibitors, focusing on agents which have been independently validated in diverse systems. We highlight the utility of these inhibitors and drawbacks to their use, emphasizing the need for innovation for basic research as well as for therapeutic applications.

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