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2614 Janelia Publications
Showing 61-70 of 2614 resultsThe brain's ability to rapidly transition between sleep, quiet wakefulness, and states of high vigilance is remarkable. Cerebral norepinephrine (NE) plays a key role in promoting wakefulness, but how does the brain avoid neuronal hyperexcitability upon arousal? Here, we show that NE exposure results in the generation of free fatty acids (FFAs) within the plasma membrane from both astrocytes and neurons. In turn, FFAs dampen excitability by differentially modulating the activity of astrocytic and neuronal Na, K, ATPase. Direct application of FFA to the occipital cortex in awake, behaving mice dampened visual-evoked potential (VEP). Conversely, blocking FFA production via local application of a lipase inhibitor heightened VEP and triggered seizure-like activity. These results suggest that FFA release is a crucial step in NE signaling that safeguards against hyperexcitability. Targeting lipid-signaling pathways may offer a novel therapeutic approach for seizure prevention.
Primary cilia are sensory organelles present in many cell types, partaking in various signaling processes. Primary cilia of pancreatic beta cells play pivotal roles in paracrine signaling and their dysfunction is linked to diabetes. Yet, the structural basis for their functions is unclear. We present three-dimensional reconstructions of beta cell primary cilia by electron and expansion microscopy. These cilia are spatially confined within deep ciliary pockets or narrow spaces between cells, lack motility components and display an unstructured axoneme organization. Furthermore, we observe a plethora of beta cell cilia-cilia and cilia-cell interactions with other islet and non-islet cells. Most remarkably, we have identified and characterized axo-ciliary synapses between beta cell cilia and the cholinergic islet innervation. These findings highlight the beta cell cilia's role in islet connectivity, pointing at their function in integrating islet intrinsic and extrinsic signals and contribute to understanding their significance in health and diabetes.
Whole-organ imaging and characterization at a submicron level provide abundant information on development and diseases while remaining a big challenge, especially in the context of time load. Herein, a quantitative light-sheet microscopy platform that enabled highly time-efficient assessments of fibrous structures within the intact cleared tissue is developed. Dual-view inverted selective plane illumination microscopy (diSPIM), followed by improved registration and deconvolution, led to submicron isotropic imaging of mouse upper genital tract with one hundred-fold speed-ups than previous efforts. Further, optical metrics quantifying 3D local density and structural complexity of targets based on parallel and vectorized convolution in both spatial and frequency domains are developed. Collectively, ≈400–2000 fold increases in time efficiency counting for imaging, postprocessing, and quantitative characterization compared to the traditional method is gained. Using this platform, automatic identification of medulla and cortex within the mouse ovary at over 90% overlap with manual selection by anatomy experts is achieved. Additionally, heterogeneous distributions of immune cells in the mouse ovary and fallopian tube, offering a unique perspective for understanding the immune microenvironment are discovered. This work paves the way for future whole-organ study, and exhibits potential with promise for offering mechanistic insights into physiological and pathological alterations of biological tissues.
The central complex (CX) plays a key role in many higher-order functions of the insect brain including navigation and activity regulation. Genetic tools for manipulating individual cell types, and knowledge of what neurotransmitters and neuromodulators they express, will be required to gain mechanistic understanding of how these functions are implemented. We generated and characterized split-GAL4 driver lines that express in individual or small subsets of about half of CX cell types. We surveyed neuropeptide and neuropeptide receptor expression in the central brain using fluorescent in situ hybridization. About half of the neuropeptides we examined were expressed in only a few cells, while the rest were expressed in dozens to hundreds of cells. Neuropeptide receptors were expressed more broadly and at lower levels. Using our GAL4 drivers to mark individual cell types, we found that 51 of the 85 CX cell types we examined expressed at least one neuropeptide and 21 expressed multiple neuropeptides. Surprisingly, all co-expressed a small neurotransmitter. Finally, we used our driver lines to identify CX cell types whose activation affects sleep, and identified other central brain cell types that link the circadian clock to the CX. The well-characterized genetic tools and information on neuropeptide and neurotransmitter expression we provide should enhance studies of the CX.
Starvation triggers bacterial spore formation, a committed differentiation program that transforms a vegetative cell into a dormant spore. Cells in a population enter sporulation nonuniformly to secure against the possibility that favorable growth conditions, which put sporulation-committed cells at a disadvantage, may resume. This heterogeneous behavior is initiated by a passive mechanism: stochastic activation of a master transcriptional regulator. Here, we identify a cell-cell communication pathway containing the proteins ShfA (YabQ) and ShfP (YvnB) that actively promotes phenotypic heterogeneity, wherein Bacillus subtilis cells that start sporulating early use a calcineurin-like phosphoesterase to release glycerol, which simultaneously acts as a signaling molecule and a nutrient to delay nonsporulating cells from entering sporulation. This produced a more diverse population that was better poised to exploit a sudden influx of nutrients compared to those generating heterogeneity via stochastic gene expression alone. Although conflict systems are prevalent among microbes, genetically encoded cooperative behavior in unicellular organisms can evidently also boost inclusive fitness.
OBJECTIVES: Triglycerides (TGs) associate with apolipoprotein B100 (apoB100) to form very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) in the liver. The repertoire of factors that facilitate this association is incompletely understood. FITM2, an integral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein, was originally discovered as a factor participating in cytosolic lipid droplet (LD) biogenesis in tissues that do not form VLDL. We hypothesized that in the liver, in addition to promoting cytosolic LD formation, FITM2 would also transfer TG from its site of synthesis in the ER membrane to nascent VLDL particles within the ER lumen. METHODS: Experiments were conducted using a rat hepatic cell line (McArdle-RH7777, or McA cells), an established model of mammalian lipoprotein metabolism, and mice. FITM2 expression was reduced using siRNA in cells and by liver specific cre-recombinase mediated deletion of the Fitm2 gene in mice. Effects of FITM2 deficiency on VLDL assembly and secretion in vitro and in vivo were measured by multiple methods, including density gradient ultracentrifugation, chromatography, mass spectrometry, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy, sub-cellular fractionation, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. MAIN FINDINGS: 1) FITM2-deficient hepatic cells in vitro and in vivo secrete TG-depleted VLDL particles, but the number of particles is unchanged compared to controls; 2) FITM2 deficiency in mice on a high fat diet (HFD) results in decreased plasma TG levels. The number of apoB100-containing lipoproteins remains similar, but shift from VLDL to low density lipoprotein (LDL) density; 3) Both in vitro and in vivo, when TG synthesis is stimulated and FITM2 is deficient, TG accumulates in the ER, and despite its availability this pool is unable to fully lipidate apoB100 particles; 4) FITM2 deficiency disrupts ER morphology and results in ER stress. PRINCIPAL CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that FITM2 contributes to VLDL lipidation, especially when newly synthesized hepatic TG is in abundance. In addition to its fundamental importance in VLDL assembly, the results also suggest that under dysmetabolic conditions, FITM2 may be an important factor in the partitioning of TG between cytosolic LDs and VLDL particles.
Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique for high-speed three-dimensional imaging of subcellular dynamics and large biological specimens. However, it often generates datasets ranging from hundreds of gigabytes to petabytes in size for a single experiment. Conventional computational tools process such images far slower than the time to acquire them and often fail outright due to memory limitations. To address these challenges, we present PetaKit5D, a scalable software solution for efficient petabyte-scale light sheet image processing. This software incorporates a suite of commonly used processing tools that are optimized for memory and performance. Notable advancements include rapid image readers and writers, fast and memory-efficient geometric transformations, high-performance Richardson-Lucy deconvolution and scalable Zarr-based stitching. These features outperform state-of-the-art methods by over one order of magnitude, enabling the processing of petabyte-scale image data at the full teravoxel rates of modern imaging cameras. The software opens new avenues for biological discoveries through large-scale imaging experiments.
Hippocampal CA3 is central to memory formation and retrieval. Although various network mechanisms have been proposed, direct evidence is lacking. Using intracellular Vm recordings and optogenetic manipulations in behaving mice, we found that CA3 place-field activity is produced by a symmetric form of behavioral timescale synaptic plasticity (BTSP) at recurrent synapses among CA3 pyramidal neurons but not at synapses from the dentate gyrus (DG). Additional manipulations revealed that excitatory input from the entorhinal cortex (EC) but not the DG was required to update place cell activity based on the animal's movement. These data were captured by a computational model that used BTSP and an external updating input to produce attractor dynamics under online learning conditions. Theoretical analyses further highlight the superior memory storage capacity of such networks, especially when dealing with correlated input patterns. This evidence elucidates the cellular and circuit mechanisms of learning and memory formation in the hippocampus.
Ionic driving forces provide the net electromotive force for ion movement across receptors, channels, and transporters, and are a fundamental property of all cells. In the nervous system, fast synaptic inhibition is mediated by chloride permeable GABA and glycine receptors, and single-cell intracellular recordings have been the only method for estimating driving forces across these receptors (DF). Here we present a tool for quantifying inhibitory receptor driving force named ORCHID: all-Optical Reporting of CHloride Ion Driving force. We demonstrate ORCHID's ability to provide accurate, high-throughput measurements of resting and dynamic DF from genetically targeted cell types over multiple timescales. ORCHID confirms theoretical predictions about the biophysical mechanisms that establish DF, reveals differences in DF between neurons and astrocytes, and affords the first in vivo measurements of intact DF. This work extends our understanding of inhibitory synaptic transmission and demonstrates the potential for all-optical methods to assess ionic driving forces.
Neurophysiology has long progressed through exploratory experiments and chance discoveries. Anecdotes abound of researchers listening to spikes in real time and noticing patterns of activity related to ongoing stimuli or behaviors. With the advent of large-scale recordings, such close observation of data has become difficult. To find patterns in large-scale neural data, we developed 'Rastermap', a visualization method that displays neurons as a raster plot after sorting them along a one-dimensional axis based on their activity patterns. We benchmarked Rastermap on realistic simulations and then used it to explore recordings of tens of thousands of neurons from mouse cortex during spontaneous, stimulus-evoked and task-evoked epochs. We also applied Rastermap to whole-brain zebrafish recordings; to wide-field imaging data; to electrophysiological recordings in rat hippocampus, monkey frontal cortex and various cortical and subcortical regions in mice; and to artificial neural networks. Finally, we illustrate high-dimensional scenarios where Rastermap and similar algorithms cannot be used effectively.