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Challenges in Crystallography

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Challenges in Crystallography

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October 11 - 14, 2015
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Advances in light sources and other instrumentation over the last 20 years have pushed the limits of what can be studied by various structural biology methods. Larger, much more challenging molecular ensembles have been studied at unprecedented resolutions, and with ever-smaller crystal specimens.  Computational developments, particularly in data reduction and modeling, contribute critically to this work.  The main goal of this meeting was to highlight the current challenges in structural biology broadly and crystallography in particular, and to stimulate cooperation between theory and experiment.  Talks focused on challenges in crystallography including crystal growth, data collection, processing, and structural dynamics and will span the full gamut of nanocrystallography including XFELs and MicroED, as well as single particle electron cryomicroscopy and complementary methods.

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Tamir Gonen, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Ana Gonzalez, Stanford University
Nicholas Sauter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Invited Participants
Gérard Bricogne, Global Phasing Ltd.
Axel Brunger, HHMI/Stanford University
Aina Cohen, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
Kay Diederichs, University of Konstanz
David Eisenberg, HHMI/University of California, Los Angeles
Paul Emsley, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Gwyndaf Evans, Diamond Light Source
Robert Fischetti, Argonne National Laboratory
Elspeth Garman, University of Oxford
Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University
James Holton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Paul Langan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Andrew Leslie, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Garib Murshudov, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Zbyszek Otwinowski, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Michael Rossmann, Purdue University
John Spence, Arizona State University
Henning Stahlberg, University of Basel
Graeme Winter, Diamond Light Source
Junko Yano, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Peter Zwart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory