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Cardona A, Tomancak P.
2012. Current challenges in open-source bioimage informatics.. Nature Methods. 9(7):661-5.
Funke J, Andres B, Hamprecht F, Cardona A, Cook M.
2012. Efficient automatic 3D-reconstruction of branching neurons from EM data.. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on.
Saalfeld S, Fetter RD, Cardona A, Tomancak P..
2012. Elastic volume reconstruction from series of ultra-thin microscopy sections.. Nature Methods. 9(7):717-20.
Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Frise E, Kaynig V, Longair M, Pietzsch T, Preibisch S, Rueden C, Saalfeld S, Schmid B et al..
2012. Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis.. Nature Methods. 9(7):676-82.
Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Preibisch S, Longair M, Tomancak P, Hartenstein V, Douglas RJ.
2012. TrakEM2 software for neural circuit reconstruction.. PLoS One. 7:e38011.
Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Preibisch S, Longair M, Tomancak P, Hartenstein V, Douglas RJ.
2012. TrakEM2 software for neural circuit reconstruction.. PLoS One. 7(6):e38011.
Sprecher SG, Cardona A, Hartenstein V..
2011. The Drosophila larval visual system: high-resolution analysis of a simple visual neuropil.. Developmental Biology. 358(1):33-43.
Saalfeld S, Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Tomancak P..
2010. As-rigid-as-possible mosaicking and serial section registration of large ssTEM datasets.. Bioinformatics. 26(12):i57-63.
Schmid B, Schindelin J, Cardona A, Longair M, Heisenberg M..
2010. A high-level 3D visualization API for Java and ImageJ.. BMC Bioinformatics. 11:274.
Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Arganda I, Pereanu W, Schindelin J, Hartenstein V..
2010. Identifying neuronal lineages of Drosophila by sequence analysis of axon tracts.. The Journal of Neuroscience. 30(22):7538-53.
Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Preibisch S, Schmid B, Cheng A, Pulokas J, Tomancak P, Hartenstein V..
2010. An integrated micro- and macroarchitectural analysis of the Drosophila brain by computer-assisted serial section electron microscopy.. PLoS Biology. 8(10)
Hartenstein V, Pereanu W, Truman J, Cardona A.
2010. Lineage-based connectivity map of the Drosophila brain.. Journal of Neurogenetics. 24:79.
Bery A, Cardona A, Martinez P, Hartenstein V..
2010. Structure of the central nervous system of a juvenile acoel, Symsagittifera roscoffensis.. Development Genes & Evolution. 220(3-4):61-76.
Saalfeld S, Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Tomancak P.
2009. CATMAID: collaborative annotation toolkit for massive amounts of image data.. Bioinformatics. 25(15):1984-6.
Cardona A, Larsen C, Hartenstein V..
2009. Neuronal fiber tracts connecting the brain and ventral nerve cord of the early Drosophila larva.. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 515(4):427-40.
Schröter C, Herrgen L, Cardona A, Brouhard GJ, Feldman B, Oates AC.
2008. Dynamics of zebrafish somitogenesis.. Developmental Dynamics. 237(3):545-53.
Morris J, Cardona A, De Miguel-Bonet MDel Mar, Hartenstein V.
2007. Neurobiology of the basal platyhelminth Macrostomum lignano: map and digital 3D model of the juvenile brain neuropile.. Development Genes & Evolution. 217(8):569-84.
Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Romero R.
2006. Early embryogenesis of planaria: a cryptic larva feeding on maternal resources.. Development Genes & Evolution. 216(11):667-81.
Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Romero R.
2005. The embryonic development of the triclad Schmidtea polychroa.. Development Genes & Evolution. 215(3):109-31.
Cardona A, Fernández J, Solana J, Romero R.
2005. An in situ hybridization protocol for planarian embryos: monitoring myosin heavy chain gene expression.. Development Genes & Evolution. 215(9):482-88.