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1 Publications

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    04/25/23 | PEELing: an integrated and user-centric platform for cell-surface proteomics analysis
    Xi Peng , Jody Clements , Zuzhi Jiang , Stephan Preibisch , Jiefu Li
    bioRxiv. 2023 Apr 25:. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.21.537871

    Proteins localized at the cellular interface mediate cell-cell communication and thus control many aspects of physiology in multicellular organisms. Cell-surface proteomics allows biologists to comprehensively identify proteins on the cell surface and survey their dynamics in physiological and pathological conditions. PEELing provides an integrated package and user-centric web service for analyzing cell-surface proteomics data. With a streamlined and automated workflow, PEELing evaluates data quality using curated references, performs cutoff analysis to remove contaminants, connects to databases for functional annotation, and generates data visualizations. Together with chemical and transgenic tools, PEELing completes a pipeline making cell-surface proteomics analysis handy for every lab.

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