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3912 Publications

Showing 3821-3830 of 3912 results
04/13/10 | Visual targeting of motor actions in climbing Drosophila.
Triphan T, Poeck B, Neuser K, Strauss R
Current Biology. 2010 Apr 13;20(7):663-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.055

Drosophila melanogaster flies cross surmountable gaps in their walkway of widths exceeding their body length with an astounding maneuver but avoid attempts at insurmountable gaps by visual width estimation. Different mutant lines affect specific aspects of this maneuver, indicating a high complexity and modularity of the underlying motor control. Here we report on two mutants, ocelliless(1) and tay bridge(1), that, although making a correct decision to climb, fail dramatically in aiming at the right direction. Both mutants show structural defects in the protocerebral bridge, a central complex neuropil formed like a handlebar spanning the brain hemispheres. The bridge has been implicated in step-length control in walking flies and celestial E-vector orientation in locusts. In rescue experiments using tay bridge(1) flies, the integrity of the bridge was reestablished, concomitantly leading to a significant improvement of their orientation at the gap. Although producing directional scatter, their attempts were clearly aimed at the landing site. However, this partial rescue was lost in these flies at a reduced-visibility landing site. We therefore conclude that the protocerebral bridge is an essential part of a visual targeting network that transmits directional clues to the motor output via a known projection system.

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06/01/12 | Visualization and analysis of 3D microscopic images.
Long F, Zhou J, Peng H
PLoS Computational Biology. 2012 Jun;8:e1002519. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002519

In a wide range of biological studies, it is highly desirable to visualize and analyze three-dimensional (3D) microscopic images. In this primer, we first introduce several major methods for visualizing typical 3D images and related multi-scale, multi-time-point, multi-color data sets. Then, we discuss three key categories of image analysis tasks, namely segmentation, registration, and annotation. We demonstrate how to pipeline these visualization and analysis modules using examples of profiling the single-cell gene-expression of C. elegans and constructing a map of stereotyped neurite tracts in a fruit fly brain.

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03/10/15 | Visualization and neuronal cell targeting during electrophysiological recordings facilitated by quantum dots.
Field LD, Andrasfalvy BK, Galiñanes GL, Huber D, Barbic M, Macklin JJ, Susumu K, Delehanty JB, Huston AL, Makara JK, Medintz IL
Proceedings of SPIE. 2015 Mar 10;9305:9305Y. doi: 10.1117/12.2076934

The simultaneous visualization, identification and targeting of neurons during patch clamp-mediated electrophysiological recordings is a basic technique in neuroscience, yet it is often complicated by the inability to visualize the pipette tip, particularly in deep brain tissue. Here we demonstrate a novel approach in which fluorescent quantum dot probes are used to coat pipettes prior to their use. The strong two-photon absorption cross sections of the quantum dots afford robust contrast at significantly deeper penetration depths than current methods allow. We demonstrate the utility of this technique in multiple recording formats both in vitro and in vivo where imaging of the pipettes is achieved at remarkable depths (up to 800 microns). Notably, minimal perturbation of cellular physiology is observed over the hours-long time course of neuronal recordings. We discuss our results within the context of the role that quantum dot nanoprobes may play in understanding neuronal cell physiology.

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01/28/16 | Visualization and quantification for interactive analysis of neural connectivity in Drosophila.
Swoboda N, Moosburner J, Bruckner S, Yu J, Dickson BJ, Bühler K
Computer Graphics Forum. 2016 Jan 28:. doi: 10.1111/cgf.12792

Neurobiologists investigate the brain of the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to discover neural circuits and link them to complex behaviour. Formulating new hypotheses about connectivity requires potential connectivity information between individual neurons, indicated by overlaps of arborizations of two or more neurons. As the number of higher order overlaps (i.e. overlaps of three or more arborizations) increases exponentially with the number of neurons under investigation, visualization is impeded by clutter and quantification becomes a burden. Existing solutions are restricted to visual or quantitative analysis of pairwise overlaps, as they rely on precomputed overlap data. We present a novel tool that complements existing methods for potential connectivity exploration by providing for the first time the possibility to compute and visualize higher order arborization overlaps on the fly and to interactively explore this information in both its spatial anatomical context and on a quantitative level. Qualitative evaluation by neuroscientists and non-experts demonstrated the utility and usability of the tool.

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01/24/14 | Visualization of dynamics of single endogenous mRNA labeled in live mouse.
Park HY, Lim H, Yoon YJ, Follenzi A, Nwokafor C, Lopez-Jones M, Meng X, Singer RH
Science. 2014 Jan 24;343(6169):422-4. doi: 10.1126/science.1239200

The transcription and transport of messenger RNA (mRNA) are critical steps in regulating the spatial and temporal components of gene expression, but it has not been possible to observe the dynamics of endogenous mRNA in primary mammalian tissues. We have developed a transgenic mouse in which all β-actin mRNA is fluorescently labeled. We found that β-actin mRNA in primary fibroblasts localizes predominantly by diffusion and trapping as single mRNAs. In cultured neurons and acute brain slices, we found that multiple β-actin mRNAs can assemble together, travel by active transport, and disassemble upon depolarization by potassium chloride. Imaging of brain slices revealed immediate early induction of β-actin transcription after depolarization. Studying endogenous mRNA in live mouse tissues provides insight into its dynamic regulation within the context of the cellular and tissue microenvironment.

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03/22/24 | Visualization of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in Diverse Model Organisms with Genetically Encoded Indicators
Aggarwal A, Chan J, Waring AK, Negrean A, Marvin JS, Podgorski K, Looger LL, Kukley M
New Technologies for Glutamate Interaction: Neurons and Glia;2780:3–34. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3742-5_1

Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter, and occasionally subserves inhibitory roles, in the vertebrate nervous system. Glutamatergic synapses are dense in the vertebrate brain, at \textasciitilde1/μm3. Glutamate is released from and onto diverse components of the nervous system, including neurons, glia, and other cells. Methods for glutamate detection are critically important for understanding the function of synapses and neural circuits in normal physiology, development, and disease. Here we describe the development, optimization, and deployment of genetically encoded fluorescent glutamate indicators. We review the theoretical considerations governing glutamate sensor properties from first principles of synapse biology, microscopy, and protein structure-function relationships. We provide case studies of the state-of-the-art iGluSnFR glutamate sensor, encompassing design and optimization, mechanism of action, in vivo imaging, data analysis, and future directions. We include detailed protocols for iGluSnFR imaging in common preparations (bacteria, cell culture, and brain slices) and model organisms (worm, fly, fish, rodent).

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01/01/99 | Visualization of large-scale chromatin structure and dynamics using the lac operator/lac repressor reporter system.
Belmont AS, Li G, Sudlow G, Robinett C
Methods in Cell Biology. 1999;58:203-22
12/01/12 | Visualization of live primary cilia dynamics using fluorescence microscopy.
Ott C, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.]. 2012 Dec;Chapter 4:Unit 4.26. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0426s57

Methods useful for exploring the formation and functions of primary cilia in living cells are described here. First, multiple protocols for visualizing solitary cilia that extend away from the cell body are described. Primary cilia collect, synthesize, and transmit information about the extracellular space into the cell body to promote critical cellular responses. Problems with cilia formation or function can lead to dramatic changes in cell physiology. These methods can be used to assess cilia formation and length, the location of the cilium relative to other cellular structures, and localization of specific proteins to the cilium. The subsequent protocols describe how to quantify movement of fluorescent molecules within the cilium using kymographs, photobleaching, and photoconversion. The microtubules that form the structural scaffold of the cilium are also critical avenues for kinesin and dynein-mediated movement of proteins within the cilium. Assessing intraflagellar dynamics can provide insight into mechanisms of ciliary-mediated signal perception and transmission.

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12/01/12 | Visualization of live primary cilia dynamics using fluorescence microscopy.
Ott C, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.]. 2012 Dec;Chapter 4:Unit 4.26. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0426s57

Methods useful for exploring the formation and functions of primary cilia in living cells are described here. First, multiple protocols for visualizing solitary cilia that extend away from the cell body are described. Primary cilia collect, synthesize, and transmit information about the extracellular space into the cell body to promote critical cellular responses. Problems with cilia formation or function can lead to dramatic changes in cell physiology. These methods can be used to assess cilia formation and length, the location of the cilium relative to other cellular structures, and localization of specific proteins to the cilium. The subsequent protocols describe how to quantify movement of fluorescent molecules within the cilium using kymographs, photobleaching, and photoconversion. The microtubules that form the structural scaffold of the cilium are also critical avenues for kinesin and dynein-mediated movement of proteins within the cilium. Assessing intraflagellar dynamics can provide insight into mechanisms of ciliary-mediated signal perception and transmission.

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09/05/03 | Visualization of the domain structure of an L-type Ca2+ channel using electron cryo-microscopy.
Wolf M, Eberhart A, Glossmann H, Striessnig J, Grigorieff N
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2003 Sep 05;332(1):171-82

The three-dimensional structure of the skeletal muscle voltage-gated L-type calcium channel (Ca(v)1.1; dihydropyridine receptor, DHPR) was determined using electron cryo-microscopy and single-particle averaging. The structure shows a single channel complex with an approximate total molecular mass of 550 kDa, corresponding to the five known subunits of the DHPR, and bound detergent and lipid. Features visible in our structure together with antibody labeling of the beta and alpha(2) subunits allowed us to assign locations for four of the five subunits within the structure. The most striking feature of the structure is the extra-cellular alpha(2) subunit that protrudes from the membrane domain in close proximity to the alpha(1) subunit. The cytosolic beta subunit is located close to the membrane and adjacent to subunits alpha(1), gamma and delta. Our structure correlates well with the functional and biochemical data available for this channel and suggests a three-dimensional model for the excitation-contraction coupling complex consisting of DHPR tetrads and the calcium release channel.

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