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2 Publications

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    Pastalkova Lab
    12/17/03 | A battery of tests for quantitative examination of idiothetic and allothetic place navigation modes in humans.
    Stepankova K, Pastalkova E, Kalova E, Kalina M, Bures J
    Behavioural Brain Research. 2003 Dec 17;147(1-2):95-105. doi: 10.1016/S0166-4328(03)00141-4

    Research into the neural mechanisms of place navigation in laboratory animals has led to the definition of allothetic and idiothetic navigation modes that can be examined by quantitative analysis of the generated tracks. In an attempt to use this approach in the study of human navigation behavior, 10 young subjects were examined in an enclosed arena (2.9 m in diameter, 3 m high) equipped with a computerized tracking system. Idiothetic navigation was studied in blindfolded subjects performing the following tasks-Simple Homing, Complex Homing and Idiothesis Supported by Floor-Related Signals. Allothetic navigation was examined in sighted subjects instructed to find in an empty arena the acoustically signaled unmarked goal region and later to retrieve its position using tasks (Natural Navigation, Cue-Controlled Navigation, Snapshot Memory, Map Reading) that evaluated different aspects of allothesis. The results indicate that allothetic navigation is more accurate than idiothetic, that the poor accuracy of idiothesis is due to angular rather than to distance errors, and that navigation performance is best when both allothetic and idiothetic modes contribute to the solution of the task. The proposed test battery may contribute to better understanding of the navigation disturbances accompanying various neurological disorders and to objective evaluation of the results of drug therapy and of rehabilitation procedures.

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    Pastalkova LabKeleman Lab
    02/18/03 | Operant behavior can be triggered by the position of the rat relative to objects rotating on an inaccessible platform.
    Pastalkova E, Kelemen E, Bures J
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003 Feb 18;100(4):2094-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0438002100

    The present study describes a task testing the ability of rats to trigger operant behavior by their relative spatial position to inaccessible rotating objects. Rats were placed in a Skinner box with a transparent front wall through which they could observe one or two adjacent objects fixed on a slowly rotating arena (d = 1 m) surrounded by an immobile black cylinder. The direction of arena rotation was alternated at a sequence of different time intervals. Rats were reinforced for the first bar-press that was emitted when a radius separating the two adjacent objects or dividing a single object into two halves (pointing radius) entered a 60 degrees sector of its circular trajectory defined with respect to the stationary Skinner box (reward sector). Well trained rats emitted 62.1 +/- 3.6% of responses in a 60 degrees sector preceding the reward sector and in the first 30 degrees of the reward sector. Response rate increased only when the pointing radius was approaching the reward sector, regardless of the time elapsed from the last reward. In the extinction session, when no reward was delivered, rats responded during the whole passage of the pointing radius through the former reward sector and spontaneously decreased responding after the pointing radius left this area. This finding suggests that rats perceived the reward sector as a continuous single region. The same results were obtained when the Skinner box with the rat was orbiting around the immobile scene. It is concluded that rats can recognize and anticipate their position relative to movable objects.

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