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161 Publications

Showing 81-90 of 161 results
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    Simpson Lab
    05/01/10 | Mutation of the Drosophila vesicular GABA transporter disrupts visual figure detection.
    Fei H, Chow DM, Chen A, Romero-Calderón R, Ong WS, Ackerson LC, Maidment NT, Simpson JH, Frye MA, Krantz DE
    The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2010 May;213(Pt 10):1717-30. doi: 10.1242/jeb.036053

    The role of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) release and inhibitory neurotransmission in regulating most behaviors remains unclear. The vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) is required for the storage of GABA in synaptic vesicles and provides a potentially useful probe for inhibitory circuits. However, specific pharmacologic agents for VGAT are not available, and VGAT knockout mice are embryonically lethal, thus precluding behavioral studies. We have identified the Drosophila ortholog of the vesicular GABA transporter gene (which we refer to as dVGAT), immunocytologically mapped dVGAT protein expression in the larva and adult and characterized a dVGAT(minos) mutant allele. dVGAT is embryonically lethal and we do not detect residual dVGAT expression, suggesting that it is either a strong hypomorph or a null. To investigate the function of VGAT and GABA signaling in adult visual flight behavior, we have selectively rescued the dVGAT mutant during development. We show that reduced GABA release does not compromise the active optomotor control of wide-field pattern motion. Conversely, reduced dVGAT expression disrupts normal object tracking and figure-ground discrimination. These results demonstrate that visual behaviors are segregated by the level of GABA signaling in flies, and more generally establish dVGAT as a model to study the contribution of GABA release to other complex behaviors.

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    Baker Lab
    05/01/10 | Sex and the single cell. II. There is a time and place for sex.
    Robinett CC, Vaughan AG, Knapp J, Baker BS
    PLoS Biology. 2010 May;8(5):e1000365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000365

    The Drosophila melanogaster sex hierarchy controls sexual differentiation of somatic cells via the activities of the terminal genes in the hierarchy, doublesex (dsx) and fruitless (fru). We have targeted an insertion of GAL4 into the dsx gene, allowing us to visualize dsx-expressing cells in both sexes. Developmentally and as adults, we find that both XX and XY individuals are fine mosaics of cells and tissues that express dsx and/or fruitless (fru(M)), and hence have the potential to sexually differentiate, and those that don’t. Evolutionary considerations suggest such a mosaic expression of sexuality is likely to be a property of other animal species having two sexes. These results have also led to a major revision of our view of how sex-specific functions are regulated by the sex hierarchy in flies. Rather than there being a single regulatory event that governs the activities of all downstream sex determination regulatory genes-turning on Sex lethal (Sxl) RNA splicing activity in females while leaving it turned off in males-there are, in addition, elaborate temporal and spatial transcriptional controls on the expression of the terminal regulatory genes, dsx and fru. Thus tissue-specific aspects of sexual development are jointly specified by post-transcriptional control by Sxl and by the transcriptional controls of dsx and fru expression.

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    Pastalkova Lab
    04/27/10 | Temporal delays among place cells determine the frequency of population theta oscillations in the hippocampus.
    Geisler C, Diba K, Pastalkova E, Mizuseki K, Royer S, Buzsáki G
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Apr 27;107(17):7957-62. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3773-10.2011

    Driven either by external landmarks or by internal dynamics, hippocampal neurons form sequences of cell assemblies. The coordinated firing of these active cells is organized by the prominent "theta" oscillations in the local field potential (LFP): place cells discharge at progressively earlier theta phases as the rat crosses the respective place field ("phase precession"). The faster oscillation frequency of active neurons and the slower theta LFP, underlying phase precession, creates a paradox. How can faster oscillating neurons comprise a slower population oscillation, as reflected by the LFP? We built a mathematical model that allowed us to calculate the population activity analytically from experimentally derived parameters of the single neuron oscillation frequency, firing field size (duration), and the relationship between within-theta delays of place cell pairs and their distance representations ("compression"). The appropriate combination of these parameters generated a constant frequency population rhythm along the septo-temporal axis of the hippocampus, while allowing individual neurons to vary their oscillation frequency and field size. Our results suggest that the faster-than-theta oscillations of pyramidal cells are inherent and that phase precession is a result of the coordinated activity of temporally shifted cell assemblies, relative to the population activity, reflected by the LFP.

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    Svoboda Lab
    04/22/10 | Learning-related fine-scale specificity imaged in motor cortex circuits of behaving mice.
    Komiyama T, Sato TR, O’Connor DH, Zhang Y, Huber D, Hooks BM, Gabitto M, Svoboda K
    Nature. 2010 Apr 22;464(7292):1182-6. doi: 10.1038/nature08897

    Cortical neurons form specific circuits, but the functional structure of this microarchitecture and its relation to behaviour are poorly understood. Two-photon calcium imaging can monitor activity of spatially defined neuronal ensembles in the mammalian cortex. Here we applied this technique to the motor cortex of mice performing a choice behaviour. Head-fixed mice were trained to lick in response to one of two odours, and to withhold licking for the other odour. Mice routinely showed significant learning within the first behavioural session and across sessions. Microstimulation and trans-synaptic tracing identified two non-overlapping candidate tongue motor cortical areas. Inactivating either area impaired voluntary licking. Imaging in layer 2/3 showed neurons with diverse response types in both areas. Activity in approximately half of the imaged neurons distinguished trial types associated with different actions. Many neurons showed modulation coinciding with or preceding the action, consistent with their involvement in motor control. Neurons with different response types were spatially intermingled. Nearby neurons (within approximately 150 mum) showed pronounced coincident activity. These temporal correlations increased with learning within and across behavioural sessions, specifically for neuron pairs with similar response types. We propose that correlated activity in specific ensembles of functionally related neurons is a signature of learning-related circuit plasticity. Our findings reveal a fine-scale and dynamic organization of the frontal cortex that probably underlies flexible behaviour.

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    04/15/10 | A principal skeleton algorithm for standardizing confocal images of fruit fly nervous systems.
    Qu L, Peng H
    Bioinformatics. 2010 Apr 15;26(8):1091-7. doi: 10.1007/s12021-010-9090-x

    The fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is a commonly used model organism in biology. We are currently building a 3D digital atlas of the fruit fly larval nervous system (LNS) based on a large collection of fly larva GAL4 lines, each of which targets a subset of neurons. To achieve such a goal, we need to automatically align a number of high-resolution confocal image stacks of these GAL4 lines. One commonly employed strategy in image pattern registration is to first globally align images using an affine transform, followed by local non-linear warping. Unfortunately, the spatially articulated and often twisted LNS makes it difficult to globally align the images directly using the affine method. In a parallel project to build a 3D digital map of the adult fly ventral nerve cord (VNC), we are confronted with a similar problem.

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    04/15/10 | Dermal morphogenesis controls lateral line patterning during postembryonic development of teleost fish
    Hironori Wada , Alain Ghysen , Chie Satou , Shin-ichi Higashijima , Koichi Kawakami , Satoshi Hamaguchi , Mitsuru Sakaizumi
    Developmental Biology. 04/2010;340:583-594. doi:

    The lateral line system displays highly divergent patterns in adult teleost fish. The mechanisms underlying this variability are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the lateral line mechanoreceptor, the neuromast, gives rise to a series of accessory neuromasts by a serial budding process during postembryonic development in zebrafish. We also show that accessory neuromast formation is highly correlated to the development of underlying dermal structures such as bones and scales. Abnormalities in opercular bone morphogenesis, in endothelin 1-knockdown embryos, are accompanied by stereotypic errors in neuromast budding and positioning, further demonstrating the tight correlation between the patterning of neuromasts and of the underlying dermal bones. In medaka, where scales form between peridermis and opercular bones, the lateral line displays a scale-specific pattern which is never observed in zebrafish. These results strongly suggest a control of postembryonic neuromast patterns by underlying dermal structures. This dermal control may explain some aspects of the evolution of lateral line patterns.

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    04/13/10 | Visual targeting of motor actions in climbing Drosophila.
    Triphan T, Poeck B, Neuser K, Strauss R
    Current Biology. 2010 Apr 13;20(7):663-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.055

    Drosophila melanogaster flies cross surmountable gaps in their walkway of widths exceeding their body length with an astounding maneuver but avoid attempts at insurmountable gaps by visual width estimation. Different mutant lines affect specific aspects of this maneuver, indicating a high complexity and modularity of the underlying motor control. Here we report on two mutants, ocelliless(1) and tay bridge(1), that, although making a correct decision to climb, fail dramatically in aiming at the right direction. Both mutants show structural defects in the protocerebral bridge, a central complex neuropil formed like a handlebar spanning the brain hemispheres. The bridge has been implicated in step-length control in walking flies and celestial E-vector orientation in locusts. In rescue experiments using tay bridge(1) flies, the integrity of the bridge was reestablished, concomitantly leading to a significant improvement of their orientation at the gap. Although producing directional scatter, their attempts were clearly aimed at the landing site. However, this partial rescue was lost in these flies at a reduced-visibility landing site. We therefore conclude that the protocerebral bridge is an essential part of a visual targeting network that transmits directional clues to the motor output via a known projection system.

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    Svoboda Lab
    04/07/10 | Structural plasticity underlies experience-dependent functional plasticity of cortical circuits.
    Wilbrecht L, Holtmaat A, Wright N, Fox K, Svoboda K
    The Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Apr 7;30(14):4927-32. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6403-09.2010

    The stabilization of new spines in the barrel cortex is enhanced after whisker trimming, but its relationship to experience-dependent plasticity is unclear. Here we show that in wild-type mice, whisker potentiation and spine stabilization are most pronounced for layer 5 neurons at the border between spared and deprived barrel columns. In homozygote alphaCaMKII-T286A mice, which lack experience-dependent potentiation of responses to spared whiskers, there is no increase in new spine stabilization at the border between barrel columns after whisker trimming. Our data provide a causal link between new spine synapses and plasticity of adult cortical circuits and suggest that alphaCaMKII autophosphorylation plays a role in the stabilization but not formation of new spines.

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    Grigorieff Lab
    04/06/10 | Subunit interactions in bovine papillomavirus.
    Wolf M, Garcea RL, Grigorieff N, Harrison SC
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Apr 6;107:6298-303. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0914604107

    Papillomaviruses, members of a group of dsDNA viruses associated with epithelial growths and tumors, have compact capsids assembled from 72 pentamers of the protein L1. We have determined the structure of bovine papillomavirus by electron cryomicrosopy (cryoEM), at approximately 3.6 A resolution. The density map, obtained from single-particle analysis of approximately 4,000 particle images, shows the trace of the L1 polypeptide chain and reveals how the N- and C-terminal "arms" of a subunit (extensions from its beta-jelly-roll core) associate with a neighboring pentamer. Critical contacts come from the C-terminal arm, which loops out from the core of the subunit, forms contacts (including a disulfide) with two subunits in a neighboring pentamer, and reinserts into the pentamer from which it emanates. This trace corrects one feature of an earlier model. We discuss implications of the structure for virion assembly and for pathways of infectious viral entry. We suggest that it should be possible to obtain image reconstructions of comparable resolution from cryoEM images of asymmetric particles. From the work on papillomavirus described here, we estimate that such a reconstruction will require about 1.5 million images to achieve the same number of averaged asymmetric units; structural variability will increase this number substantially.

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    04/01/10 | 3D segmentation of cell boundaries from whole cell cryogenic electron tomography volumes.
    Moussavi F, Heitz G, Amat F, Comolli LR, Koller D, Horowitz M
    Journal of Structural Biology. 2010 Apr;170(1):134-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2009.12.015

    Cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET) has gained increasing interest in recent years due to its ability to image whole cells and subcellular structures in 3D at nanometer resolution in their native environment. However, due to dose restrictions and the inability to acquire high tilt angle images, the reconstructed volumes are noisy and have missing information. Thus, features are unreliable, and precision extraction of the cell boundary is difficult, manual and time intensive. This paper presents an efficient recursive algorithm called BLASTED (Boundary Localization using Adaptive Shape and Texture Discovery) to automatically extract the cell boundary using a conditional random field (CRF) framework in which boundary points and shape are jointly inferred. The algorithm learns the texture of the boundary region progressively, and uses a global shape model and shape-dependent features to propose candidate boundary points on a slice of the membrane. It then updates the shape of that slice by accepting the appropriate candidate points using local spatial clustering, the global shape model, and trained boosted texture classifiers. The BLASTED algorithm segmented the cell membrane over an average of 93% of the length of the cell in 19 difficult cryo-ET datasets.

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