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Lee Tzumin Lab / Publications
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15 Publications

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    Bock Lab
    07/06/16 | A large fraction of neocortical myelin ensheathes axons of local inhibitory neurons.
    Micheva KD, Wolman D, Mensh BD, Pax E, Buchanan J, Smith SJ, Bock DD
    eLife. 2016 Jul 6:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.15784

    Myelin is best known for its role in increasing the conduction velocity and metabolic efficiency of long-range excitatory axons. Accordingly, the myelin observed in neocortical gray matter is thought to mostly ensheath excitatory axons connecting to subcortical regions and distant cortical areas. Using independent analyses of light and electron microscopy data from mouse neocortex, we show that a surprisingly large fraction of cortical myelin (half the myelin in layer 2/3 and a quarter in layer 4) ensheathes axons of inhibitory neurons, specifically of parvalbumin-positive basket cells. This myelin differs significantly from that of excitatory axons in distribution and protein composition. Myelin on inhibitory axons is unlikely to meaningfully hasten the arrival of spikes at their pre-synaptic terminals, due to the patchy distribution and short path-lengths observed. Our results thus highlight the need for exploring alternative roles for myelin in neocortical circuits.

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    07/28/16 | A practical guide to light sheet microscopy.
    Bennett DV, Ahrens MB
    Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2016;1451:321-31. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3771-4_22

    Light sheet fluorescence microscopy is an efficient method for imaging large volumes of biological tissue, including brains of larval zebrafish, at high spatial and fairly high temporal resolution with minimal phototoxicity.Here, we provide a practical guide for those who intend to build a light sheet microscope for fluorescence imaging in live larval zebrafish brains or other tissues.

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    Gonen LabDruckmann Lab
    07/22/16 | Accurate design of megadalton-scale two-component icosahedral protein complexes.
    Bale JB, Gonen S, Liu Y, Sheffler W, Ellis D, Thomas C, Cascio D, Yeates TO, Gonen T, King NP, Baker D
    Science (New York, N.Y.). 2016 Jul 22;353(6297):389-94. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf8818

    Nature provides many examples of self- and co-assembling protein-based molecular machines, including icosahedral protein cages that serve as scaffolds, enzymes, and compartments for essential biochemical reactions and icosahedral virus capsids, which encapsidate and protect viral genomes and mediate entry into host cells. Inspired by these natural materials, we report the computational design and experimental characterization of co-assembling, two-component, 120-subunit icosahedral protein nanostructures with molecular weights (1.8 to 2.8 megadaltons) and dimensions (24 to 40 nanometers in diameter) comparable to those of small viral capsids. Electron microscopy, small-angle x-ray scattering, and x-ray crystallography show that 10 designs spanning three distinct icosahedral architectures form materials closely matching the design models. In vitro assembly of icosahedral complexes from independently purified components occurs rapidly, at rates comparable to those of viral capsids, and enables controlled packaging of molecular cargo through charge complementarity. The ability to design megadalton-scale materials with atomic-level accuracy and controllable assembly opens the door to a new generation of genetically programmable protein-based molecular machines.

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    Gonen Lab
    07/25/16 | Atomic resolution structure determination by the cryo-EM method MicroED.
    Liu S, Hattne J, Reyes FE, Sanchez-Martinez S, de la Cruz MJ, Shi D, Gonen T
    Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 2016 Jul 25;26(1):8-15. doi: 10.1002/pro.2989

    The electron cryo-microscopy (cryoEM) method MicroED has been rapidly developing. In this review we highlight some of the key steps in MicroED from crystal analysis to structure determination. We compare and contrast MicroED and the latest X-ray based diffraction method the X-ray free electron laser (XFEL). Strengths and shortcomings of both MicroED and XFEL are discussed. Finally, all current MicroED structures are tabulated with a view to the future. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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    07/22/16 | Comment on "A histone acetylation switch regulates H2A.Z deposition by the SWR-C remodeling enzyme".
    Wang F, Ranjan A, Wei D, Wu C
    Science. 2016 Jul 22;353(6297):358. doi: 10.1126/science.aad5921

    Watanabe et al (Reports, 12 April 2013, p. 195) study the yeast SWR1/SWR-C complex responsible for depositing the histone variant H2A.Z by replacing nucleosomal H2A with H2A.Z. They report that reversal of H2A.Z replacement is mediated by SWR1 and related INO80 on an H2A.Z nucleosome carrying H3K56Q. Using multiple assays and reaction conditions, we find no evidence of such reversal of H2A.Z exchange.

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    07/21/16 | Dopaminergic neurons write and update memories with cell-type-specific rules.
    Aso Y, Rubin GM
    eLife. 2016 Jul 21;5:e16135. doi: 10.7554/eLife.16135

    Associative learning is thought to involve parallel and distributed mechanisms of memory formation and storage. In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) is the major site of associative odor memory formation. Previously we described the anatomy of the adult MB and defined 20 types of dopaminergic neurons (DANs) that each innervate distinct MB compartments (Aso et al., 2014a; Aso et al., 2014b). Here we compare the properties of memories formed by optogenetic activation of individual DAN cell types. We found extensive differences in training requirements for memory formation, decay dynamics, storage capacity and flexibility to learn new associations. Even a single DAN cell type can either write or reduce an aversive memory, or write an appetitive memory, depending on when it is activated relative to odor delivery. Our results show that different learning rules are executed in seemingly parallel memory systems, providing multiple distinct circuit-based strategies to predict future events from past experiences.

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    07/11/16 | Evaluation of the Ser-His dipeptide, a putative catalyst of amide and ester hydrolysis.
    MacDonald MJ, Lavis LD, Hilvert D, Gellman SH
    Organic Letters. 2016 Jul 11:. doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b01279

    Efficient hydrolysis of amide bonds has long been a reaction of interest for organic chemists. The rate constants of proteases are unmatched by those of any synthetic catalyst. It has been proposed that a dipeptide containing serine and histidine is an effective catalyst of amide hydrolysis, based on an apparent ability to degrade a protein. The capacity of the Ser-His dipeptide to catalyze the hydrolysis of several discrete ester and amide substrates is investigated using previously described conditions. This dipeptide does not catalyze the hydrolysis of amide or unactivated ester groups in any of the substrates under the conditions evaluated.

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    07/12/16 | Forced chromatin looping raises fetal hemoglobin in adult sickle cells to higher levels than pharmacologic inducers.
    Breda L, Motta I, Lourenco S, Gemmo C, Deng W, Rupon JW, Abdulmalik OY, Manwani D, Blobel GA, Rivella S
    Blood. 2016 Jul 12:. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-01-691089

    Overcoming the silencing of the fetal γ-globin gene has been a long standing goal in the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD). The major transcriptional enhancer of the β-globin locus, called LCR, dynamically interacts with the developmental stage-appropriate β-type globin genes via chromatin looping, a process requiring the protein Ldb1. In adult erythroid cells the LCR can be re-directed from the adult β- to the fetal γ-globin promoter by tethering Ldb1 to the human γ-globin promoter with custom designed zinc finger proteins (ZF-Ldb1), leading to reactivation of γ-globin gene expression. To compare this approach to pharmacological reactivation of fetal hemoglobin (HbF), hematopoietic cells from SCD patients were treated with a lentivirus expressing the ZF-Ldb1 or with chemical HbF inducers. The HbF increase in cells treated with ZF-Ldb1 was more than double of that observed with decitabine and pomalidomide; butyrate had an intermediate effect while tranylcypromine and hydroxyurea showed relatively low HbF reactivation. ZF-Ldb1 showed comparatively little toxicity, and reduced sickle Hb (HbS) synthesis as well as sickling of SCD erythroid cells under hypoxic conditions. The efficacy and low cytotoxicity of lentiviral-mediated ZF-Ldb1 gene transfer compared to the drug regimens support its therapeutic potential for the treatment of SCD.

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    07/29/16 | Identification of excitatory premotor interneurons which regulate local muscle contraction during Drosophila larval locomotion.
    Hasegawa E, Truman JW, Nose A
    Scientific Reports. 2016;6:30806. doi: 10.1038/srep30806

    We use Drosophila larval locomotion as a model to elucidate the working principles of motor circuits. Larval locomotion is generated by rhythmic and sequential contractions of body-wall muscles from the posterior to anterior segments, which in turn are regulated by motor neurons present in the corresponding neuromeres. Motor neurons are known to receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs, combined action of which likely regulates patterned motor activity during locomotion. Although recent studies identified candidate inhibitory premotor interneurons, the identity of premotor interneurons that provide excitatory drive to motor neurons during locomotion remains unknown. In this study, we searched for and identified two putative excitatory premotor interneurons in this system, termed CLI1 and CLI2 (cholinergic lateral interneuron 1 and 2). These neurons were segmentally arrayed and activated sequentially from the posterior to anterior segments during peristalsis. Consistent with their being excitatory premotor interneurons, the CLIs formed GRASP- and ChAT-positive putative synapses with motoneurons and were active just prior to motoneuronal firing in each segment. Moreover, local activation of CLI1s induced contraction of muscles in the corresponding body segments. Taken together, our results suggest that the CLIs directly activate motoneurons sequentially along the segments during larval locomotion.

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    Pavlopoulos Lab
    07/28/16 | Non-insect crustacean models in developmental genetics including an encomium to Parhyale hawaiensis.
    Stamataki E, Pavlopoulos A
    Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 2016 Jul 28;39:149-156. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2016.07.004

    The impressive diversity of body plans, lifestyles and segmental specializations exhibited by crustaceans (barnacles, copepods, shrimps, crabs, lobsters and their kin) provides great material to address longstanding questions in evolutionary developmental biology. Recent advances in forward and reverse genetics and in imaging approaches applied in the amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis and other emerging crustacean model species have made it possible to probe the molecular and cellular basis of crustacean diversity. A number of biological and technical qualities like the slow tempo and holoblastic cleavage mode, the stereotypy of many cellular processes, the functional and morphological diversity of limbs along the body axis, and the availability of various experimental manipulations, have made Parhyale a powerful system to study normal development and regeneration.

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