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2 Publications

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    12/01/94 | A test of geometric hypotheses for soldier investment patterns in the gall producing tropical aphidCerataphis fransseni (Homoptera, Hormaphididae)
    D. L. Stern , S. Aoki , U. Kurosu
    Insectes sociaux;41(4):457-460. doi: 10.1007/BF01240648

    The gall-forming aphidCerataphis fransseni produces soldiers that defend against predators. Soldiers are produced soon after colony foundation and the number of soldiers increases nonlinearly during colony growth. The number of soldiers scales to the square-root of the number of non-soldiers and linearly to the surface area of the gall. This suggests that soldiers are produced to defend an area, for example the perimeter of the colony or the surface of the gall, rather than individual aphids.

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    12/01/94 | Neuropeptide induction of cyclic GMP increases in the insect CNS: resolution at the level of single identifiable neurons.
    Ewer J, de Vente J, Truman JW
    The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 1994 Dec;14(12):7704-12

    In insects, the neuropeptide eclosion hormone (EH) acts on the CNS to evoke the stereotyped behaviors that cause ecdysis, the shedding of the cuticle at the end of each molt. Concomitantly, EH induces an increase in cyclic GMP (cGMP). Using antibodies against this second messenger, we show that this increase is confined to a network of 50 peptidergic neurons distributed throughout the CNS. Increases appeared 30 min after EH treatment, spread rapidly throughout these neurons, and were extremely long lived. We show that this response is synaptically driven, and does not involve the soluble, nitric oxide (NO)-activated, guanylate cyclase. Stereotyped variations in the duration of the cGMP response among neurons suggest a role in coordinating responses having different latencies and durations.

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