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3885 Publications

Showing 3621-3630 of 3885 results
01/01/03 | Intracellular correlate of EPSP-spike potentiation in CA1 pyramidal neurons is controlled by GABAergic modulation.
Staff NP, Spruston N
Hippocampus. 2003;13(7):801-5. doi: 10.1002/hipo.10129

The hippocampus has been used extensively as a model to study plastic changes in the brain's neural circuitry. Immediately after high-frequency stimulation to hippocampal Schaffer collateral axons, a dramatic change occurs in the relationship between the presynaptic CA3 and the postsynaptic CA1 pyramidal neurons. For a fixed excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), there arises an increased likelihood of action potential generation in the CA1 pyramidal neuron. This phenomenon is called EPSP-spike (E-S) potentiation. We explored E-S potentiation, using patch-clamp techniques in the hippocampal slice preparation. A specific protocol was developed to measure the action potential probability for a given synaptic strength, which allowed us to quantify the amount of E-S potentiation for a single neuron. E-S potentiation was greatest when gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibition was intact, suggesting that modulation of inhibition is a major aspect of E-S potentiation. Expression of E-S potentiation also correlated with a reduced action-potential threshold, which was greatest when GABAergic inhibition was intact. Conditioning stimuli produced a smaller threshold reduction when inhibition was blocked, but some reduction also occurred in the absence of a conditioning stimulus. Together, these results suggest that E-S potentiation is caused primarily through a reduction of GABAergic inhibition, leading to larger EPSPs and reduced action potential threshold. Our findings do not rule out, however, the possibility that modulation of voltage-gated conductances also contributes to E-S potentiation.

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01/01/03 | Invertebrate models of drug abuse.
Wolf FW, Heberlein U
Journal of Neurobiology. 2003 Jan;54(1):161-78. doi: 10.1002/neu.10166

Susceptibility to drug addiction depends on genetic and environmental factors and their complex interactions. Studies with mammalian models have identified molecular targets, neurochemical systems, and brain regions that mediate some of the addictive properties of abused drugs. Yet, our understanding of how the primary effects of drugs lead to addiction remains incomplete. Recently, researchers have turned to the invertebrate model systems Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans to dissect the mechanisms by which abused drugs modulate behavior. Due to their sophisticated genetics, relatively simple anatomy, and their remarkable molecular similarity to mammals, these invertebrate models should provide useful insights into the mechanisms of drug action. Here we review recent behavioral and genetic studies in flies and worms on the effects of ethanol, cocaine, and nicotine, three of the most widely abused drugs in the world.

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01/01/03 | Molecular phylogenetic evidence for multiple gains or losses of ant mutualism within the aphid genus Chaitophorus.
Shingleton AW, Stern DL
Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2003 Jan;26(1):26-35

Mutualism with ants is suspected to be a highly labile trait within homopteran evolution. We used molecular phylogenetic evidence to test whether the mutualism has multiple origins within a single aphid genus. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of 15 Chaitophorus Koch (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) species, using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II sequences. Ant tending evolved, or was lost, at least five times during Chaitophorus evolution. Parametric bootstrapping rejected the hypothesis of a single origin of ant tending in this genus. Further, the Chaitophorus made at least two host genus switches from poplars (Populus) to willow (Salix), and four switches in feeding position, from leaf feeding to stem feeding or vice versa. This is the first phylogenetic confirmation that ant tending is an evolutionarily labile trait in aphids.

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12/19/02 | Memory of sequential experience in the hippocampus during slow wave sleep.
Lee AK, Wilson MA
Neuron. 2002 Dec 19;36(6):1183-94

Rats repeatedly ran through a sequence of spatial receptive fields of hippocampal CA1 place cells in a fixed temporal order. A novel combinatorial decoding method reveals that these neurons repeatedly fired in precisely this order in long sequences involving four or more cells during slow wave sleep (SWS) immediately following, but not preceding, the experience. The SWS sequences occurred intermittently in brief ( approximately 100 ms) bursts, each compressing the behavioral sequence in time by approximately 20-fold. This rapid encoding of sequential experience is consistent with evidence that the hippocampus is crucial for spatial learning in rodents and the formation of long-term memories of events in time in humans.

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Cardona Lab
12/15/02 | A novel invertebrate trophic factor related to invertebrate neurotrophins is involved in planarian body regional survival and asexual reproduction.
Bueno D, Fernàndez-Rodríguez J, Cardona A, Hernàndez-Hernàndez V, Romero R
Developmental biology. 2002 Dec 15;252:188-201

Trophic factors are a heterogeneous group of molecules that promote cell growth and survival. In freshwater planarians, the small secreted protein TCEN49 is linked to the regional maintenance of the planarian central body region. To investigate its function in vivo, we performed loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments by RNA interference and by the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49, respectively. We show that TCEN49 behaves as a trophic factor involved in central body region neuron survival. In planarian tail regenerates, tcen49 expression inhibition by double-stranded RNA interference causes extensive apoptosis in various cell types, including nerve cells. This phenotype is rescued by the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49 after RNA interference. On the other hand, in organisms committed to asexual reproduction, both tcen49 mRNA and its protein are detected not only in the central body region but also in the posterior region, expanding from cells close to the ventral nerve chords. In some cases, the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49 in the posterior body region drives organisms to reproduce asexually, and the inhibition of tcen49 expression obstructs this process, suggesting a link between the central nervous system, TCEN49, regional induction, and asexual reproduction. Finally, the distribution of TCEN49 cysteine and tyrosine residues also points to a common evolutionary origin for TCEN49 and molluscan neurotrophins.

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12/15/02 | High-resolution analysis of ethanol-induced locomotor stimulation in Drosophila.
Wolf FW, Rodan AR, Tsai LT, Heberlein U
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2002 Dec 15;22(24):11035-44

Understanding how ethanol influences behavior is key to deciphering the mechanisms of ethanol action and alcoholism. In mammals, low doses of ethanol stimulate locomotion, whereas high doses depress it. The acute stimulant effect of ethanol has been proposed to be a manifestation of its rewarding effects. In Drosophila, ethanol exposure transiently potentiates locomotor activity in a biphasic dose- and time-dependent manner. An initial short-lived peak of activity corresponds to an olfactory response to ethanol. A second, longer-lasting period of increased activity coincides with rising internal ethanol concentrations; these closely parallel concentrations that stimulate locomotion in mammals. High-resolution analysis of the walking pattern of individual flies revealed that locomotion consists of bouts of activity; bout structure can be quantified by bout frequency, bout length, and the time spent walking at high speeds. Ethanol exposure induces both dramatic and dynamic changes in bout structure. Mutants with increased ethanol sensitivity show distinct changes in ethanol-induced locomotor behavior, as well as genotype-specific changes in activity bout structure. Thus, the overall effect of ethanol on locomotor behavior in Drosophila is caused by changes in discrete quantifiable parameters of walking pattern. The effects of ethanol on locomotion are comparable in flies and mammals, suggesting that Drosophila is a suitable model system to study the underlying mechanisms.

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12/01/02 | Drugs, flies, and videotape: the effects of ethanol and cocaine on Drosophila locomotion.
Rothenfluh A, Heberlein U
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2002 Dec;12(6):639-45

Drosophila melanogaster has been introduced recently as a model organism in which to study the mechanisms by which drugs of abuse change behavior and by which the nervous system changes upon repeated drug exposure. Surprising similarities between flies and mammals have begun to emerge at the behavioral, neurochemical and molecular levels.

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Tjian Lab
11/28/02 | TRF2 associates with DREF and directs promoter-selective gene expression in Drosophila.
Hochheimer A, Zhou S, Zheng S, Holmes MC, Tjian R
Nature. 2002 Nov 28;420(6914):439-45. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

Drosophila TATA-box-binding protein (TBP)-related factor 2 (TRF2) is a member of a family of TBP-related factors present in metazoan organisms. Recent evidence suggests that TRF2s are required for proper embryonic development and differentiation. However, true target promoters and the mechanisms by which TRF2 operates to control transcription remain elusive. Here we report the antibody affinity purification of a Drosophila TRF2-containing complex that contains components of the nucleosome remodelling factor (NURF) chromatin remodelling complex as well as the DNA replication-related element (DRE)-binding factor DREF. This latter finding led us to potential target genes containing TRF2-responsive promoters. We have used a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays to show that the DREF-containing TRF2 complex directs core promoter recognition of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) gene. We also identified additional TRF2-responsive target genes involved in DNA replication and cell proliferation. These data suggest that TRF2 functions as a core promoter-selectivity factor responsible for coordinating transcription of a subset of genes in Drosophila.

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11/15/02 | A stimulus generating system for studying wind sensation in the American cockroach.
Rinberg D, Davidowitz H
Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2002 Nov 15;121(1):1-11. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3613-08.2008

A novel system for the generation and measurement of a two dimensional wind stimulus is proposed and described. This system was used to investigate the wind sensation of the American cockroach. The new aspects of this system are (a) a pair of computer driven wind tunnels that are shown to produce non-turbulent flows and (b) a novel fiber optic wind detector that measures both amplitude and direction of the wind. Winds can be produced and measured in behaviorally relevant frequency and amplitude ranges without perturbing the airflow. The combination of both the wind generation system and wind detector makes the system very flexible and allows the generation of stimuli with any given spectrum. The two dimensional wind stimulus is shown to be very reproducible. The wind detector is independent of the wind generation system so it can be used for measuring natural winds as well. Experimental data obtained on the cockroach are presented.

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11/09/02 | A new NOS2 promoter polymorphism associated with increased nitric oxide production and protection from severe malaria in Tanzanian and Kenyan children.
Hobbs MR, Udhayakumar V, Levesque MC, Booth J, Roberts JM, Tkachuk AN, Pole A, Coon H, Kariuki S, Nahlen BL, Mwaikambo ED, Lal AL, Granger DL, Anstey NM, Weinberg JB
Lancet. 2002 Nov 9;360(9344):1468-75. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)11474-7

Nitric oxide (NO) is a mediator of immunity to malaria, and genetic polymorphisms in the promoter of the inducible NO synthase gene (NOS2) could modulate production of NO. We postulated that NOS2 promoter polymorphisms would affect resistance to severe malaria.

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