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Dialogues of Discovery: Gerald Rubin Chronicles Janelia’s First 10 Years

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08/25/16 | Dialogues of Discovery: Gerald Rubin Chronicles Janelia’s First 10 Years

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Gerald Rubin, a vice president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and executive director of its Janelia Research Campus, will deliver the next Dialogues of Discovery lecture at Janelia. Rubin’s lecture, which will focus on Janelia’s first 10 years, is on Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 p.m.

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It’s been 10 years since Janelia opened its doors to a few outstanding scientists who wanted a different kind of research experience – hands-on, fully collaborative, and focused every day on basic science. Since 2006, Janelia has evolved from an empty building on a suburban Virginia meadow into a fully functional biomedical research facility designed to tackle biology’s greatest questions. With more than 50 laboratories, supported by a vibrant team of scientists and operational staff, Janelia is now known for taking risks and pushing scientific boundaries.  

All Dialogues of Discovery lectures are free and open to the public, but tickets are required for admission, and seating is limited to 250 people.