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Fly Light Split-GAL4 Driver Collection

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Fly Light Split-GAL4 Driver Collection

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Imaging Data for the Split-GAL4 Driver Collection

The data presented on this site are the work of the Janelia FlyLight Project Team and the laboratories of Gerald M. Rubin, Kristin Branson, and Gwyneth Card

The split-GAL4 lines can be requested from the Janelia fly facility by performing a search and adding the desired lines to your cart. You will then be able to use the FlyBank website to tell us where to send them. For additional help ordering lines, please contact us at

In publications, please attribute the data presented on this site to one of the following papers, as follows: 

For the overall strategy and methods used to produce the split-GAL4 lines for the mushroom body neurons (MB Paper 2014, Aso&Rubin 2016)
Aso, Y., Hattori, D., Yu, Y., Johnston, R. M., Iyer, N., Ngo, T. B., Dionne, H., Abbott, L. F., Axel, R., Tanimoto, H. & Rubin, G. M. . The neuronal architecture of the mushroom body provides a logic for associative learning. eLife (2014) 3:e04577. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.04577

Aso, Y, Rubin, GM. Dopaminergic neurons write and update memories with cell-type-specific rules. Elife. 2016;5. Epub 2016/07/22. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.16135. 

For split-GAL4 lines for the Lobula Columnar (LC) visual projection neurons (LC Paper):
Wu, M., Nern, A., Williamson, W. R., Morimoto, M. M., Reiser, M. B., Card, G. M. & Rubin, G. M. Visual projection neurons in the Drosophila lobula link feature detection to distinct behavioral programs. eLife (2016) 5:e21022DOI: 10.7554/eLife.21022

For the empty split-GAL4 line (spGAL4 control) (Hampel 2015)
Hampel, S., Franconville, R., Simpson, J. H., & Seeds, A. M. A neural command circuit for grooming movement controleLife (2015) 4: 08758 . DOI: 10.7554/eLife.08758 

For split-GAL4 lines for Ellipsoid Body neurons from the 'walking-more' brain-behavior map (Robie 2017)
Robie, A. A., Hirokawa, J., Edwards, A. W., Umayam, L. A., Lee, A., Phillips, M. L., Card, G. M., Korff, W., Rubin, G. M., Simpson, J. H., Reiser, M. B., & Branson, K. Mapping the neural substrates of behavior. Cell (2017) 170 (2): 393-406. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.06.032

For new split-GAL4 lines used for the characterization of LPLC2 anatomy and function (LPLC2_paper)
Klapoetke, N. C., Nern, A., Peek, M. Y., Rogers, E.M., Breads, P., Rubin, G. M., Reiser, M. B., & Card, G. M. Ultra-selective looming detection from radial motion opponency. Nature (2017) 551: 237-241. DOI: 10.1038/nature24626

For split-GAL4 lines for descending sensory-motor pathways (Descending Neurons 2017)
Namiki, S., Dickinson, M. H., Wong, A. M., Korff, W. & Card, G. M. The functional organization of descending sensory-motor pathways in Drosophila. bioRxiv (2017) 231696. DOI: 10.1101/231696

For refinement of the split-GAL4 vectors and methodology
Pfeiffer, B. D., Ngo, T. T., Hibbard, K. L., Murphy, C., Jenett, A., Truman, J. W. & Rubin, G. M. Refinement of tools for targeted gene expression in 
DrosophilaGenetics (2010) 186: 735-55. DOI: 10.1534/genetics.110.119917

For Multicolor Flp-out (MCFO) technique and single cell labeling:
Nern, A., Pfeiffer, B.D., and Rubin, G.M. Optimized tools for multicolor stochastic labeling reveal diverse stereotyped cell arrangements in the fly visual system. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2015) 112: E2967-2976. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1506763112

Split-GAL4 lines were designed based on the expression patterns of GAL4 driver lines in the adult nervous system
The Janelia collection of lines is described in Jenett, A., Rubin, G.M., Ngo, T.-T. B., Shepherd, D., Murphy, C., Dionne, H., Pfeiffer, B.D., Cavallaro, A., Hall, D., Jeter, J., Iyer, N., Fetter, D., Hausenfluck, J.H., Peng, H., Trautman, E., Svirskas, R., Myers, G.W., Iwinski, Z.R., Aso, Y., DePasquale, G.M., Enos, A., Hulamm, P., Lam, S.C.B., Li, H-H., Laverty, T., Long, F., Qu, L., Murphy, S.D., Rokicki, K., Safford, T., Shaw, K., Simpson, J.H., Sowell, A., Tae, S., Yu, Y., Zugates, C.T. A GAL4-Driver Line Resource for Drosophila Neurobiology. Cell Reports (2012) 2: 991-1001. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.09.011 

The VT collection of lines is described in Kvon, E.Z., Kazmar, T., Stampfel, G., Yanez-Cuna, J.O., Pagani, M., Schernhuber, K., Dickson, B.J., and Stark, A. Genome-scale functional characterization of Drosophila developmental enhancers in vivoNature (2014) 512: 91-95 (DOI: 10.1038/nature13395) and Barry J. Dickson, unpublished data. 

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Use Fiji ( Fiji has a built-in plugin (H5J_Loader_Plugin-1.0.4) for opening stack in h5j format, a "visually lossless" compression format.

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