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21 Results

Showing 11-20 of 21 results
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    OSS - Fast and robust optical flow for time-lapse microscopy using super-voxels
    Optical flow is a key method used for quantitative motion estimation of biological structures in light microscopy. It has also been used as a key module in segmentation and tracking systems and...
    OSS - Fast, accurate reconstruction of cell lineages from large-scale fluorescence microscopy data
    The comprehensive reconstruction of cell lineages in complex multicellular organisms is a central goal of developmental biology. We present an open-source computational framework for the...
    Serial Section Alignment
    Serial Section Alignment Configure Briefly, serial section tomography entails slicing a block of tissue into...
    ShuTu Open-Source Software for Neuron Reconstruction
    ShuTu Configure ShuTu (Chinese for “dendrite”) is a software platform for semi-automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology. It is designed for neurons stained following patch-...
    SpikeGLX Neurophysiology Probe Acquisition Software
    What SpikeGLX is a recording system for extracellular neural probes. The emphasis is on concurrent synchronous recording from high channel count probes together with numerous auxiliary analog and...
    Matlab Program for Electrophysiological Data Acquisition Symphony is a data acquisition system focused on electrophysiology experiments. Symphony allows research scientists to...
    The serotonergic system tracks the outcomes of actions to mediate short-term motor learning (Software)
    The serotonergic system tracks the outcomes of actions to mediate short-term motor learning (Software) This directs to a repository for the analysis algorithms used in Kawashima et al...
    Vibratome built for the Auto Slicer Imager Rig (MouseLight 2)
    About the Innovation Visualization of the axonal structures of individual neurons is critical to understand how neural signals are organized and communicated in the brain. Janelia...
    Whole-animal functional and developmental imaging with isotropic spatial resolution
    Whole-animal functional and developmental imaging with isotropic spatial resolution Imaging fast cellular dynamics across large specimens requires high resolution in all dimensions,...
    Whole-brain Functional Recordings
    Image Processing and Analysis Brain function relies on communication between large populations of neurons across multiple brain areas, a full understanding of which would require knowledge...