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Integrative structure and functional anatomy of a nuclear pore complex.

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Nature. 2018 Mar 14;555(7697):475-82. doi: 10.1038/nature26003
Integrative structure and functional anatomy of a nuclear pore complex. Gonen LabCryo-Electron Microscopy
Kim SJ, Fernandez-Martinez J, Nudelman I, Shi Y, Zhang W, Raveh B, Herricks T, Slaughter BD, Hogan JA, Upla P, Chemmama IE, Pellarin R, Echeverria I, Shivaraju M, Chaudhury AS, Wang J, Williams R, Unruh JR, Greenberg CH, Jacobs EY, Yu Z, de la Cruz MJ, Mironska R, Stokes DL, Aitchison JD, Jarrold MF, Gerton JL, Ludtke SJ, Akey CW, Chait BT, Sali A, Rout MP