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Lactate biosensors for spectrally and spatially multiplexed fluorescence imaging.

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Nature Communications. 2023 Oct 27;14(1):6598. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42230-5
Lactate biosensors for spectrally and spatially multiplexed fluorescence imaging. Podgorski Lab
Nasu Y, Aggarwal A, Le GN, Vo CT, Kambe Y, Wang X, Beinlich FR, Lee AB, Ram TR, Wang F, Gorzo KA, Kamijo Y, Boisvert M, Nishinami S, Kawamura G, Ozawa T, Toda H, Gordon GR, Ge S, Hirase H, Nedergaard M, Paquet M, Drobizhev M, Podgorski K, Campbell RE