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17 Janelia Publications

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    11/06/23 | A complete reconstruction of the early visual system of an adult insect.
    Chua NJ, Makarova AA, Gunn P, Villani S, Cohen B, Thasin M, Wu J, Shefter D, Pang S, Xu CS, Hess HF, Polilov AA, Chklovskii DB
    Current Biology. 2023 Nov 06;33(21):4611-4623. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.09.021

    For most model organisms in neuroscience, research into visual processing in the brain is difficult because of a lack of high-resolution maps that capture complex neuronal circuitry. The microinsect Megaphragma viggianii, because of its small size and non-trivial behavior, provides a unique opportunity for tractable whole-organism connectomics. We image its whole head using serial electron microscopy. We reconstruct its compound eye and analyze the optical properties of the ommatidia as well as the connectome of the first visual neuropil-the lamina. Compared with the fruit fly and the honeybee, Megaphragma visual system is highly simplified: it has 29 ommatidia per eye and 6 lamina neuron types. We report features that are both stereotypical among most ommatidia and specialized to some. By identifying the "barebones" circuits critical for flying insects, our results will facilitate constructing computational models of visual processing in insects.

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    11/29/23 | A fluorogenic complementation tool kit for interrogating lipid droplet-organelle interaction
    Xiao Li , Rico Gamuyao , Ming-Lun Wu , Woo Jung Cho , Nathan B. Kurtz , Sharon V. King , R.A. Petersen , Daniel R. Stabley , Caleb Lindow , Leslie Climer , Abbas Shirinifard , Francesca Ferrara , Robert E. Throm , Camenzind G. Robinson , Alex Carisey , Alison G. Tebo , Chi-Lun Chang
    bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 29:. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.29.569289

    Contact sites between lipid droplets and other organelles are essential for cellular lipid and energy homeostasis. Detection of these contact sites at nanometer scale over time in living cells is challenging. Here, we developed a tool kit for detecting contact sites based on Fluorogen- Activated Bimolecular complementation at CONtact sites, FABCON, using a reversible, low affinity split fluorescent protein, splitFAST. FABCON labels contact sites with minimal perturbation to organelle interaction. Via FABCON, we quantitatively demonstrated that endoplasmic reticulum (ER)- and mitochondria (mito)-lipid droplet contact sites are dynamic foci in distinct metabolic conditions, such as during lipid droplet biogenesis and consumption. An automated analysis pipeline further classified individual contact sites into distinct subgroups based on size, likely reflecting differential regulation and function. Moreover, FABCON is generalizable to visualize a repertoire of organelle contact sites including ER-mito. Altogether, FABCON reveals insights into the dynamic regulation of lipid droplet-organelle contact sites and generates new hypotheses for further mechanistical interrogation during metabolic switch.

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    11/22/23 | ACC neural ensemble dynamics are structured by strategy prevalence
    Mikhail Proskurin , Maxim Manakov , Alla Y. Karpova
    eLife. 2023 Nov 22:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84897

    Medial frontal cortical areas are thought to play a critical role in the brain's ability to flexibly deploy strategies that are effective in complex settings. Still, the specific circuit computations that underpin this foundational aspect of intelligence remain unclear. Here, by examining neural ensemble activity in rats that sample different strategies in a self-guided search for latent task structure, we demonstrate a robust tracking of individual strategy prevalence in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), especially in an area homologous to primate area 32D. Prevalence encoding in the ACC is wide-scale, independent of reward delivery, and persists through a substantial ensemble reorganization that tags ACC representations with contextual content. Our findings argue that ACC ensemble dynamics is structured by a summary statistic of recent behavioral choices, raising the possibility that ACC plays a role in estimating - through statistical learning - which actions promote the occurrence of events in the environment.

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    11/20/23 | All-optical reporting of inhibitory receptor driving force in the nervous system.
    Joshua S. Selfe , Teresa J. S. Steyn , Eran F. Shorer , Richard J. Burman , Kira M. Düsterwald , Ahmed S. Abdelfattah , Eric R. Schreiter , Sarah E. Newey , Colin J. Akerman , Joseph V. Raimondo
    bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 20:. doi: 10.1101/2023.08.30.555464

    Ionic driving forces provide the net electromotive force for ion movement across receptors, channels, and transporters, and are a fundamental property of all cells. In the brain for example, fast synaptic inhibition is mediated by chloride permeable GABAA receptors, and single-cell intracellular recordings have been the only method for estimating driving forces across these receptors (DFGABAA). Here we present a new tool for quantifying inhibitory receptor driving force named ORCHID: all-Optical Reporting of CHloride Ion Driving force. We demonstrate ORCHID’s ability to provide accurate, high-throughput measurements of resting and dynamic DFGABAA from genetically targeted cell types over multiple timescales. ORCHID confirms theoretical predictions about the biophysical mechanisms that establish DFGABAA, reveals novel differences in DFGABAA between neurons and astrocytes, and affords the first in vivo measurements of intact DFGABAA. This work extends our understanding of inhibitory synaptic transmission and establishes a precedent for all-optical methods to assess ionic driving forces.

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    Darshan LabSvoboda Lab
    11/26/23 | Connectivity underlying motor cortex activity during naturalistic goal-directed behavior.
    Arseny Finkelstein , Kayvon Daie , Márton Rózsa , Ran Darshan , Karel Svoboda
    bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 26:. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.25.568673

    Neural representations of information are shaped by local network interactions. Previous studies linking neural coding and cortical connectivity focused on stimulus selectivity in the sensory cortex 14. Here we study neural activity in the motor cortex during naturalistic behavior in which mice gathered rewards with multidirectional tongue reaching. This behavior does not require training and thus allowed us to probe neural coding and connectivity in motor cortex before its activity is shaped by learning a specific task. Neurons typically responded during and after reaching movements and exhibited conjunctive tuning to target location and reward outcome. We used an all-optical 5,4,6,7 method for large-scale causal functional connectivity mapping in vivo. Mapping connectivity between > 20,000,000 excitatory neuronal pairs revealed fine-scale columnar architecture in layer 2/3 of the motor cortex. Neurons displayed local (< 100 µm) like-to-like connectivity according to target-location tuning, and inhibition over longer spatial scales. Connectivity patterns comprised a continuum, with abundant weakly connected neurons and sparse strongly connected neurons that function as network hubs. Hub neurons were weakly tuned to target-location and reward-outcome but strongly influenced neighboring neurons. This network of neurons, encoding location and outcome of movements to different motor goals, may be a general substrate for rapid learning of complex, goal-directed behaviors.

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    11/30/23 | Connectomic reconstruction predicts the functional organization of visual inputs to the navigation center of the brain.
    Garner D, Kind E, Nern A, Houghton L, Zhao A, Sancer G, Rubin GM, Wernet MF, Kim SS
    bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 30:. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.29.569241

    Many animals, including humans, navigate their surroundings by visual input, yet we understand little about how visual information is transformed and integrated by the navigation system. In , compass neurons in the donut-shaped ellipsoid body of the central complex generate a sense of direction by integrating visual input from ring neurons, a part of the anterior visual pathway (AVP). Here, we densely reconstruct all neurons in the AVP using FlyWire, an AI-assisted tool for analyzing electron-microscopy data. The AVP comprises four neuropils, sequentially linked by three major classes of neurons: MeTu neurons, which connect the medulla in the optic lobe to the small unit of anterior optic tubercle (AOTUsu) in the central brain; TuBu neurons, which connect the anterior optic tubercle to the bulb neuropil; and ring neurons, which connect the bulb to the ellipsoid body. Based on neuronal morphologies, connectivity between different neural classes, and the locations of synapses, we identified non-overlapping channels originating from four types of MeTu neurons, which we further divided into ten subtypes based on the presynaptic connections in medulla and postsynaptic connections in AOTUsu. To gain an objective measure of the natural variation within the pathway, we quantified the differences between anterior visual pathways from both hemispheres and between two electron-microscopy datasets. Furthermore, we infer potential visual features and the visual area from which any given ring neuron receives input by combining the connectivity of the entire AVP, the MeTu neurons' dendritic fields, and presynaptic connectivity in the optic lobes. These results provide a strong foundation for understanding how distinct visual features are extracted and transformed across multiple processing stages to provide critical information for computing the fly's sense of direction.

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    11/29/23 | Decoding life's inner workings: advances in quantitative bioimaging.
    Henriques R, Leterrier C, Weigel A
    Open Biology. 2023 Nov 29;13(11):230329. doi: 10.1098/rsob.230329

    This special feature of , titled 'Advances in Quantitative Bioimaging', proposes an overview of the latest advancements in quantitative bioimaging techniques and their wide-ranging applications. The articles cover various topics, including modern imaging methods that enable visualization on a nanoscale, such as super-resolution microscopy and single-particle analysis. These techniques offer unparalleled insights into complex molecular structures and dynamic cellular processes , such as mapping nuclear pore proteins or tracking single histone deposition events throughout the cell cycle. The articles presented in this edition showcase cutting-edge quantitative imaging techniques coupled with advanced computational analysis capable of precisely measuring biological structures and processes. Examples range from correlating calcium release events to underlying protein organization in heart cells to pioneering tools for categorizing changes in microglia morphology under various conditions. This editorial highlights how these advancements are revolutionizing our understanding of living systems, while acknowledging challenges that must be addressed to fully exploit the potential of these emerging technologies, such as improving molecular probes, algorithms and correlation protocols.

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    11/24/23 | Different spectral sensitivities of ON- and OFF-motion pathways enhance the detection of approaching color objects in Drosophila.
    Longden KD, Rogers EM, Nern A, Dionne H, Reiser MB
    Nature Communications. 2023 Nov 24;14(1):7693. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43566-8

    Color and motion are used by many species to identify salient objects. They are processed largely independently, but color contributes to motion processing in humans, for example, enabling moving colored objects to be detected when their luminance matches the background. Here, we demonstrate an unexpected, additional contribution of color to motion vision in Drosophila. We show that behavioral ON-motion responses are more sensitive to UV than for OFF-motion, and we identify cellular pathways connecting UV-sensitive R7 photoreceptors to ON and OFF-motion-sensitive T4 and T5 cells, using neurogenetics and calcium imaging. Remarkably, this contribution of color circuitry to motion vision enhances the detection of approaching UV discs, but not green discs with the same chromatic contrast, and we show how this could generalize for systems with ON- and OFF-motion pathways. Our results provide a computational and circuit basis for how color enhances motion vision to favor the detection of saliently colored objects.

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    11/24/23 | Different spectral sensitivities of ON- and OFF-motion pathways enhance the detection of approaching color objects in Drosophila.
    Longden KD, Rogers EM, Nern A, Dionne H, Reiser MB
    Nature Communications. 2023 Nov 24;14(1):7693. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43566-8

    Color and motion are used by many species to identify salient objects. They are processed largely independently, but color contributes to motion processing in humans, for example, enabling moving colored objects to be detected when their luminance matches the background. Here, we demonstrate an unexpected, additional contribution of color to motion vision in Drosophila. We show that behavioral ON-motion responses are more sensitive to UV than for OFF-motion, and we identify cellular pathways connecting UV-sensitive R7 photoreceptors to ON and OFF-motion-sensitive T4 and T5 cells, using neurogenetics and calcium imaging. Remarkably, this contribution of color circuitry to motion vision enhances the detection of approaching UV discs, but not green discs with the same chromatic contrast, and we show how this could generalize for systems with ON- and OFF-motion pathways. Our results provide a computational and circuit basis for how color enhances motion vision to favor the detection of saliently colored objects.

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    11/21/23 | Distributed representations of innate behaviors in the hypothalamus do not predict specialized functional centers.
    Stefanos Stagkourakis , Giada Spigolon , Markus Marks , Michael Feyder , Joseph Kim , Pietro Perona , Marius Pachitariu , David J. Anderson
    bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 21:. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.21.568163

    Survival behaviors are orchestrated by hardwired circuits located in deep subcortical brain regions, most prominently the hypothalamus. Artificial activation of spatially localized, genetically defined hypothalamic cell populations is known to trigger distinct behaviors, suggesting a nucleus-centered organization of behavioral control. However, no study has investigated the hypothalamic representation of innate behaviors using unbiased, large-scale single neuron recordings. Here, using custom silicon probes, we performed recordings across the rostro-caudal extent of the medial hypothalamus in freely moving animals engaged in a diverse array of social and predator defense (“fear”) behaviors. Nucleus-averaged activity revealed spatially distributed generic “ignition signals” that occurred at the onset of each behavior, and did not identify sparse, nucleus-specific behavioral representations. Single-unit analysis revealed that social and fear behavior classes are encoded by activity in distinct sets of spatially distributed neuronal ensembles spanning the entire hypothalamic rostro-caudal axis. Individual ensemble membership, however, was drawn from neurons in 3-4 adjacent nuclei. Mixed selectivity was identified as the most prevalent mode of behavior representation by individual hypothalamic neurons. Encoding models indicated that a significant fraction of the variance in single neuron activity is explained by behavior. This work reveals that innate behaviors are encoded in the hypothalamus by activity in spatially distributed neural ensembles that each span multiple neighboring nuclei, complementing the prevailing view of hypothalamic behavioral control by single nucleus-restricted cell types derived from perturbational studies.

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