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3 Janelia Publications

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    12/01/20 | Dense neuronal reconstruction through X-ray holographic nano-tomography.
    Kuan AT, Phelps JS, Thomas LA, Nguyen TM, Han J, Chen C, Azevedo AW, Tuthill JC, Funke J, Cloetens P, Pacureanu A, Lee WA
    Nature Neuroscience. 2020 Dec -1;23(12):1637-43. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0704-9

    Imaging neuronal networks provides a foundation for understanding the nervous system, but resolving dense nanometer-scale structures over large volumes remains challenging for light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). Here we show that X-ray holographic nano-tomography (XNH) can image millimeter-scale volumes with sub-100-nm resolution, enabling reconstruction of dense wiring in Drosophila melanogaster and mouse nervous tissue. We performed correlative XNH and EM to reconstruct hundreds of cortical pyramidal cells and show that more superficial cells receive stronger synaptic inhibition on their apical dendrites. By combining multiple XNH scans, we imaged an adult Drosophila leg with sufficient resolution to comprehensively catalog mechanosensory neurons and trace individual motor axons from muscles to the central nervous system. To accelerate neuronal reconstructions, we trained a convolutional neural network to automatically segment neurons from XNH volumes. Thus, XNH bridges a key gap between LM and EM, providing a new avenue for neural circuit discovery.

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    09/10/20 | Inpainting Networks Learn to Separate Cells in Microscopy Images
    Wolf S, Hamprecht FA, Funke J
    British Machine Vision Conference. 2020 Sep:

    Deep neural networks trained to inpaint partially occluded images show a deep understanding of image composition and have even been shown to remove objects from images convincingly. In this work, we investigate how this implicit knowledge of image composition can be be used to separate cells in densely populated microscopy images. We propose a measure for the independence of two image regions given a fully self-supervised inpainting network and separate objects by maximizing this independence. We evaluate our method on two cell segmentation datasets and show that cells can be separated completely unsupervised. Furthermore, combined with simple foreground detection, our method yields instance segmentation of similar quality to fully supervised methods.

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    09/17/20 | Microtubule Tracking in Electron Microscopy Volumes
    Nils Eckstein , Julia Buhmann , Matthew Cook , Jan Funke
    International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2020 Sep 17:

    We present a method for microtubule tracking in electron microscopy volumes. Our method first identifies a sparse set of voxels that likely belong to microtubules. Similar to prior work, we then enumerate potential edges between these voxels, which we represent in a candidate graph. Tracks of microtubules are found by selecting nodes and edges in the candidate graph by solving a constrained optimization problem incorporating biological priors on microtubule structure. For this, we present a novel integer linear programming formulation, which results in speed-ups of three orders of magnitude and an increase of 53% in accuracy compared to prior art (evaluated on three 1 . 2 × 4 × 4µm volumes of Drosophila neural tissue). We also propose a scheme to solve the optimization problem in a block-wise fashion, which allows distributed tracking and is necessary to process very large electron microscopy volumes. Finally, we release a benchmark dataset for microtubule tracking, here used for training, testing and validation, consisting of eight 30 x 1000 x 1000 voxel blocks (1 . 2 × 4 × 4µm) of densely annotated microtubules in the CREMI data set (

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