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2 Janelia Publications

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    06/15/16 | Efficient convolutional neural networks for pixelwise classification on heterogeneous hardware systems.
    Tschopp F, Martel JN, Turaga SC, Cook M, Funke J
    IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. 2016 Jun 15:. doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2016.7493487

    With recent advances in high-throughput Electron Microscopy (EM) imaging it is now possible to image an entire nervous system of organisms like Drosophila melanogaster. One of the bottlenecks to reconstruct a connectome from these large volumes (œ 100 TiB) is the pixel-wise prediction of membranes. The time it would typically take to process such a volume using a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a sliding window approach is in the order of years on a current GPU. With sliding windows, however, a lot of redundant computations are carried out. In this paper, we present an extension to the Caffe library to increase throughput by predicting many pixels at once. On a sliding window network successfully used for membrane classification, we show that our method achieves a speedup of up to 57×, maintaining identical prediction results.

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    Cardona LabFunke Lab
    04/13/16 | Structured learning of assignment models for neuron reconstruction to minimize topological errors.
    Funke J, Klein J, Moreno-Noguer F, Cardona A, Cook M
    IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 2016 Ap 13:607-11. doi: 10.1109/ ISBI.2016.7493341

    Structured learning provides a powerful framework for empirical risk minimization on the predictions of structured models. It allows end-to-end learning of model parameters to minimize an application specific loss function. This framework is particularly well suited for discrete optimization models that are used for neuron reconstruction from anisotropic electron microscopy (EM) volumes. However, current methods are still learning unary potentials by training a classifier that is agnostic about the model it is used in. We believe the reason for that lies in the difficulties of (1) finding a representative training sample, and (2) designing an application specific loss function that captures the quality of a proposed solution. In this paper, we show how to find a representative training sample from human generated ground truth, and propose a loss function that is suitable to minimize topological errors in the reconstruction. We compare different training methods on two challenging EM-datasets. Our structured learning approach shows consistently higher reconstruction accuracy than other current learning methods.

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