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Junior Scientist Workshop on Neuronal Cell Biology

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Junior Scientist Workshop on Neuronal Cell Biology

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May 15 - 18, 2017
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Organized by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz and Nelson Spruston, this workshop is intended as a "by the students, for the students" meeting. Participants will include only students and postdocs with a general interest in understanding cell biological principles underlying nervous system. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: cell types, membrane and RNA trafficking routes, cytoskeleton, metabolism, cellular and subcellular forces, synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity.

Over the course of the meeting, attendees will present their own work and hear from more senior researchers at Janelia about their research in this field. The goal is to encourage uninhibited and detailed discussion among young researchers. The focus will be on obtaining a deeper understanding of the open questions and technologies for doing modern neuronal cell biology research. Attendees will gain a strong sense of community within the field. We see this as a unique learning opportunity for everyone involved and we expect that it will be an enjoyable, fun experience.

We are interested in those who will be able to follow the intense schedule and contribute to discussions. We plan to assemble a diverse group of male and female students from a broad spectrum of countries and universities.

In order to maintain a small group atmosphere, allowing for extensive interactions and presentations by everyone, space at the workshop is limited. All participants are expected to stay for the duration.

Janelia will cover the cost of accommodation, meals and reasonable travel expenses.


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