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1 Publications

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    04/25/24 | Optimization in Visual Motion Estimation.
    Clark DA, Fitzgerald JE
    Annu Rev Vis Sci. 2024 Apr 25:. doi: 10.1146/annurev-vision-101623-025432

    Sighted animals use visual signals to discern directional motion in their environment. Motion is not directly detected by visual neurons, and it must instead be computed from light signals that vary over space and time. This makes visual motion estimation a near universal neural computation, and decades of research have revealed much about the algorithms and mechanisms that generate directional signals. The idea that sensory systems are optimized for performance in natural environments has deeply impacted this research. In this article, we review the many ways that optimization has been used to quantitatively model visual motion estimation and reveal its underlying principles. We emphasize that no single optimization theory has dominated the literature. Instead, researchers have adeptly incorporated different computational demands and biological constraints that are pertinent to the specific brain system and animal model under study. The successes and failures of the resulting optimization models have thereby provided insights into how computational demands and biological constraints together shape neural computation.

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