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2 Publications

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    07/29/21 | Disrupting cortico-cerebellar communication impairs dexterity.
    Guo J, Sauerbrei BA, Cohen JD, Mischiati M, Graves AR, Pisanello F, Branson KM, Hantman AW
    eLife. 2021 Jul 29;10:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.65906

    To control reaching, the nervous system must generate large changes in muscle activation to drive the limb toward the target, and must also make smaller adjustments for precise and accurate behavior. Motor cortex controls the arm through projections to diverse targets across the central nervous system, but it has been challenging to identify the roles of cortical projections to specific targets. Here, we selectively disrupt cortico-cerebellar communication in the mouse by optogenetically stimulating the pontine nuclei in a cued reaching task. This perturbation did not typically block movement initiation, but degraded the precision, accuracy, duration, or success rate of the movement. Correspondingly, cerebellar and cortical activity during movement were largely preserved, but differences in hand velocity between control and stimulation conditions predicted from neural activity were correlated with observed velocity differences. These results suggest that while the total output of motor cortex drives reaching, the cortico-cerebellar loop makes small adjustments that contribute to the successful execution of this dexterous movement.

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    10/24/19 | Importance Weighted Adversarial Variational Autoencoders for Spike Inference from Calcium Imaging Data
    Daniel Jiwoong Im , Sridhama Prakhya , Jinyao Yan , Srinivas C. Turaga , Kristin Branson
    CoRR. 10/2019;abs/1906.03214:

    The Importance Weighted Auto Encoder (IWAE) objective has been shown to improve the training of generative models over the standard Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) objective. Here, we derive importance weighted extensions to Adversarial Variational Bayes (AVB) and Adversarial Autoencoder (AAE). These latent variable models use implicitly defined inference networks whose approximate posterior density qφ(z|x) cannot be directly evaluated, an essential ingredient for importance weighting. We show improved training and inference in latent variable models with our adversarially trained importance weighting method, and derive new theoretical connections between adversarial generative model training criteria and marginal likelihood based methods. We apply these methods to the important problem of inferring spiking neural activity from calcium imaging data, a challenging posterior inference problem in neuroscience, and show that posterior samples from the adversarial methods outperform factorized posteriors used in VAEs.

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