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6 Results

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    Behavioral Control System Box
    Observing neural activity during behavior has become an important tool in understanding neural function. Behavior reflects nervous system activity and is dependent on multiple factors, including...
    FlyFizz: Tools to Study Drosophila Brain Physiology
    FlyFizz is an evolving webspace dedicated to enabling the exchange of information relating to one growing subfield of Drosophila brain physiology: understanding how neural circuits generate...
    Four-way Olfactometer Arena for Fruit Flies
    The four-way olfactometer is a structure for fly experimentation, wherein four sectors with different odors are created in a chamber, stimulating and allowing for observation of fly...
    Micro Linear Drive
    In vivo electrophysiology recordings from single to multiple neurons in behaving animals provide unique insights into neuroscience research. Microdrives, which are used to position microelectrodes...
    Mouse Headplates and Holder for Imaging and Electrophysiology
    These head plates have been used extensively in the Svoboda lab for in vivo imaging of the barrel cortex and other cortical areas (e.g., Huber et al., 2012).  With this drawing,...
    Rodent In Vivo Electrophysiology Targeting System (RIVETS® and RIVETS 360®)
    Recent studies have provided compelling demonstrations that both mice and rats can be trained to perform various behavioral tasks while head restrained. To be effective for research studies, a...